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  1. #1
    Community Member Lord_Legolas's Avatar
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    Nov 2006

    Default Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like Pally's get Intimidate as a class skill...

    I heard on DDOCast that pally's may get the intimidate as a class skill, and jumped on Lamannia to check. And sure enough it looks like 'we' did. Or was I dreaming?

    On these lines, I was wondering if DDO was going to let us pally's in the game get an updated intimidate? IE: My pally has X Cha, and has put Y points into Intimidate, will the update - update his Intimidate skill? Cause I really wouldnt want to LR just to update that - especially since he's capped.
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  2. #2
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Paladins getting intim as a class skill is rather prominently mentioned in the patch notes, so yes, it's quite deliberate.

    And at present, the only way to fix skillpoints there is with a reincarnation. Actually, not just "at present" but "for the forseeable future". The question is whether or not paladin characters will get a complimentary heart of wood to fix themselves, since that's the only way to retroactively adjust skillpoints.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  3. #3
    Community Member Modinator0's Avatar
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Legolas View Post
    I heard on DDOCast that pally's may get the intimidate as a class skill, and jumped on Lamannia to check. And sure enough it looks like 'we' did. Or was I dreaming?

    On these lines, I was wondering if DDO was going to let us pally's in the game get an updated intimidate? IE: My pally has X Cha, and has put Y points into Intimidate, will the update - update his Intimidate skill? Cause I really wouldnt want to LR just to update that - especially since he's capped.
    Seems like it should be retroactive with any points you've already spent on the skill. So if you have say 9.5 purchased ranks, that jumps up to 19... But then, not much goes the way it should

  4. #4
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Oct 2006


    I can pretty much Gaurantee it'll take a Heart of Wood to fix this.

    Before you say "thats not fair"

    Talk to the Dark Monks and the Monster Builds out there.

    Atleast you get to LR and improve something...

    The other guys...they just ate a big nerf and had to LR to "fix" themselves.
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