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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Launcher error :< Please help.

    Well, I'm not new to DDO or something but this computer is - and he simply can't launch the game! (I used the express install, and its not like the first time im installing).
    I used to play this game through my other computer for alittle less than a year, payed 80$ on my account already and another 80$ on my gf account.

    So here is the bug -

    Uploaded with

    plz help me :O

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Reply

    I had something something similar to this happen to me just a few minutes ago. I decided to look in the forums and behold others had similar problems. The way I got around my problem was by opening the file location of where the dnd launcher launches from, mine is C:\Program Files\Turbine\DDO Unlimited, I tried opening the same file from there, same error. I scrolled further down to where an application called TurbineLauncher was located and by executing that one I was able to fix the error. Not exactly sure what it did, but I hope this helps.

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