I have a level 20 Drow Sorc that I play very infrequently. Even though he's my only Alt (I play my pure rogue 99% of the time), I just don't play him much. Even though he's ridiculously powerful, even with horrid gear (He still has two empty gear slots at level 20, LOL), I don't have the desire to play him enough to gear him up properly. Currently, I just use him to run eDQ, Shroud, and solo farm epic scrolls.
When U7 goes live and the vast majority of my friends and guildmates TR a character into a half-orc, I was planning on TRing my Drow Sorc to WF. No-fail, full self healing makes a ridiculously powerful class even more powerful and reduces the gear needed.
But I am considering another option. I'm seriously considering TRing into a Wizard18/Rog2 for evasion and high reflex saves. The only time my Sorc is ever killed, even though he's got low hp and level 9ish gear, is from AOE spells. A little evasion and a lot of self healing will make this guy even easier to play...which is good for a character I care little about.
But what are the major differences I'm going to see going from a Drow Sorc to a WF wiz/rog? Right now, all I see are the positives around evasion and healing. But I know there are tradeoffs in the form of slower casting times, the need for Quicken, lower spell points, and lower damage.
Has anyone made that transition and what were your observations?