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  1. #1
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Default Feedback - Update 7 Race Bundles

    Two new race bundles have been added to the Lamannia Store. They are the 'Half-Bloods Bundle' for 195 points and the 'Half-Blood Champion Bundle' for 295 points.

    Our store team is looking for your feedback on these two new bundles. The next time you log on to Lamannia take some time to look for these bundles in the store and answer a few questions for us:

    • Are you a VIP?
    • Do you have access to 32 point builds?
    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?
    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?
    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?
    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?
    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?

    If you are low on FREE Lamannia Store points, take a walk over to Lord Poincelot and get some more for FREE.

    For those of you wondering why we are asking for this feedback, we are trying to avoid the confusion players have had in the past with things like bank slots.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  2. #2
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    • Are you a VIP?

      I'm a ninja.

    • Do you have access to 32 point builds?

      I'm a ninja.

    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?

      I'm a ninja.

    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?

      Of course not, I'm a ninja.

    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?

      Hopefully, ninjas.

    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?

      What, honestly, do you think a ninja should not be able to purchase?

    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?

      I would tell you but I'm a ninja.


    Way too much "Ask a Ninja" recently. Let me try that again.

    • Are you a VIP?


    • Do you have access to 32 point builds?


    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?

      Yes and Yes.

    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?

      No. I had them by default I believe, because I'm a nin - because I'm a VIP.

    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?

      Didn't read the text because I had both the races already.

    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?

      As stated, I had them both by default in Lamannia.

    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?

      Not applicable.
    Last edited by GBantaR; 10-07-2010 at 06:39 PM.
    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  3. #3
    2015 Movember Hero
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    VIP, yes so had to use the show all items.
    The ability to purchase was disabled like it should be for both bundles on VIP.
    The text was clear on everything but the "champion" portion of it. If they purchase the champion bundle will it be only these two races that are unlocked or all of the races unlocked for the champion builds?

    Curious about what the final price will be for the live servers on the new races?

  4. #4
    Community Member G.T.Gizra's Avatar
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    Question Feedback - Update 7 Race Bundles

    No I am not a V.I.P. but I am a premium player and I plan on doing the point bundle sale you are having just like I have done twice before to get all the adventure packs released up to the last one Red Fens as well as some really helpful account options like extra shared bank slots and drow, warforged, and monk class. Yes I did buy veteran status and 32 point builds as well. Yes I purchased both races with points I earned on the server and am having a blast with my brand new half-orc monk and can't wait to buy the race bundle, although I am confused by the champion bundle does that mean I will have to buy that particular bundle to use my 32 point build option on the new races. If so I can live with it since the bundles are so cheap. Since I plan on having 6900 points to spend soon I will probably pick up the favored soul class as well and I will save the rest for whatever new adventure packs you come out with. Just a little personal info for you all I have played D&D since 1979 and I have eventually switched to every incarnation and it keeps getting better and better but I have tried 4.0 and I AM NOT IMPRESSED WITH IT. So please stay in 3.5 modified rules that you are presently using, and kudos for fixing an issue that has been bugging me for awhile now, namely that of the floating windows I like my map, character sheet and other windows to appear onscreen in a specific place and it has bugged me for awhile now that every time I log onto Sarlona or change characters I have to waste time resetting where each window appears. I have not had that problem on Lamannia, once I set my windows where I want them they always appear that way, except for the window with container contents, which again I can live with LOL. I would appreciate a response about the race bundle 32 point build since I was able to use my 32 point build when I made up my half-orc monk I just want to know if I buy the race bundle pack will I also need the race champion bundle pack or is that just a bundle pack for people who do not have access to the normal 32 point character build.
    Last edited by G.T.Gizra; 10-07-2010 at 06:51 PM. Reason: corrected spelling and grammar

  5. #5
    Community Member TheSavage's Avatar
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    * Are you a VIP?
    - No, Premium

    * Do you have access to 32 point builds?
    - Yes, Unlocked by favour on Orien, moved that toon to Lamannia to open there.

    * Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?
    - Yes, both.

    * To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?
    - Yes

    * From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?
    - First pack: both Helf and Hork 28 point builds (unless you have previously purchased 32 point builds) Second pack: both Helf and Hork and 32 point builds (seems to me as though you can start ANY race with 32 point builds.)

    * Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?
    - I was unable to buy either bundle, I presume because I had already bought both on Lamannia

    * If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?
    - N/A
    On Orien: Ruprect the Monkey Boy lvl 16 Radiant Servant - Wilkes Booth lvl 20 Assassin - Schermo Savage lvl 14 Archmage - Monnik Savage - lvl 5 Monk (Life 2) - Saakaa Savage - lvl 6 Archmage

  6. #6
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    Two new race bundles have been added to the Lamannia Store. They are the 'Half-Bloods Bundle' for 195 points and the 'Half-Blood Champion Bundle' for 295 points.

    Our store team is looking for your feedback on these two new bundles. The next time you log on to Lamannia take some time to look for these bundles in the store and answer a few questions for us:

    • Are you a VIP? Premium but own pretty much everything I have deemed worth it

    • Do you have access to 32 point builds? Yes....Purchased

    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? PC at shop can't play currently

    Answers in Red also you may want to fix your text it say 295tp....alternatively I accept it as the new HO & HE price

    Oh and since you didn't ask it I'll add no I won't be buying the new races not for the ridiculous prices you have them set at and even for a better price I wouldn't buy the incomplete Half-Elves.
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 10-07-2010 at 07:59 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    I am a vip with access to 32 pt build. I had to use the show all button to find the bundles, and it let me purchase the regular bundle (not the champion one). even though it should not have been available for purchase.
    I thought the text was clear in both of them.

  8. #8
    Community Member markhoge's Avatar
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    • Are you a VIP?

    • Do you have access to 32 point builds?
      Already bought it on live and that transfered to Lamannia

    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?
      Already bought both of them

    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?
      YES - Since I already bought them

    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?
      I like the text for the regular bundle. For the Champion bundle, I think you need to move some info about the 32-point build a bit higher in the description.

    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?
      NO - I actually didn't try to buy them

    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?
      Didn't try to buy them since I already owned everything
    Last edited by markhoge; 10-08-2010 at 10:17 AM.

  9. #9
    Hero AZgreentea's Avatar
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    • Are you a VIP? No, Premium
    • Do you have access to 32 point builds? No, I am working to unlock it. (own it on Lam)
    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? I purchased both with the free points
    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option? Yes
    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle? I understood after I read the whole thing.
    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase? Didnt try, sorry.
    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?
    The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out. Every mind is a building filled with archaic furniture. Clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it.
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  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Just as an aside, you might want to consider also offering a bundle where each race also comes with an extra character slot and/or a bundle with both new races and TWO extra character slots. At least when this goes live

    Quote Originally Posted by MajMalphunktion View Post
    *Handwraps. Yes we know. Here is my known issue for handwraps. Hand wraps in assorted flavors are borked.

  11. #11
    Tasty Ham Smuggler Kromize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBantaR View Post
    I'm a ninja.
    No you're not. Ninjas don't tell people they're ninjas... Unless they do in in a ninja-ie fashion.

  12. #12
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    • Are you a VIP? Yup.
    • Do you have access to 32 point builds? Only on Sarlona.
    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? Yup.
    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option? Yup.
    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle? Can't answer. I already knew what was contained in each bundle.
    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase? Actually, it says that I was unable to purchase the bundle - I'm assuming because I'd already purchased Half-Elf.
    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased? See above.

  13. #13
    Community Member Tilliak's Avatar
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    Well...wait. Lama is supposed to be just a "preview" server. Asking for feedback on something that is on that server makes it sound an awful lot like a "TEST" server. So, fracking pick one...which is it? Test or preveiw?

  14. #14
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilliak View Post
    Well...wait. Lama is supposed to be just a "preview" server. Asking for feedback on something that is on that server makes it sound an awful lot like a "TEST" server. So, fracking pick one...which is it? Test or preveiw?
    Never ever complain about when a developer is asking for feedback again. Please and thank you.

  15. #15
    2015 Movember Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDearLeader View Post
    Never ever complain about when a developer is asking for feedback again. Please and thank you.

  16. #16
    Time Bandit
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilliak View Post
    Well...wait. Lama is supposed to be just a "preview" server. Asking for feedback on something that is on that server makes it sound an awful lot like a "TEST" server. So, fracking pick one...which is it? Test or preveiw?
    cripes !!

    It's whatever they want it to be...

    It's a preview server, where some testing may occur from time to time


    Back on topic, my only feedback is that as I am a VIP with 32 points purchased already, I was unable to purchase any of these options.

  17. #17
    Hatchery Founder
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    Are you a VIP?

    No. Premium

    Do you have access to 32 point builds?


    Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia?


    To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option?

    Yes, because I already had the items.

    From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle?

    The descriptions seemed clear enough to me. Half-Orc and Half-elf in one, and the other adds in the ability to make 32 point builds.

    Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase?

    I didn't try.

    If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased?


    Some additional feedback. Next time you're planning to release a bundle of store items to test it might be better to do that right away. I don't know how many people playing on Lamannia now would not already have the half-orc and half-elf.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
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  18. #18
    Community Member Arysta's Avatar
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    • Are you a VIP? Yes
    • Do you have access to 32 point builds? Yes, bought it ages ago
    • Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? I didn't have to, I automatically had them
    • To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option? Yes
    • From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle? 28 pt horcs and helfs in the one and 32 pt horcs and helfs in the other
    • Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase? nope, it wouldn't let me
    • If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased? n/a
    Alts: Arieanne Wightsbane. Mercifulll Fate, Ariesta Tre'Dain, Conqueste Sojurne, Mysadventure Calamitas, Flawlless Victorie, Ransaque Bonus, Ingenius Debilitation, Persistence, Theholyhand Grenade, Dyerseve, and many others...

  19. #19
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kromize View Post
    No you're not. Ninjas don't tell people they're ninjas... Unless they do in in a ninja-ie fashion.

    Please review the following link:

    Thank you for your time.
    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  20. #20
    Community Member Nissebror's Avatar
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    Are you a VIP? Yes
    Do you have access to 32 point builds? Yes,
    Have you previously purchased either the Half-Orc or/and Half-Elf races on Lamannia? Yes
    To find the bundles in the store did you have to use the 'Show All Items-YES' option? Yes
    From the text in the store, what do you think is included in each bundle? 28 pt horcs and helfs in the one and 32 pt horcs and helfs in the other
    Were you able to buy a bundle that you don't think you should have been able to purchase? No
    If you purchased a bundle, did you get access to everything that you purchased? n/a

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