Turbine just made a big DDO store announcement.

(1) Update 7 goes live October 20th. Races go live for Premium / F2P in the store on the 22nd.

(2) Prices for existing races will be changing at that time.


Clearly, it's that third point that got me scratching my head.

Either Turbine's marketing department has gone insane (which is entirely possible) or they've got an unannounced improvement to Drow coming up with U7. And it's one that they're not going to need to do much coding for, or we'd already be seeing it on Lamannia.

And I have a guess, just a guess, as to what this might be. Let the rampant speculation begin.

My theory is that they're removing the 28-point build lockdown on Drow.

Instead of being 28 point builds on first life, and 30/32 on first and subsequent TR's, they'll be able to use Champion status and be 28 or 32 on first life, then 34/36 on TR's like everyone else.

(1) They're not making any money off Champion Status or Greater Reincarnates from Drow players.

(2) It's a source of confusion for new players.

(3) Even with the extra stat points, Drow are hardly going to be overpowered given their useless SR and terrible weapon lines. Especially standing next to some raging Half Orc Barbarian with a Min2 Greataxe and Titan Gloves.

(4) It would give Drow a clear reason for players to pick them. More stat points.