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  1. #21
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Heres a suggestion. Dont invite thieves to your guild.

    It doesnt take that long to get to know someone just a bit before giving them a guild invite.

    Blind invites have consequences.

    And what's so very valuable that you are putting in those chests for guildies to use...that you don't want guildies to take?

    It's not even theft, you left it there for them!

  2. #22
    Community Member Ashurr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post

    And what's so very valuable that you are putting in those chests for guildies to use...that you don't want guildies to take?

    It's not even theft, you left it there for them!
    So, basically what you're saying is that it's okay to take a work computer, or a forklift, home or sell them....they were left there for you to use after all.

    Poor Guilds need to worry about loss of Guild gear.

    P.S. To whomever neg repped me for this..*shakes head* It may not have been the best suggestion in the world, but in no way was it detrimental....except to thieves perhaps.
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  3. #23
    Community Member Schmoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    There are literally hundreds of targets for this kind of theif in the game. If you are careful, they will move on.
    That's the most reasonable counter-argument I've heard to this suggestion. People are naive to think that deception doesn't happen. People are naive to think that personal fallouts and revenge don't happen. Having some sort of protection of guild assets would help to protect a group of people from the petty actions of just a few. That seems like a good thing to me! I don't understand the opposition.
    "And you ate an apple, and I ate a pear,
    From a dozen of each we had bought somewhere;
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  4. #24
    Community Member Plaidpooka's Avatar
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    Ashurr, I see nothing of yours in this thread that is neg-rep worthy. I'm a bit taken aback that anyone would neg-rep your politely worded posts. Seems petty.

    Personally I think the idea has merit. If a guild leader could chose, and even pay plat, for specialty items to be bound to guild, that seems sensible to me. Even if the items ended up permanently bound, which perhaps wouldn't be too hard to code, that could be useful. I don't think anyone is talking about binding everything in the chest, but it could be a useful tool for high level items a guild wants to share.

    It's nice to think that guild officers and leaders are so on point that a good actor could never fool them, but that's just not how the world works. Anyone with the patience to take the time and play the role could manage it.

  5. #25
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    not signed, tho definitely not neg rep worthy.

    as has been said, don't put anything in the chest that you can't afford to lose.

    for high level stuff, rely on the old methods. pass it to the one you trust.

    I believe the suggestion would be much to hard to code:
    character takes one item (bound to guild) and then leaves guild,
    what then happens to the item? does it revert to the chest "magically"?
    nothing like that in game as far as I know.
    does possessing the item prevent character from leaving the guild?
    how about being booted from the guild?
    sorry, too complicated, would prefer dev's work on content/classes/pre's/races.
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  6. #26
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    I tend to agree... I hate the way the guild chests were setup. It's a fail. Storage in this game seems to be a prime money maker and way to annoy the player base. I recall in EQ2 you got a guild bank for free and it had 5 separate vaults (50 or 100 slots cannot recall it's been years) each with customizable security. Of course that would mean that they would actually have to finally fix and implement more than 3 ranks.

    My solution was not to put anything super valuable in the member chest and hand that stuff out directly to players. We actually pulled our chest for an altar because it's just a PITA anyway and just use F2P treasure toons to hold valuables.
    Last edited by Eladiun; 10-09-2010 at 04:49 PM.
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  7. #27
    Community Member Ashurr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herzkos View Post
    not signed, tho definitely not neg rep worthy.

    as has been said, don't put anything in the chest that you can't afford to lose.

    for high level stuff, rely on the old methods. pass it to the one you trust.

    I believe the suggestion would be much to hard to code:
    character takes one item (bound to guild) and then leaves guild,
    what then happens to the item? does it revert to the chest "magically"?
    nothing like that in game as far as I know.
    does possessing the item prevent character from leaving the guild?
    how about being booted from the guild?
    sorry, too complicated, would prefer dev's work on content/classes/pre's/races.
    Admittedly Guild storage as a whole would have to be revamped. As far as being difficult to code, I have an example -

    An old browser based game I used to play had a similar "Bound to Guild feature"

    - The feature itself had to be purchased from a communal pot of this games version of TP.

    - Binding an item to Guild took an amount of the Guild communal gold total equal to the items ML x 1000

    - Only those granted the privilege by the Guild's founder could bind or un-bind items.

    - Guild's themselves had communal item storage space, again each slot was purchased individually from the Guilds pot of "TP"

    - When a member left, or was kicked from the Guild any and all Guild bound items carried or worn by that member went immediately back into the Guild's storage space, and if that proved inadequate to hol dall the returned items, they were sent to the backpacks( or in the our case in DDO,it would have to be sent to the mailbox) of current members in order of Guild rank.

    Shouldn't be more difficult to code than the airship feature itself.
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    Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
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  8. #28
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    My guild leader on Ghallanda has a mod saying that anyone caught taking items just to sell them will no longer be an officer (since only officers can access our chest.)

    It's apparently a problem even if people don't actually know about it. I've deposited an frostbrand in there, hoping someone will use it. After it was gone from the box, I saw one up for sale on the AH for 6kpp. It'd be hard to convince me that it was just a coincidence. I RARELY see an frostbrand up there at all.

    I imagine my guild leader found out the same way I did.
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  9. #29
    Community Member herzkos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashurr View Post
    Admittedly Guild storage as a whole would have to be revamped. As far as being difficult to code, I have an example -

    An old browser based game I used to play had a similar "Bound to Guild feature"

    - The feature itself had to be purchased from a communal pot of this games version of TP.

    - Binding an item to Guild took an amount of the Guild communal gold total equal to the items ML x 1000

    - Only those granted the privilege by the Guild's founder could bind or un-bind items.

    - Guild's themselves had communal item storage space, again each slot was purchased individually from the Guilds pot of "TP"

    - When a member left, or was kicked from the Guild any and all Guild bound items carried or worn by that member went immediately back into the Guild's storage space, and if that proved inadequate to hol dall the returned items, they were sent to the backpacks( or in the our case in DDO,it would have to be sent to the mailbox) of current members in order of Guild rank.

    Shouldn't be more difficult to code than the airship feature itself.
    just because a "feature" of one program worked does not necessarily imply that it can work at all
    in another program much less be easy to implement.
    We (or I to be precise) don't know how turbine's database is set up or how much work it would take to check
    every item in inventory/bank/shared bank (if one could even put a guild bound item in one's shared bank).
    Given turbine's history of breaking things while fixing others, I'd prefer that they just left it alone and got on
    with content
    The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp . (wayfinder was a soloist build)

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashurr View Post
    And like I said, a dedicated thief could take the time to earn your trust...especially if the Guild they're trying to worm their way into is a well known one, with many high level members ( and thus more likely to have more high-plat gear available to it's members)
    Our guild policy is simple. We outfit only 1 toon at L13 min. In my guild, we train players to be independent. Rest of stuff are ad hoc equipping. So far, none has took items and quit guild. Like I said, if this is happening, your guild's policy may not be working well. That said, it's also more likely to happen in larger guilds
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  11. #31
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    +1 to BtG

    Guild policies aside, it'd be useful to brand items guild gear.
    It could be something like the PnP 'arcane mark' spell, which is permanent and can't be dispelled (but can be removed).

    As for Bound to Guild, that'd be the ideal, but any form of it is good.
    The game already have flags on items so it might not be much code work.

    Apart of this, a guild shop or pawn shop ship amenity would be as nice.

  12. #32
    Community Member lunaticcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashurr View Post
    Simple suggestion so that all members of a Guild may access all Guild items without the possibility of theft.

    Institute a method wherein Guild leaders and Officers can "tag" items to that specific Guild when they are placed within the Guild chest, and as long as said item is tagged it can not be sold by any method.

    Of course, all items can be un-tagged by whom ever has the privilege to do so, and can then be sold as normal.

    As a possible plat sink, this feature could cost a certain amount of plat to tag each item, based upon it's ML.

    As a company revenue source - the feature itself can be sold via the DDO Store.

    Here's a thought, Don't recruit people you don't trust..... or accept that your mega guild has people in it that have few morals....
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  13. #33
    Community Member Ashurr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunaticcat View Post
    Here's a thought, Don't recruit people you don't trust..... or accept that your mega guild has people in it that have few morals....

    Here's an even better one - read the entire thread before'd know that my "mega" Guild has a grand total of 23 members. Not all suggestions are given out of selfishness ( yeah, never had anyone steal from my Guild, but have heard of it happening plenty)
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    Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
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  14. #34
    Community Member Ashurr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    Our guild policy is simple. We outfit only 1 toon at L13 min. In my guild, we train players to be independent. Rest of stuff are ad hoc equipping. So far, none has took items and quit guild. Like I said, if this is happening, your guild's policy may not be working well. That said, it's also more likely to happen in larger guilds
    You do have a valid point here - I tend to try to "mother hen" members a bit too much, ensuring good gear, always being available for advice ( TOO available sometimes) But I still think a BtG system would do more fair than foul.
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    Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
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  15. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Ashurr View Post
    You do have a valid point here - I tend to try to "mother hen" members a bit too much, ensuring good gear, always being available for advice ( TOO available sometimes) But I still think a BtG system would do more fair than foul.
    no doubt its good but to put it frankly across, i'm sick and tired of loot micromanaging suggestions. plus on my server, people have joined guilds, accepted loot and then leave guild after. these people are immediately ostracised by the general community and find it hard to stay on server w/o name change

    like the other forums, self policing works
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  16. #36
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    Why not a log for the chest?

    You could check what was deposited and by whom and what was taken and by whom.. would kinda solve the issue in my opinion.
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  17. #37
    Community Member Ashurr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draugkir View Post
    Why not a log for the chest?

    You could check what was deposited and by whom and what was taken and by whom.. would kinda solve the issue in my opinion.
    So you know what was taken by whom, but what exactly does that solve? Sure the person is blacklisted quicker than hel...but what's really going in his the thief is either transferring or selling the items and sending the plat to an alt, then deleting the thief char...the Guild's S.O.L. and the thief is hanging back laughin at ya.
    There is an "Alternate" Forum, PM Strakeln for details.
    Arkats Padawan of Zen Noobility
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  18. #38
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    I agree with the intention of the OP's suggestion.

    This will be good for a guilds who are more casual and just want to help out each other, especially newbie guilds. A lot of these guild take in a lot of new players and there could be some bad apples who misused others' generosity. I don't agree with the suggestion that the only way to solve this is to have a screening process tighter than the CIA, as some of them like to recruit new players and expand. Not everyone wants their guild to be a super-secret/Godfather society.

  19. #39
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    I would LOVE it if there was a Bind To Guild recipe, and a Recall To Guild button someone on the guild chest.

    A Bound to Guild item cannot be destroyed (such as by dragging it out of your inventory) or sold to a vendor. Characters with a Bound To Guild item may not be deleted.

    An Officer or Leader may recall any Bound to Guild items back into the Guild Chest (though preferably not all at once). The best way to do this is to leave a token in the chest where the item was located (this token should have the item name and character name). An officer can double click this token, hit Confirm (or Disconfirm) to have the item returned to the chest into the slot the token was occupying.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashurr View Post
    Simple suggestion so that all members of a Guild may access all Guild items without the possibility of theft.

    Institute a method wherein Guild leaders and Officers can "tag" items to that specific Guild when they are placed within the Guild chest, and as long as said item is tagged it can not be sold by any method.

    Of course, all items can be un-tagged by whom ever has the privilege to do so, and can then be sold as normal.

    As a possible plat sink, this feature could cost a certain amount of plat to tag each item, based upon it's ML.

    As a company revenue source - the feature itself can be sold via the DDO Store.

    In order to stop exploitation of a guild chest, there needs to be a log of who puts in what and who takes what. If it becomes apparent that a person is abusing the system, the guild can deal with them as they see fit.

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