I'm sure you've all been there before. You are creating a party, and one of the people that joins immediately says 'Share Quest?' If you are anything like me, you then sit there for a few minutes, staring at that green (On my screen at least) party text with those two infamous words wondering, "what have I done?"
Now, It probably shouldn't raise red flags, but it does give me a bad first impression of you. Especially when the quest giver is right next to the quest, (As they usually are, save for low level quests.) must talk to in order to get in to the area where the quest is at (Cult of the Six, to name one), Or the quest is given to you when you near the quest entrance (Vale Quests).
You are either one of two things. Clueless (which means you don't know the quest, which I am ok with, explained further down. ) or Lazy. Not really fond of either, really.
I'm ok if you are clueless, people need to learn quests the first time, some time. But part of learning the quest, is finding the quest giver (In my opinion) asking someone to share is just...putting a bad taste in my mouth.
If you are Lazy, well...I just don't like that one.
Am I the only one that feels this way? Does anyone else get impressions on people who immediately ask 'Share quest?'