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  1. #21
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    Two new race bundles have been added to the Lamannia Store. They are the 'Half-Bloods Bundle' for 195 points and the 'Half-Blood Champion Bundle' for 295 points.

    Our store team is looking for your feedback on these two new bundles. The next time you log on to Lamannia take some time to look for these bundles in the store and answer a few questions for us:

    • Are you a VIP?
      not any more but was for the last 4+ years
    • Do you have access to 32 point builds?
    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?
      yes and tested the half orc to lvl 12
    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?
      no used search option
    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?
      when i purchased it there was no bundle.
    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?
    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?

    If you are low on FREE Lamannia Store points, take a walk over to Lord Poincelot and get some more for FREE.

    For those of you wondering why we are asking for this feedback, we are trying to avoid the confusion players have had in the past with things like bank slots.

    Thanks for the feedback!
    With the cost of TP I think the cost of the bundle being 20$ for two races is steep ... and i mean steep ... add the cost of the new raid (only reason to buy that pack cause the devil assult mission is horrid ... completed on epic took 50 pots for the healer and not even one named item .. not one seal or shard or scroll at all ... total waste of time and the mission is not that great to begin with. ) and the new update is very very expensive for nothing much.

    is it so expensive that i wont buy it? no cause i bought points on sale anticipating this update.

    is it so expensive that I would rather sub then pay for it ? no while you guys have renewed my faith .. you still have a long way to go to make this game worth 15$ a month again ... to me at least.

    is it so expensive that if i wasnt already planning a TR half orc i wouldnt buy either? yes ... quite frankly ... If I hadn't promised a guildy i would tr with him .. no way i would waste that much money on a race ... lots of great races in the game already ... and you guys put to much value on race ... when really there are many free races that are quite honestly BETTER over all .... please see dwarf for more information and follow up with halfling and drow.

    If you ask me Half Orc and Half Elf should both be given favor unlocks ... half orc at 2000 and half elf at 1800 ... that would make the value to buy it better for people who hate the favor grind. Cause i would pay 20$ for both if it ment i had to grind favor for it. Its the reason i bought 32 point status and vet status .. just in case i want to make a character on another server ... and dont want to start from scratch.
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  2. #22
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Here ya go!

    Are you a VIP? Yes[*]Do you have access to 32 point builds? Yes[*]Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? Yes[*]To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option? Yes[*]From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle? Seems that the 195 bundle includes access to half-orc and half-elf on all servers.
    295 bundle seems to say that if I did not already have 32 point build on all servers it would open that for at least the Half human races, and perhaps for all races, not really clear. So which is it???[*]Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase? no closed for vip as it should be[*]If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased? N/A

  3. 10-22-2010, 08:29 PM

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