Quality not Quantity...
Anyone interested in starting a guild for players on the east coast so that we are able to play on the same time zone, schedule raids, XP Runs, Favor Runs, Loot Runs & support each other as a guild. A quality guild based on fun, successful quests, player satisfaction & guild teamwork. Not Uber guild of 1000 members... Looking for mature, level headed, down to earth team players who are serious about the game but know how to have fun & help each other out. I am not hardcore & I am not an expert... I am a casual player & after 2 1/2 years of playing I am still learning the ins & outs of DDO. If you are officer material & capable of leading successful raids/ quests & guiding new players please contact me. I play a few hours a week... My role would be more of admin, funding & organization. Players that would like to join a guild that is on the same time zone & want to have fun with the game while at the same time improve on their character please contact me.