Along with 34/36 point builds true reincarnates should also get a 12 hour reduction in raid timers (only stack twice).
....whatcha think ladies?
Along with 34/36 point builds true reincarnates should also get a 12 hour reduction in raid timers (only stack twice).
....whatcha think ladies?
no, im addicted enogh as it is to this game. those timers are the only thing that are keeping me eating
Really? your Forum name is Suggestion box, your account is 4 1/2 years old and your first Post is a Suggestion?
Thats awesome.
BTW. no, I dont think TR's need a reduction in Raid timers. If anything, maybe they should get an increase since they should already have a ton of raid loot from previous lives.
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2016 DDO Players Council
Halfling Hero
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Nah. I think if anything they should revisit some of the weaker past life feats.
Hall of Famer
2016 DDO Players Council
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right now you know you have 1 or 2 characters that your still looking for loot madstones/tod rings/epic shards that you just dont see drop or do drop then they go to randoms either way your going to be passing on the majority of the loot anyways so it would help your to procure your loot that you cannot find i myself have had multiple 20th completions and still am missing certain raid loot.
Community Member
Not defending Impaqt, but TR's do not need this. Any noob can power level a TR with time and money. I dont want a bunch of harbor peeps infecting my raid parties daily with their play skill and knowledge. Thats just wrong.
Teth - Ascendance
Old School n00b that used to be pretty good at the game.
Community Member
with the guild ships now days and the mass of new players that speed leveld with them they are already infecting our raids thats already happening because the game is just to easy in general.
Not signed.
Most people wouldn't raid much, if at all, in their first lives if they could instead get to 20 completions faster on their second or third lives, and get XP during the raid grinding process.
This would only make the game easier for the most powerful characters and players. I don't think anyone with multiple TRs is asking for the game to be easier.
If TRs had a reduction in raid timers, they wouldn't get off timer at the same time as their guildies and would be sitting around for a day or never playing with guildies. Not cool.
Now, revisiting the past life feats, I can definitely support.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.
More past life feats is good.
1. More options are always better.
2. Some past life feats are weak.
3. This will add more flavor to the TR. Perhaps a TR should be able to "recall" zeal instead of divine favor.
Volver life 3 lvl 20 sorc - 4 Epic /// Adept life 3 lvl 2mnk/17pal /// Vindicate life 6 lvl 18rgr/1ftr/1clr - 2 Epic /// [COLOR="Red"]
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Re-tooling past life feats? Big yes! /signed
Speeding up raid timers? Big no! /not signed
I can think of lots of reasons that it really isn't a benefit to the game as a whole for TRs to get quicker raid timers. I won't list them all, but the biggest thing would be that any effort to change around the way the TR system works right now should be focused on past life feats, not raids or raid loot.
“No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”
they haven't gotten a raid timer right in 3 years and you are wanting them to code it differently for different characters?
heck, i'll throw in a /signed just to see the mayhem...