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  1. #1
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    Default 'Share Quest?' Does this raise red flags?

    I'm sure you've all been there before. You are creating a party, and one of the people that joins immediately says 'Share Quest?' If you are anything like me, you then sit there for a few minutes, staring at that green (On my screen at least) party text with those two infamous words wondering, "what have I done?"

    Now, It probably shouldn't raise red flags, but it does give me a bad first impression of you. Especially when the quest giver is right next to the quest, (As they usually are, save for low level quests.) must talk to in order to get in to the area where the quest is at (Cult of the Six, to name one), Or the quest is given to you when you near the quest entrance (Vale Quests).

    You are either one of two things. Clueless (which means you don't know the quest, which I am ok with, explained further down. ) or Lazy. Not really fond of either, really.

    I'm ok if you are clueless, people need to learn quests the first time, some time. But part of learning the quest, is finding the quest giver (In my opinion) asking someone to share is just...putting a bad taste in my mouth.

    If you are Lazy, well...I just don't like that one.

    Am I the only one that feels this way? Does anyone else get impressions on people who immediately ask 'Share quest?'

  2. #2
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    First thing out of their mouth? You bet.

    When they first say things like "Thanks for the invite", "How you guys doin'?", or even "Hey, your mom was hot last night" then I don't mind. Except for the hot mom comment...
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  3. #3
    Community Member lord_of_rage's Avatar
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    I just boot those and pick up the next player to hit the lfm. If you forget a quest every now and then thats different. But joining and asking to share is plain lazy. I dont deal with those. Esp when the quest is a walk up.
    Toons are in a constant state of flux. Khyber server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Trillea View Post
    Maybe your forum name should be lord_of_halfling_rage then...

  4. #4
    Community Member Srozbun's Avatar
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    For me it raises a red flag. I make a silent bet with myself that this person is going to die and lose me 10% exp. Then I suck it down and share the quest. I don't like to boot people unless they do something heinous. If I pug, I'm expecting to lose the 10% but I do it anyway because it's more interesting than soloing.
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  5. #5
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    I usually just hit the "share" button unless it isn't possible. And I usually just tell them what house it's in and where it's at.
    Most new people don't know where the quest or quest giver is. If the player doesn't know where the quest is then telling him that the "quest giver is next to the quest" doesn't really help much.
    To each his own. If it bothers you, well you have the star, you decide.
    It really doesn't bother me. I've not noticed that someone who asks for a share to be much different from anyone else.

  6. #6
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    If it comes with no explanation I remove the player from my party.

    If it's not my party I share a Korthos quest to see how clueless they are.

    Had a guy join a Reaver's Refuge party and say share please, he got all the way to Cannith Manufactury before he realized something was up.
    Last edited by Consumer; 10-08-2010 at 11:25 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by eonfreon View Post
    I usually just hit the "share" button unless it isn't possible. And I usually just tell them what house it's in and where it's at.
    Most new people don't know where the quest or quest giver is. If the player doesn't know where the quest is then telling him that the "quest giver is next to the quest" doesn't really help much.
    To each his own. If it bothers you, well you have the star, you decide.
    It really doesn't bother me. I've not noticed that someone who asks for a share to be much different from anyone else.
    I'm not saying that all people who immediately say "Share Quest?" sucks. I've had a rare few that once they are inside, they are decent. (Never one that rocks it out.) But still, it's a bad taste.

    I haven't kicked anyone for it, because like one guy above said, I rarely kick someone out, unless they are just being a ****. But for god's sake people, learn something. Or at the very least, ask for a share, but then show initiative and ask where it can be picked up for next time.

    I personally find asking for a share embarrassing, and when I came back, finding SoS, dreaming dark, and IQ quests brand new...I made sure I went in to all those places alone first, to learn where to pick them up, before joining ANY LFMs regarding those places.

  8. #8
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    It's all about context. You've just done the sub run to get to the hound entrance, and someone says "can someone share, I forgot to get the quest" -- you share. We've all been there. Or any quest where the giver and entrance aren't close, to save time.

    But when someone joins a pug, and their only greeting/communication is "share plz". They are then told that the quest giver is right at the entrance, and they only respond with another "share plz." That speaks volumes about the kind of team member they are going to be, in my experience.

    And I never automatically share, particularly on quest chains. There are more than a few chains where sharing can really screw someone over (unintentionally, of course).

  9. #9
    Community Member eonfreon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azoralq View Post
    I'm not saying that all people who immediately say "Share Quest?" sucks. I've had a rare few that once they are inside, they are decent. (Never one that rocks it out.) But still, it's a bad taste.

    I haven't kicked anyone for it, because like one guy above said, I rarely kick someone out, unless they are just being a ****. But for god's sake people, learn something. Or at the very least, ask for a share, but then show initiative and ask where it can be picked up for next time.

    I personally find asking for a share embarrassing, and when I came back, finding SoS, dreaming dark, and IQ quests brand new...I made sure I went in to all those places alone first, to learn where to pick them up, before joining ANY LFMs regarding those places.
    I understand. People are different. Some like to explore, some don't. Personally I like to explore.

    I find that most folks that want a "share" and don't know where the quests are located are at lower levels. At higher levels I find very few people who don't know where the quests are even when they ask for a share. They just realize they don't have it and don't want to run to get it. They just want to get to the quest.

    It's hard to consider people "lazy" in a video game. After all we're just sitting here pushing buttons. It's really not lazy so much as impatient. I find the run to the quest givers and then the clicking of the dialog boxes, which I've seen a zillion times, to be repetitive and boring. A share will circumvent that.

    Here's a clue Turbine; when I hit "Repeat this quest" I really don't have any desire to go through all that dialog. I should be able to hit "Repeat quest" and enter the darn thing.

    Of course I don't greet people by asking for a share. I think that's what annoys most folks.

  10. #10
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    80% of the players i've met in party who come in asking for a share are terribad players.
    Unless its a quest where the questgiver was far away (Like Relic of a Sovereign Past) then i'd share it for convenience.

    But i've seen countless players standing in front of the questgiver asking for a 'Share plz' or even had the quest, asked for a share and then asked for it again without realising they have it or even reading the message in the chatlog that tells them they already have it.
    THAT is whats annoying.

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  11. #11
    Community Member articwarrior's Avatar
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    unfortunately that's the problem with the share button, new players don't understand quest givers and quest availability, their laziness takes over

    Share button definition: an explanation of laziness and the sign that the developers of DDO are turning it into WoW (not to mention saying 1-12 instead of 1d12)
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  12. #12
    Community Member stoolcannon's Avatar
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    If you have a problem with people asking you to share the quest then I think you've got issues of your own. I've been through most of the content in the game and I'm a solid player but sometimes I still forget to pick up a quest before running out. In fact, if there's one thing I am notorious for it's not turning in quest rewards or picking up the quest again once I do. Terrible habit but it has no impact on my actual playing.

    Now if someone joins a vale quest LFM and asks for you to share then I'd start to wonder but at least you stated you're decent enough to try to help them if they're new.

    Not that anyone who posts here will care about my opinion anyway. I don't have enough posts or an old enough join date.

  13. 10-08-2010, 11:52 PM

  14. 10-08-2010, 11:53 PM

  15. #13
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    From a recent Tempest's Spine.

    I'm happy to share, but I like to hear a "Hi" first, or.... something... Just a "SHRPLS" doesn't really cut it, and yes, it raises a red flag.
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  16. #14
    Community Member MysteryNotes's Avatar
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    If you want to join an LFM, at least take the time to go to the questgiver and pick up the quest.

    @Stool - You're one of those lazy people who can't bother picking up your own quests eh?

    When God gives you lemons, find a new God.

  17. #15
    Community Member camels's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Consumer View Post
    If it comes with no explanation I remove the player from my party.

    If it's not my party I share a Korthos quest to see how clueless they are.

    Had a guy join a Reaver's Refuge party and say share please, he got all the way to Cannith Manufactury before he realized something was up.

    oh man that's great idea!
    “A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
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  18. #16
    Founder Nysrock's Avatar
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    The ones that are a red flag for me is when they ask you to share and you tell them it is a chain and won't advance if you share. Yet they continue!

    PLYR1: shareplz

    PLYR2: This is a quest chain. If we share you can't advance properly or complete it.

    PLYR1: sharepls

    PLYR2: *You dismiss PLYR1*
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  19. #17
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    First thing out of their mouth? You bet.

    When they first say things like "Thanks for the invite", "How you guys doin'?", or even "Hey, your mom was hot last night" then I don't mind. Except for the hot mom comment...
    must share more rep before giving to Phidius again.... I hate that. You are worthy even if the forums won't agree with me.
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  20. #18
    The Hatchery samthedagger's Avatar
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    I love when someone with a name like Yxzqrszz joins my party then says "shrplz." It makes me giggle. Then I right-click and select "Remove."

    Edit: Oh, or even better, when doing Vale quests and someone types "share." I say "Just come to the quest. The entrance is where you get it." Then they reply "share." I ask "Do you not know the way? I can meet you in Meridia or the Twelve and show you." They reply "share." At that point I realize I am dealing with A) a total idiot or B) a foreign plat farmer. Either way, I don't want to game with you. "Remove."

  21. #19
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Want to remain guildless or solo, but still want to take advantage of the guild renown system?
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  22. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by samthedagger View Post
    I love when someone with a name like Yxzqrszz joins my party then says "shrplz." It makes me giggle. Then I right-click and select "Remove."

    Edit: Oh, or even better, when doing Vale quests and someone types "share." I say "Just come to the quest. The entrance is where you get it." Then they reply "share." I ask "Do you not know the way? I can meet you in Meridia or the Twelve and show you." They reply "share." At that point I realize I am dealing with A) a total idiot or B) a foreign plat farmer. Either way, I don't want to game with you. "Remove."
    Sheesh, is everyone on Khyber so cruel?

    It takes a LOT to get kicked from parties i lead...and if someone joins and says "sharepls" most of the time I'll share, because I've been lazy before too so i guess i sympathize with them. Sometimes it's helpful too, like going into a wilderness area and going all the way to the other side of it then someone realizes they forgot to get the quest..I don't respond with "bah, what a moron *remove*", I just share it(unless it's a quest chain, etc.).

    It can also save time for those occasions when you wait for several minutes and finally get the party to fill up(such as when doing a rarely played quest), only to find the leader kicked him because he asked for a share, so we all need to wait even longer.

    I'll admit though, if they just respond repeatedly with "share" and nothing else, I'd probably just go into the quest and make him either find his own way in, or leave(after offering to help him get there of course )

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