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  1. #1
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    Default Dr. Chant - intimitank warchanter WCII/SDI

    What's the problem with sword & board? You're not super useful in the content that doesn't call for it. But what if you could intimitank when needed and in other situations provide bard songs and swing a big 2-hander? That's what led me to this:

    Dr. Chant (Warchanter II/ Stalwart Defender I) Damage Reduction based intimitank
    14 Bard / 6 Fighter
    36pt Build

    Str 17 + 5 levels + 6 item + 2 fighter enh + 2 tome + 2 exceptional + 2 rage = 36 sustained
    Dex 8
    Con 16
    Int 9
    Wis 6
    Cha 16 + 3 bard enh + 3 tome + 6 item + 2 exc = 30 cha --> +10 modifier

    Levels: 1-7 Bard, 8-13 Fighter, 14-20 Bard

    1 Extend
    3 WF: Slash
    6 Power Attack
    8 THF (Fighter)
    9 Toughness, Shield Mastery (Fighter)
    11 Imp Crit: Slash (Fighter)
    12 SF: Intimidate
    13 WS: Slash (Fighter)
    15 Bullheaded
    18 Improved Shield Mastery

    Intimidate DC:
    23 Ranks
    15 Item
    6 Shroud
    4 Warchanter II
    2 Stalwart Defender I
    3 Skill Focus: Intimidate
    2 Bullheaded
    2 Head of Good Fortune
    2 Fighter Intimidate
    4 Greater Heroism
    1 Focusing Chant
    10 Cha Mod
    74 Intimidate Self
    2 monk
    2 Inspire Competence
    1 Guild Airship Cha
    1 Guild Airship Skills
    80 Buffed

    Sources of Damage Reduction:
    Docent of Defiance DR 20/-
    Shield Blocking = 15 (Levik's) + 6 (Imp Shield) + 10 ([BAB/2]+2) + ? (Stalwart Defender I, assuming 2) = 33?

    DR 33/- when blocking, DR 53/- during DoD proc

    84 Bard
    60 Fighter
    20 Heroic Durability
    21 Toughness Feat
    20 Fighter Toughness
    40 Racial Toughness
    10 Argo Favor
    20 Minos
    45 Shroud
    30 GFL
    20 Rage
    10 WC II
    180 Con (16 + 6 item + 2 tome + 2 racial + 2 exc = 28)

    Weapon Sets:
    Conc-Opp 1hndr 30% Healing Amp + Shield
    Epic SoS, Antique Greataxe, etc for when not intimitanking

    Items of Note:
    Docent of Defiance (DR 20/-)
    Levik's Defender (DR 15/- and possible Heal on damage)
    Madstone Boots (+8 con = +80hp when turtling)
    Scourge Choker (+8 con = +80hp when turtling)

    Hope to compile and post both a DPS gear set and Turtling gear set soon
    Last edited by Bardicus; 10-09-2010 at 11:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    Focus chant will give you another +1 to intim.

    - ASF with shields
    - Low natural Hit points of a bard (d6 compared to d10 of pally/fighter)
    - Could be tricky to level
    - Little gain from WC II - I am not thrilled with WCII though as WF you could keep %5 DS
    - Harder to heal than no WF. Though you can UMD Reconstruct and most teams can handle it.

    Things that could be fun:
    - Hitting Intim followed by fascinate. All trash groups up and stands there. Too bad you cant block and sing at the stame time.
    - Groups that need a tank also get added DPS of bard songs.

  3. #3
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    This is similar to one of my next life plans for Macksheen, though I'll have some past life goodiness to throw in the mix.

    My weapon sets will be different for sure; If I'm going to DPS, I'm going to DPS. If I'm going to turtle, I'll use an absorber:
    - GS 2-hander (Min2)
    - GS 2-hander (Lit2)
    - GS 1-hander (amp / absorption) + shield (likely light/dark, though Leviks wouldn't be bad)

  4. #4
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    Although I am not a fan of intimidate in general I acknowledge this is a potentially very successful build concept in the future. A bard that successfully pulls off the intimidate skills represents less loss of dps then using a quote unquote melee spot in a party to do it. Warforge is likely a good way to go for the additional dr so your overall race choice is good as well.

    Edit: one question is what is your hit points going to be at for end game.
    Last edited by maddmatt70; 10-07-2010 at 05:48 PM.
    Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.

  5. #5
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    14*6 = 84 bard
    6*10 = 60 fighter
    I'd actually start CON at 18 + 2 tome + 6 item + 2 enhance = 28 base (rage, exceptional con, etc. would add) = 180
    Racial / Class toughness enhancement 40
    Toughness feat 21
    Minos 20
    Heroic Durability 20
    Dragon Favor 10
    Greensteel 45
    Greater False Life item 30

    What is that, 510 standing? Rage, short term buffs will push the base and temp HP higher.

  6. #6
    Community Member Baahb3's Avatar
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    One thing to note, if I am not mistaken you cannot use Inspire Competence on yourself.
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  7. #7
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    I love having intimi on my bard!

    16/2/2 bard/fighter/barb. Warforged. I didn't go the DR route you went with here, as I generally intim and keep swinging, counting on displacement/stoneskin/conc opp procs/mass heals to keep me going. Fully raged, I'm hitting 761 'stunt' hp(double madstone). Not bad for a d6 hit dice class

    Screenshot or it didn't happen: (picture is pretty large so I didn't hotlink it)

    I'm only hitting 60 self buffed intim. Still working on those epic gloves of the claw to hit 65. I also have a lot less charisma than your guy.

    Cool build, and I really love badass bards

  8. #8
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Yeah you can't and I wouldn't assume a 2nd bard is hanging around to help you out.

    One thing of note - this also works with Dwarf - you lose a bit of DR from the DoD proc'ing, but you get racial enhancements to shield blocking and full healing amp. You also lose the ability to be reconstructed, which is actually pretty handy in VoD.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valindria View Post
    Focus chant will give you another +1 to intim.
    Good catch, +1 rep!

    Matt - will update post with HP but I show them to be 560hp

    You can't IC on yourself, that's why it's listed in the buffs section.
    Last edited by Bardicus; 10-07-2010 at 05:39 PM.

  10. #10
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    I love having intimi on my bard!

    16/2/2 bard/fighter/barb. Warforged. I didn't go the DR route you went with here, as I generally intim and keep swinging, counting on displacement/stoneskin/conc opp procs/mass heals to keep me going. Fully raged, I'm hitting 761 'stunt' hp(double madstone). Not bad for a d6 hit dice class

    Screenshot or it didn't happen: (picture is pretty large so I didn't hotlink it)

    I'm only hitting 60 self buffed intim. Still working on those epic gloves of the claw to hit 65. I also have a lot less charisma than your guy.

    Cool build, and I really love badass bards
    You should be able to go all the way w/ the AP enhancement for the skill to rank 4 in the future; the other trick this would use is the +2/tier bonus from the Prestiges (WC 2 and SD 1). That's a half dozen more on you right now.

    Intimitank/turtling is not something you should ever build around as your singular focus ... but there are a few builds that, I think, lose less than others when switching to that mode.

  11. #11
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    Very pretty. What past lives do you have?
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    This is similar to one of my next life plans for Macksheen, though I'll have some past life goodiness to throw in the mix.

    My weapon sets will be different for sure; If I'm going to DPS, I'm going to DPS. If I'm going to turtle, I'll use an absorber:
    - GS 2-hander (Min2)
    - GS 2-hander (Lit2)
    - GS 1-hander (amp / absorption) + shield (likely light/dark, though Leviks wouldn't be bad)

    This is a good point - if turtling the 1hndr should certainly be a Con-Opp +30% healing amp. With that said I should probably drop Prof: Khopesh and pick up THF in it's place.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    Very pretty. What past lives do you have?
    I went Bard --> Paladin and will TR back to a Bard. Would be great to have a Fighter PL for another +2 intim to be available.

  14. #14
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardicus View Post
    Good catch, +1 rep!

    Matt - will update post with HP but I show them to be 550hp

    You can't IC on yourself, that's why it's listed in the buffs section.
    And there's tons more you can add in the 2nd section if you need it. Potions, etc. Some are easy to get (the Influence/whatever from house D collectible turn ins) others less so.

  15. #15
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardicus View Post
    I went Bard --> Paladin and will TR back to a Bard. Would be great to have a Fighter PL for another +2 intim to be available.
    It hurts you by one on intim, but the active bard PL feat nets a +1 to UMD and perform as well (and some extra songs). Fighter and/or Barb PL either would be great.

    Docent-wise and GS wise I'm looking at either an amp/absorption set and an active damage set (corrosive salt, lightning guard, disintegration guard, etc. etc.) to swap between.

    Greensteel is slow (as I'm working on stuff for multiple toons right now) and DT is just something I've resolved won't be in a good place until the update. Some of my chars got insanely lucky quickly, others are just languishing in the mire which is Reaver-lotto.

  16. #16
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    You should be able to go all the way w/ the AP enhancement for the skill to rank 4 in the future; the other trick this would use is the +2/tier bonus from the Prestiges (WC 2 and SD 1). That's a half dozen more on you right now.

    Intimitank/turtling is not something you should ever build around as your singular focus ... but there are a few builds that, I think, lose less than others when switching to that mode.
    I'll also grind out 400 coin lord favor for the +2 intim. Couple that with the WCII +2 intimi and and theres another 4, taking me to 69 (including epic claw gloves). I'm almost tempted to grind out a fighter life to get +2 more. But I'll never be an epic intimi tank. But having enough for most stuff on normal/hard and maybe a few on elite should be enough for me

    I wouldn't change my class split, unless when WCIII comes out it's super over the top awesome.

  17. #17
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    Having a high intimidate and blocking DR is nice. I personally went WF 16bard/2ftr/2rog. I've intimi-tanked Sulo in VoD and ToD with no problems, don't have high enough intim for Epic DQ but that's okay as this is a secondary function. Blocking DR of 47 when my DoD procs and using Lorikk's shield from the Hound. I recommend Lorikk's as the arcane spell failure is only 15% versus 40% on Leviks. You may already know this but remember to keep your BAB at 20 with Madstone boots or divine power as your DR is based off of BAB. Intimidate doesn't just have to be used with shield blocking, there are other scenarios where it is valuable. Quickly remove agro off of a party member if they currently don't want it or can't deal with it. Use it to move mobs away from the party if that's part of the strategy in a quest and fascinate them off in the distance. This works much better if you have the ability to heal yourself. In other quests I sometimes use it to draw attention to myself while attacking with dual weapons as

    1)everyone else's sneak attack damage starts going off (Tharne's goggle, class, racial, etc)

    2)it quickly fills up my mana with Torc necklace and Concordant Opposition goggles

    3)I can heal myself and the party members while under attack (high concentration skill + scrolls + maximized mass cure moderates with superior potency necklace or Amara's belt)

  18. #18
    Community Member Kintro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bardicus View Post
    This is a good point - if turtling the 1hndr should certainly be a Con-Opp +30% healing amp.
    A lifeshield returner will help mitigate some of the damage until you get that made.
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  19. #19
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    I played a similar build for around a year (although I focused on AC i.e. definitely didn't skip Inspire Heroism like this build does). Ultimately, I found I had better survivability from my bard with quickened/maxed self-healing, and LR'd him into straight DPS when constantly switching my shield on and off to avoid ASF drove me insane. Good luck. It's a concept I still approve of and hopefully it won't drive you as insane as it did me
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  20. #20
    Community Member Kintro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    I played a similar build for around a year (although I focused on AC i.e. definitely didn't skip Inspire Heroism like this build does). Ultimately, I found I had better survivability from my bard with quickened/maxed self-healing, and LR'd him into straight DPS when constantly switching my shield on and off to avoid ASF drove me insane. Good luck. It's a concept I still approve of and hopefully it won't drive you as insane as it did me
    I'm debating picking up Max/Quicken on my intimibard. Now that I have the parts for the Epic dragon shield it should work fairly well. You could also use Seven Fingered gloves/Hound Shield/DT 5% arcane sigil if you can figure out how to fit in the rest of your gear (gear slots are a bit of a pain on this kind of build).
    Southern Tenant Farmers Union - Ghallanda

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