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  1. #21
    Community Member Modinator0's Avatar
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    I can see requiring an epic token as making sense. It would be nice if there was a f2p epic, but I know thats not very likely.

    I would, however, like to implore that the crafting not be restricted to just during the event.

  2. #22
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Modinator0 View Post
    I would, however, like to implore that the crafting not be restricted to just during the event.
    Yeah, double agreed on that.
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  3. #23
    Community Member redgod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Modinator0 View Post
    I can see requiring an epic token as making sense. It would be nice if there was a f2p epic, but I know thats not very likely.

    I would, however, like to implore that the crafting not be restricted to just during the event.
    /agreed i feel a massive grind in the event to get my level 20 wraps before the event fades like the winter games

  4. #24
    Community Member Demsac's Avatar
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    I thought the new epic raid was can turn raid tokens into dungeons...or do you not get a raid token for it o.o?
    Last edited by Demsac; 10-09-2010 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #25
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demsac View Post
    I thought the new epic raid was can turn raid tokens into dungeons...or do you not get a raid token for it o.o?
    It isn't - it's part of the Devil Assault pack.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  6. #26
    Community Member Therilith's Avatar
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    I haven't had the time to examine all the available U7 info all that thoroughly, but if these items are really as good as people say I don't think restricting them to a temporary event is a good idea.

  7. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Demsac View Post
    I thought the new epic raid was can turn raid tokens into dungeons...or do you not get a raid token for it o.o?
    the lvl 12 quests in the coinlords palace are free, the raid is part of the devils assault pack
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  8. #28
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Makes sense.

    I would hope this event would last as long as, or longer then the Ice Games and make similar returns.

    Enjoyable event and fun loot and would rather see it last 'to long' then 'not long enough.'

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  9. #29
    Enlightened Completionist
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    Wink Add more tokes for color slot!

    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    It isn't - it's part of the Devil Assault pack.
    Even if that is the case, it would take them all of 2 hrs or favor grinding other servers to get what they need for the pack... in my book that still makes it free.

    Btw, I made the Epic Wraps of Endless Light and this is an example of Radiant Blast: (Combat): You hit Frostmarrow Skeletal Knight for 816 points of light damage. It seemed to proc between 716 and 816 with a proc rate of 3% (well 2.777% but I wasn't counting, really) Something to look forward to.

    Now if some people would grind favor as well as they worry they will have the ddo pts way b4 U7 release

    So, here is my question to the Devs, how many tokens do you have to add to consider adding an epic color slot to it?!
    Martens -The Enlightened One, Triple-Cubed Completionist, "Abbot Slayer," Mournlander (30 Monk Martens' 3.0 Build) * Marten (30 Cleric) Sarlona
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  10. #30
    Community Member GlorkTheInvader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    The sticking point is that these are good items, which seem like they'll go 6 or 12 months between availability. Prior to this epic token thing, it might have been the case that a level 17 (or whatever) could've made one (prehaps with help from higher-level friends) to hold onto until he can use it.

    Now, they'll only be obtainable by someone who's already been 20 for a bit.
    Incorrect. As Epic Dungeon Tokens (and Epic Raid Tokens, and Epic Dungeon Token Fragments) are all Bound to Account, they can be acquired by one toon, sent to the Level 17 toon, then used to grind the Level 20 version of the item....

    ...although I'm unsure why a Level 17 toon would make the epic version and not have the option to use the Level 16 version while he can...
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  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GlorkTheInvader View Post
    Incorrect. As Epic Dungeon Tokens (and Epic Raid Tokens, and Epic Dungeon Token Fragments) are all Bound to Account, they can be acquired by one toon, sent to the Level 17 toon, then used to grind the Level 20 version of the item....
    No, it is not incorrect, because you can only do that if you already have a level 20 on that server.

    Quote Originally Posted by GlorkTheInvader View Post
    ...although I'm unsure why a Level 17 toon would make the epic version and not have the option to use the Level 16 version while he can...
    Planning ahead.

  12. #32
    Community Member Talesin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    We did add a couple of things to some of them, but the general thought was that they're about epic caliber so should be classified as such. All other level 20 required items are epic. A couple of them have new additions to their effects list.

    A guest pass would also work.
    Very True... I had the epic Antique Greataxe before I bought the Carnival Pack for instance

  13. #33
    Community Member Primalhowl's Avatar
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    Quite frankly, I think that ALL of the "special event" collectors/altars should be found somewhere in Stormreach year-round to allow those who collect the items and decide later to use the items.

    For example, at the time, I worked to get the materials to do the full cold weapon upgrade from the Risia event and then realized I didn't have any weapons I wanted to put it on. Now I do... but there is no altar to do it.

  14. #34
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Primalhowl View Post
    Quite frankly, I think that ALL of the "special event" collectors/altars should be found somewhere in Stormreach year-round to allow those who collect the items and decide later to use the items.

    For example, at the time, I worked to get the materials to do the full cold weapon upgrade from the Risia event and then realized I didn't have any weapons I wanted to put it on. Now I do... but there is no altar to do it.
    What, hoping for some "Holiday Land" Zone, where these guys chill out over a cold one and tell stories about how they stomped that Santa guy into the dirt? And they brought their altars with them?

    These are "Special Events" for a reason. And they're recurring. Patience, and careful planning. Then mad zerg awesome farming for great justice.

    Also, I like the thread's title.
    By like I mean dislike.
    By dislike I mean "New Delera's Item Warning" is misleading.
    Warning implies that someone's gear is going to disappear, or your account is going to break, or that there's a hidden effect that is harmful to the player upon equipping an item - not that it needs *one* new component to craft.

    You warn someone that they're entering a blast testing site. You don't warn someone to pack an extra pair of socks on a long trip.

    This is what I'm like before my daily caffeine... >.>

  15. #35


    I don't think requiring one epic token is a big deal.

    Sure, I get that some dont like running epic. But I dont like running Abbot, yet I have to in order to get a Litany. Coal chamber is painful, but have to in order to get Greensteel. Not a huge fan of the IQ Titan quest, but, guess I gotta do that to get my pie pieces.

    Point is, requiring a single epic token is not an outrageous requirement for a lvl 20 toon. It's not a month of grinding, it's one or two quests.

    With regard to the fact that epic isn't available in FTP content, well, that just makes business sense. They didn't say every item in the game would be available for free, and they do have to encourage spending real dollars in some form. Seems like a reasonable way to provide a small excuse for someone to open their wallets.

    If anyone needs that token on Thelanis and just can't get into an epic group, feel free to shoot me a tell and we'll get ya that token quick. Who knows, it may just lead to you starting to like epic a bit more too!
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    If you can't get a single epic dungeon token, then you don't really have any need for equipment of that caliber (which, you should note, is ml 20, so if you can use it..)
    Why do they need that equipment if then can get epic dungeon tokens. The craziest things about MMOs are quite often by the time you get the most difficult to get stuff you have proven you dont need it.
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  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    If you can't get a single epic dungeon token, then you don't really have any need for equipment of that caliber (which, you should note, is ml 20, so if you can use it..)
    Not everyone has people they can rely on to run Epics even in many guilds. My guild doesnt do it and I dont want to do it with PUGs in case I end up with stupid players wasting it or just ones with nasty attitudes. When many people do really high level stuff like that they do it in earnest and sometimes things can get heated and nasty, especially with the egotists and ill tempered.

    And Im not a newb or bad player unable to cope at this level, I do have a level 20 barb with his full GS min 2 greataxe, bloodstone, spectral goves, madstone boots, breastplate of destruction. Then there is also my 20th TR cleric with his SOS armor and Lorriks set. None of these examples of which Im boasting but Im using to explain I am not a newb or bad player just at a disadvantage as the best guild I have found for me are not at this level yet (most of them) and wont be for a while.
    Last edited by joneb1999; 10-09-2010 at 03:17 PM.
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  18. #38
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joneb1999 View Post

    Not that hard. In fact, some of the gimp epics out there are actually kind of hard to fail at.

    We have a guy who farms Wiz King every couple of days on his Sorc, solos all but Raiyum. Sands Epics are probably the most difficult Epics out there right now, and people often solo them/short man them.

    Go hop into VON 1 and just give it a shot. Even if only one person in the party has done it on Epic before, and has the minimal brain capacity to explain it properly, you should be fine. Level 20 toons who have been doing the right things in their builds/playstyles all along shouldn't need to change tack all too much. As many people have said in other threads, Amrath Elites are normally more mentally taxing than most epics.

  19. #39
    Community Member Modinator0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    What, hoping for some "Holiday Land" Zone, where these guys chill out over a cold one and tell stories about how they stomped that Santa guy into the dirt? And they brought their altars with them?
    I don't think a "Crafting Hall" zone is too unfeasible or improbable... Components remain only available during the holiday, but keep the altars themselves in a crafting hall. That way the level 16 monk can farm everything he needs except the token, make the handwraps, use them, and then upgrade them in a few weeks or whatever when he is able to farm an epic token.

    Crafting Hall would have the original crafting altar, epic altar, ice games altar, and deleras crafting station, with room for more if any other events show up.
    Last edited by Modinator0; 10-09-2010 at 05:50 PM.

  20. #40
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joneb1999 View Post
    Not everyone has people they can rely on to run Epics even in many guilds. My guild doesnt do it and I dont want to do it with PUGs in case I end up with stupid players wasting it or just ones with nasty attitudes. When many people do really high level stuff like that they do it in earnest and sometimes things can get heated and nasty, especially with the egotists and ill tempered.

    And Im not a newb or bad player unable to cope at this level, I do have a level 20 barb with his full GS min 2 greataxe, bloodstone, spectral goves, madstone boots, breastplate of destruction. Then there is also my 20th TR cleric with his SOS armor and Lorriks set. None of these examples of which Im boasting but Im using to explain I am not a newb or bad player just at a disadvantage as the best guild I have found for me are not at this level yet (most of them) and wont be for a while.
    Epic Big Top is a 5-10 minute epic with near 0% failure chance, assuming you can invis and jump.

    It's also a guaranteed token.

    Not really sure where all the concern for this is coming from.

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