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  1. #1
    Community Member Draccus's Avatar
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    Default Sorc to Wiz/Rog?

    I have a level 20 Drow Sorc that I play very infrequently. Even though he's my only Alt (I play my pure rogue 99% of the time), I just don't play him much. Even though he's ridiculously powerful, even with horrid gear (He still has two empty gear slots at level 20, LOL), I don't have the desire to play him enough to gear him up properly. Currently, I just use him to run eDQ, Shroud, and solo farm epic scrolls.

    When U7 goes live and the vast majority of my friends and guildmates TR a character into a half-orc, I was planning on TRing my Drow Sorc to WF. No-fail, full self healing makes a ridiculously powerful class even more powerful and reduces the gear needed.

    But I am considering another option. I'm seriously considering TRing into a Wizard18/Rog2 for evasion and high reflex saves. The only time my Sorc is ever killed, even though he's got low hp and level 9ish gear, is from AOE spells. A little evasion and a lot of self healing will make this guy even easier to play...which is good for a character I care little about.

    But what are the major differences I'm going to see going from a Drow Sorc to a WF wiz/rog? Right now, all I see are the positives around evasion and healing. But I know there are tradeoffs in the form of slower casting times, the need for Quicken, lower spell points, and lower damage.

    Has anyone made that transition and what were your observations?

    Basic, universal rogue build advice
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draccus View Post
    ...But what are the major differences I'm going to see going from a Drow Sorc to a WF wiz/rog? Right now, all I see are the positives around evasion and healing. But I know there are tradeoffs in the form of slower casting times, the need for Quicken, lower spell points, and lower damage....
    Less spell points. In general its speed (quicken speed things but burns more mana) and nonstop oom. So Out Of Mana mostly.

    Good thing is you get to swap spells at will and have more spell slots. Not important at max level (pure sorc gets enogh spells at high levels), but very handy when leveling. Also as you get bonus feats you can go crazy with spell focus, spell pen and meta magic feats.

    WF Wiz/Rog is very good for leveling. If you can also melee its even better. A bit of melee is recomended on this type of build, if you ask me.

    Durability is high, almost imba. As long as you are not one-shoted (watch you HPs) and can cast (mana), you are in god mode.

  3. #3
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    This is not true that sorc have enough slots end game. They dont. Especially at lev 6, which is the most crowded one, especially for a wf sorc, partially at lev 7. If you think diffrent, you just dont know the spells well. Sorc will have enough spell slots only if he decide that he wont do some things. Never. Just because he doesnt like doing them. Then fine, he can skip alot of spells, that are very usefull, like desintegration, mass suggestion, symbol of persuasion, banishment, flesh to stone, acid fog, chain lighting, reconstruct - those are lev 6 spells, pick 3

    Being Out of Mana - another not true statement, if you spam your spells left and right you will get OOM on wiz and sorc the same way, on sorc only few cast later. Strategy comes before sp pool. Higher DCs can be better than larger pool, and its seasier to achieve really high DC in more than one school as a wiz.

    A bit of melee is always good - just know when, why and using right weapon. I can kill orthon meleeing solo on normal in Amrath. It takes time, but saves sp when you really need it. And it will work for sorc, wiz or wiz/rogue in a similar way.

    Slower casting and longer cooldowns are the biggest drawback of wizard - especially when you try to dps with spells. Quicken - situational feat, it is very useful in some situations (soloing Tor dragons at level, its was extreme for me without quicken, with quicken on, no problem).

    Higher DC and flexibility are the biggest advantages in my opinion.

    Wizard can be very powerful char and since it can do many different things, you may like him more than sorc
    Last edited by Cartheron; 10-08-2010 at 09:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Default Wiz Vs Soc

    Its the almighty Soc VS Wiz thing.

    This discussion has been around here for ages and ages.

    ~Soc makes an better nuker through spell speed and durability. soc capstone capstone is also damage focussed.

    ~Wizards make an better multiclasser through because they get level 9 spells at level 17, and receive alot lesser Sp then the soc, while update7 will probally screw this one over.

    Since they do have theyre presteges by now they can get an higher int and get more feats then the soc, resulting in an higher spell DC, making wizards an more powerfull crowed controller.

    Really, its more like personal choise and flavor then thats one is better then the other.

    This is the way i see it.
    people that quote me on this are idiots and will probably try to convince you othwise with calculations, references, or theyre own oppinion.

    I'd say, roll an wizard and soc yourself to level 8. try it out abit before deciding which you like more.

  5. #5
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    When all you have is a hammer every problem stats to look like a nail.

    Your sorcerer can keep hammering. Your wiz is going to have more options and you'll need to get used to the quick decision. Sorcerer can for instance spam disintegrahte ... Wiz may consider multiple options.

    Sometimes smacking things with a hammer is very very fun though....
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  6. #6
    Community Member therobb's Avatar
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    I prefer a Wizard for the spell selection but ultimately it's matter of personal preference.

    The spell point reduction vs. a sorc hurts. A lot. Especially if you're splashing 2 rogue levels- kiss two levels worth of spell points goodbye. If you're splashing rogue just for improved durability and not trap skills, consider splashing 2 monk levels instead. This still gets you evasion but but better saves and 2 monk bonus feats.

    Also, the casting speed of a wizard (or lack thereof) can be painful sometimes. You might try rolling up a lowbie wizard first to find out how much this bothers you. It's a deal breaker for some people who are used to sorcerer speed.
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  7. #7
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    This is what I'm doing right now. The primary difference so far is that I much more frequently melee in a Wall of Fire. Don't have to rely on the casting exclusively so much. I'm expecting Archmage to shore up the Spell Point pool a decent amount. Might end up dropping the 2 Rogue levels at some point at Level 20, but so far I'm really digging it. Popping traps for +15% XP is pretty useful on a TR too. I'm also expecting that not having as much of a fear of melee and getting whacked while wearing Torc and CO will shore up the spell point situation some.

    PS - The Sorc Past Life clickies work in Beholder anti-magic zones. If your InstaDeath fails and they turn on you, drop the freely Max/Emp'd energy ray bomb.
    Last edited by rimble; 10-15-2010 at 11:24 AM.

  8. #8

    Default 18/2

    the rouge is much stronger then monk in my mind even if your not going for traps.

    And it boils down to 2 skills. UMD and Intimidate. If you want to melee in some AOE spells Intimidate makes it a lot easier.

    And I don't know of anyone that thinks UMD is pointless.

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