My feedback:
Paladin LoH should regen with the coffee. Or put a shrine somewhere that resets every 5 mins.
Coffee description says 15 mins but in actuality lasts 10.
After a full 90mins or so of hunting (alot) since the party I was in went to a lower instance (5) we saw the slow spawn rate, but it really ramped up towards the end though so that was great. Still only received about 1500 motes after all my turn ins (and I was ALWAYS killing things).
Went into the dragon fight and never saw it. Apparently it was killed in a different room before it got to ours. Major disappointment, it probably should instantly flee to another room at certain HP levels (every 10-12.5%?). Also general chat was a mess, since it was the only way to talk to everyone, would be happier if they made this a 24man special raid group.
I never received a key from drops (in 90+mins) I had to buy them.
Would the coffee be able to give a 'tick' like you get in taverns every 60 secs (with an appropriate length of time)
I bought the brilliance (?) weapon enhancement and it did not work for more than a few seconds as far as I could see (was dual wielding triple positive scimitars on a level 20 KotC Paladin with capstone) unless it was only for handwraps? I did not pay particular attention to it since there was so much else to look at.
Also, for some reason I bugged and had the annoying blade barrier and firewall sound constantly even when zoning out of the dragon fight and also on character selection screen (!) I had to shut the client down completely.
Last edited by SteeleTrueheart; 10-09-2010 at 12:44 PM.
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
So I enjoyed taking part in the Mabar event last night on Lamannia. It really did feel like something *different* from the normal DDO activities, but not something soooo random and different like the Ice Games, which never made sense to me. I thought that the graveyard was suitably spooky with some nice touches, like the pumpkin and skull heads and the vampire laughter. Perfect for Halloween!
So overall I thought it was good. This wouldn't be the forums, however, if I didn't also have some concerns
The mob level was very difficult to manage. While I know a number of people have mentioned the problem of killing too many low-level mobs, that only happened once to me (negative levels, I mean). I was on a Level 15 bard, and my problem was that it was just too easy to die when fighting something that turned out to be too tough. I would go after a 'proper' level mob and end up attracting the aggro of every other wheep and vampire and Mabar-knows what else out there. Now, after a while I did adjust tactics and manage to survive for longer periods of time. I also started to buff myself more freely once I figured out that my SP and HP were regenerating. I also used some free Lamannia TP to buy coffee, which seemed to help, too. I'm not sure that coffee is a realistic possibility for me (Premium) on live, though.
I like the idea of some segregration mob-levels by zone, somehow. This might also make it easier to hook up with appropriate level groups for the dragon event... BTW, I wasn't aware of much in the way of ninja killing -- it wasn't clear to me what the mechanic was that determined who would get an item when something was killed.
Speaking of the dragon event -- wow, do I have mixed feelings about that part. I went through it 3 times -- the first two times failed (for unknown reasons) but the third time we managed to beat it -- which was very cool to see and I was glad to get that taste of success (despite the cross-level chat, which we overcame). Those failures, however, were ------ confusing and frustrating and boring all at once. It seemed to be a lot of waiting.. then more waiting... then it was over and you were rudely pushed back out into the graveyard. I still don't really know what the levers do, or why the gargoyles are there or anything. And even after we (well someone -- it happened in another room, so I didn't witness it myself) killed the dragon, the push back out into the graveyard was still very rushed and confusing. I guess after going through it a few times, all of this will work itself out and make sense, but for someone new to it, it was puzzling. And overall, I was underwhelmed.
I also don't like the fact that I had to buy Ethereal Keys with (free Lamannia) TP in order to enter the dragon event. I never found a key from killing a mob, so this seemed like a ridiculous limitation. Again, on Live, I'm not sure that I would spend the TP like that just for the opportunity to kill the dragon (and hope that it doesn't mysteriously fail again).
Ending on a positive note, though, the things you could get from the mote turn-ins seemed very cool and varied, so I would probably definitely work for a while on that part of the event at least. And again, I liked the atmosphere! It was also fun to see the Devs in action...made it more event-like.
Not really paradise anymore. See I cannot hit a target to activate it with many single shot spells such as disintegrate, polar ray (didn't try magic missile) so I have to either hit the monster which I miss a lot because my sorc is not built at all for melee or I have to throw a meteor swarm, cone of cold or a mass AOE spell that wakes up everything around it. I can heal myself usually but I constantly had 4-6 Neg levels all the time and died a few times because I have no way to get the Neg levels off of me. Not to mention the whole time I was there I never saw any Red Named Mobs. Where we had a lot of them on the last event.
I left early after beating the Dragon the second time because it was just not as much fun as the first time around. I agree there needs to be both a Rez Shrine and a Rest Shrine in there that resets after 5 min. The Mana the coffee regenerates just isn't enough. After beating up the Mobs the Dragon run pops up and I was chugging pots left and right to be ready for the Dragon fight, I will not be doing that on live though. We need the extra time to run room to room to make sure they are all covered so I didn't want to port out to heal up. It takes me to drink to fill up my Mana bar to over 2800 SP and that just takes too long.
I also noticed it looks like the HP's and saves of the Mobs was turned up, it was taking multiple spells to kill things I could kill in 2 shots and Wail was not taking out the Gargoyles very easily in the Dragon run anymore.
So all in all it was still fun but you took way too much fun out of it for Casters. Not looking forward to it nearly as much as I was previously. The changes for Casters were just way too extreem in my opinion. I saw so many more deths for everyone this time around. This will be a very expensive grind for players now in terms of coffee, keys, draughts and repairs and healing. After all I can't help it if the higher CR Mob is surrounded by a bunch of low level ones and all I have is AOE spells to activate. Please don't say start carrying around beaters, all my invetory is already taken up with spell components, scrolls and all my other caster gear.
Last edited by BronwynnBane; 10-09-2010 at 01:17 PM.
Thelanis - Proud Officer of Archangels:
ALTS: Mysteeria, Larawynn, Ketanna, Sandia, Serawynn, Valkeira, Galewynn, Velarawynn,
Keeriea, DiAndri, Celarawynn, Intimiwynn & Kerirawynn
But it was sure funny when Caverdragon on his Arcane Tracymage kept dying because of his massive DBF. Thanks for joining our group and having Tracy test it over and over again. For someone who is the best twitched player in our guild it was quite entertaining to see him run around like a noob dying everywhere.
On a more proactive note: The event was fun and the spawn rates seemed better than last time. As a cleric I was able to get my own kills and even when I did a mass heal in the area which brings all the mobs down to one hit point for others around me to kill, I was still getting my own kills and collectables.
I only died once due to mass slaying and being negative level drained. From that point on I didn't use mass spells much and just targeted one high level mob. It was just as easy to kill one in 2 seconds and move on to the next.
I did experience a few neg levels running by low level mobs with my aura on, but I didn't die because of it.
The only suggestion I have for the dragon event would be to instance the chat to the people in your instance only. It was very distracting chatting with the 15-19 group in my 20 group. To make this insta raid fun it takes some coordination between the people on the 4 switches and in the 4 rooms. Fix the chat and this will be a fun challenge for all. I also agree that maybe the groups should be seperated different.
My suggestion would be 1-4, 5-9, 10-15 and 16-20.
Kudos for this event, it really was great, can't wait for it to go live.
Only complaint, I really wanted to smash pumpkins. I never got to do that on Halloween as a kid, I would have been grounded for life for that.
It would have been like my little rebellion that I couldn't have in RL years ago. hahaha
If at first you don't succeed... skydiving is not for you.
Good notes:
Loved the atmosphere, the looks, sounds, mists, and all.
I’ve been playing since beta, and it is always raining there, and there are finally puddles on the ground...
Love the concept of running around with lots of people killing all these undead, great fun.
Very little lag, love that as well.
Purposely led a mob to GG’s shrine and they died as they entered - very cool - planned?
Not so good notes:
I was on for the full event, with an international 7 member group (fun), and only got 1367 motes, with potions on full time. Drop rate still way too low.
With the drop rate this low, the prices at the trader were too high.
Spawn rate seemed improved, but only 1 red named the entire time.
Biggest problem with the first part was trying to kill only level mobs.
Mass healing a high CR group killed nearby low CR’s and I died yet again.
Even trying to just heal my party would result in my dying.
I once came back in after res’ing, drinking coffee and draught, and died in less than 10 seconds while healing the party at the entrance just as a low level mob spawned. Waste of good coffee...
Speaking of which, the coffee regen rate was too low, wouldn’t spend TPs on live for this, especially since it disappears upon death. Same with midnight potions.
Summoning Chamber - not much fun at all, sorry.
Had to buy a key, ran unchallenged to my party’s corner, waited, then waited, then, finally, waited some more.
Never did get 16 or more in our instance (16-19).
All level instances were using the same general chat so no real strategy possible.
Event started, waited for the dragon appearance, and failed in about 15 seconds, without ever seeing anything... Not fun.
Went in 2 more times, all fails. Our party was successful in protecting the altar, but to no avail.
Maybe fewer instances would help - 1-4, 5-9, 10-15, 16-20? To help get to the needed 16
Very annoying BB sound continued even after being booted out of the chamber, lasting throughout the rest of the event.
Overall, not as much fun as the first time. The graveyard fights will be great I’m sure, the raid not so much without some major tweak-age
Hiya All
My input,
Great atmosphere,music when you could hear it. I saw alot better gatherin this time than last of the item drops. Chalenge rating was very good, our group of 6 found a Lich and it just ripped us, it ended up killin all but myself, and that was due to I backing off about 10 or so feet from it and would heal while it cast spells I could evade and then it took off when it was about 30%( this part not so much good). The thing is we where not prepared for the onslet it handed out, considering most of the monsters around,we as a group had handled pretty well. It was fun fightin it and learnin. The whole group liked the chalenge it gave.
What was that feedback that kept getting louder, would reset to 0 or 1 and the noise would creep up though setting stayed the same. Reset again and did the same all night long . Others in my group had same experience.
The Dragon raid part, need to be able to communicate with only people in same instance, everytime we went in , we would take up stance at one of the altars and switches, but did not know what was happeinin inthe other altar rooms. On our third try we tried the general chat and tryin to say which level and room but even this got confusin. On our last run, we setup did a little fightin but did not see dragon at all and message said altar was destroyed and on this one we split our group up into 2 rooms to try and the other room that I was not in, did not see the dragon either.
Over all had alot of fun and enjoyed the company while travelin the small area we camped in to try to keep from gettin lower level spawns so we would not loose our healer and arcanes.
Argo - Officer of House of Penton - Wilayreden 18 FVS - Solintinia 19 Cleric - Alkir 8/2 Rog/Rang - Theolean 17 Rang - Gchuk 14 Cleric - Katniip 8 Rogue - Igan 14 Fighter Canith - TwoLinger 16/1/1 Rang/Rog/Monk
I liked it, eventhough as a divine caster I took a lot of negative levels (nothing greater restore and heal couldn't fix). It didn't feel as 'temperamental' this time, with jittery movement because of lag. I assume partly because of the changes to how many can be per instance. And it wasn't as bad either when people 'pops' into view with their resistances 'exploding' on them/
The spawns towards the end was sufficient and enough and a little low at the beginning.
The one negative thing that I have to say is that lowbie critters keep spawning with high end - I could kill 5 high end and one low end and get a mabar warning - as if my high end killing didn't mean anything. I suggest that it's adjusted with some kind of cooldown, the warning should appear if I kill so many lowbies within say 3 seconds or so and won't pop up if I kill enough high end. On the other hand (and I think it underscores the issues with this) is that if I healed massed a lowbie mob and had someone else kill em off I would not get the warning or that they were to weak to give me something.
That shows that you can share the spoils but it's fundamentally out of whack because if I kill em I get warned, if I only 'prep' them I get rewarded.
There should be some kind of function that measures just how many I slaughtered within a given timeframe as suppose to just killing a lowbie. If I kill more highend than lowend in say the 3 second timeframe (or whatever) it should be a wash. I can't think whomever punishes me would be upset if I kil 5 of my level and one little zombie.
Also - I kept getting to weak to give me something over killing vampires. I do run a level 20 FvS, but i didn't know that vampires themselves are to 'inferior'. I have to kill the vampire lord instead to get my fangs.
I did enjoy being down to my last 500 SP having the vampire lord spawning in front of me just to notice the red named lich appearing behind me. They're both pretty b@d@ss so the thought of fighting both wasn't exactly my cup of tea but luckily someone jumped into it.
I also aggroed a high end Skellie only to have a low levelled half orc try to take it on and get smacked dead in the process. I really felt bad, but I hope my raise at least offered some kind apology.
I really liked it. More stable, no issues with the final dragon event other than some cross channel communication. It was cool to be in the same room as Thoon and even Muckduck (SP?) (from DDOcast). In the end I ended up with 2 scales but not enuf motes because of the lowbie highbie intermixture. Tons of fun and can't wait until it goes live.
Enjoyed the event again.
Played as a lvl-4 Bard entire event.
Much better for us low-level characters. From what I am reading on the forums, may have swung a bit too far in our direction with the neg level thing. As has been mentioned before I think that making the graveyard into a level-based instance like the chamber would solve a lot of the problems.
Coffee/Draught issues:
Having the coffee and draughts stop when you die is harsh. We will be spending real-world money for them, and sometimes getting only a brief use due to death, which may not even be a result of our actions, just isn't right. On live servers, I can see some real serious complaining about this. Of course, I would MUCH rather see them being able to be purchased by plat. If that isn't possible, perhaps create some 'weak' coffee/draughts, purchasable by plat, that either last a shorter periord of time, or are less effective. This will at least give people on limited budgets a fighting chance.
I heard from our paladin that the coffee was not refreshing his 'lay on hands''; as with my previous request with bard songs, think it only fair that the pallys should get refreshed too.
Graveyard quest.
For us lowbies, I would like to see a rez shrine in the area (maybe in GG area?).
Another thought: To help add to the 'atmosphere', maybe the group of silver flame clerics that are part of the Delara's quest could be programmed to rez people if they come close. Heck, you could set it up that people could 'pre donate' platinum to them. Let people buy different amounts, 1,5,10, 20, etc. Buy 5 rezzes, and if you don't use them, well, thanks for the donation!. That silver flame plaladin outside the gate of Delara's could be the vendor, so along with the explaination, he could offer the 'services' of the Flame for those going in.
Not sure if this is a bug or feature, but I didn't see any spell components being consumed during the events. Arrows and other consumables, but not components.
Chamber quest:
As the chamber is set for a 16-person group, I would think a tweak to the RAID group code might be in order, allow us to have 16-person raids. This will help solve the problem of insufficient people in the chamber when it opens. If that is not possible, I would like to see some much stronger language warning that you need to have 16 people in order to start. Also, when people start 'prepping' the altars, an additional warning about insufficient people in the quest -- something like: "Continuing to attack the altar will cause the dragon to appear. You have insufficient people in the quest to succeed." Twice our group had the quest start with only 10-12 people in due to non-group members attacking the altars, and naturally we failed.
It would help for coordination if the 4 areas on the map containing the altars (or even just the altar) were somehow different. Make them color-coded, or different shapes of altars, or different designs (skulls, pumpkins, bats, and brooms for example). Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there that just don't comprehend how to figure out NW, SW, NE, SE. Trying to get people to tell the rest of the group where the dragon actually was got to be downright painful. Another idea would be some kind of DM narration about the dragon location. You could put it as the dragon taunting us. "Pitiful beings, I am destroying the red altar, and you can't even scratch me!" I am sure that the creative minds of the devs could come up with some suitable taunts
In conclusion,
I enjoyed the quest a lot. I appreciate that the Devs have taken the time to listen to the feedback from the first run through, I saw a lot of changes based on this feedback. Keep up the good work!
Things of note last night:
1) Very happy to see the Dev's taking an active part and even joining parties to guage our reactions, etc. Madfloyd ran with some of my guildies and me. I think many of us we're suprised by the new party member and it took a bit to loosen our tongues. Many ideas, comments and suggestions were passed about as the event went on through to the Dragon. Again, I think it's a good thing to see this kind of interest, I hope it was for the Dev's as well.
2) LAG - Lag in the event so far has been a non factor even with 7 instances of Delera's running. Of course this may be altogether differet on live but it is very encouraging to see a smooth event.
3) Kill sniping penalties - Didn't care too much for the new penalty system. Until the spawns are activated by an attack, one cannot ascertain their CR rating. That being said my chain lightning killed them all before I knew the mob level. This would neg level me 1-3 levels and sometimes cause instant death. I know this is being tweaked but my suggestion would be to separate instances by level range instead of mobs by their attacker. May even cut down on possible calculation lag. In some cases the mob CR had nothing to do with who attacked them. Kill sniping is going to occur but the party credits system should greatly limit the effect of sniping. By the time people settled into their "territory" all seemed to go well.
4) Event rewards - Awesome, nothing more needs to be said. From what I have seen, I will be spending a great amount of time in that area.
5) Dragon - Seems very nice although having a 19 character in the event I was often in a low (er) group that never completed. Given, most of the testers were 20 which may be a non factor on live, my suggestion would be to make the upper end 18-20 as their will be many guildies in that range that will prefer to run together in the same instance with guild mates.
6) Coffee - Not sure how much it will cost on live but to be effective for we caster types it will have to generate about double the mana it is currently generating. That's from the perspective of a nuking Sorcerer of course... O.o
All in all it was and is the best event ever for DDO. Looking forward to it on live.
Thanks for hanging with us Madfloyd!
Last edited by Jacoby; 10-09-2010 at 08:55 PM.
Loving the event. Still trying to figure out the aggro mechanic on this. Thought it was strange that you find one Wight Reaver or Shadow by himself and attack it only to bring everything in the neighborhood running to kill you.
I like the spawn level segregation idea. The spawn points close to the entrance only being capable of (or more prone to)lower level stuff and as you get further into the area you can find the more dangerous spawns.
Shrines might be convenient but I realized something in the bar waiting for my hp and sp to come up from 1(for the 800th time)..I needed to rethink my strategies. It got easier to stay alive after that. Still died lots.
Coffee says 15 but in reality it lasts for 10...unless you die.
I ran laps around the place from start to finish with only a brief break. Didn't see any liches at all, which might not have been a bad thing. Are they supposed to be that rare?
A question that has been asked before but, do you have plans to add more weapon types?
The neg levels surprised and then they hurt bad but I like the way that it kept the event open to everybody. It's difficult to avoid hitting a low CR baddie without the ability to auto target. Not impossible but very difficult.
The group rewards system is great! I didn't find out until the end that you don't have to be partied or raid-partied to get collectables from being in a group. Now healers have a shot at earning rewards while working to keep groups alive. It also benefits the lower level players (once they realize they can't try to kill everything that comes around). Nice job!
You came up with some creative ways to knock out the kill stealing. The kill stealing threat did add a little extra excitement and competition. Hurry up and land that killing blow before somebody sneaks in and takes it from you. Me thinks we are better off without the KS though. It was amusing how polite everybody was this time around. Don't know how many times I watched people standing off to the side of a one on one fight and not interfering unless the player looked like they were in serious trouble.
AOEs are not safe to be tossing blindly anymore and even playing as a caster I think that's a good thing. It was too geared towards casters originally.
The spawns are a little strange. I stepped into one area and activated the bad guys. What came up? something like 2 zombies, 3 wight reavers, 1 or 2 wight (?shamans?), 1 or 2 Frostmarrow skelis, a mummy lord, and another type of mummy and I might be forgetting a few. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around to see what caused that diversity but couldn't see any other players around. People are going to be hit with neg levels with that range of undead even without using AOEs.
Spawns started slow but were good before the end and maybe just a hair too high. There might have been too much freedom of choice at the end.
It seemed like there were Frostmarrows left everywhere. They are 6 CR above me. Was I triggering them to spawn or were other players triggering them and walking away?
Draughts of Midnight aren't as entertaining as I had thought. They cost too many motes for as little as they bring in. Spend 200 and earn less than 200. It will be interesting to see what builds/levels break even or profit from this. Loss on death also makes this too expensive to buy from the DDO store. It was also disappointing using these potions in the dungeons. While Mabar was active I ran a lvl 4 horc through a CR5 necropolis Q. After about 15 minutes I had earned 10 motes. Again, spend 200 motes and earn 40. It was worse running through it while Mabar was inactive. Roughly an hour and 15 mins later (2 draughts) and I had pulled 2 whole motes. Honest. This had sounded like a fun way to fill the weeks when nothing was going on but it's not a good use of points or motes.
The transition from normal Delera's to the Mabar event is phenomenal. Definately one of those "ooooh wicked!" moments.
Just an observation here. Most people seem to keep walking straight past the arcane skeletons. Too much pain for what they are worth?
Didn't get to do the spectral dragon this time. Too busy trying to grab motes. Here's an idea: place all of the altars in the one room but make that room bigger. If you really want to be cruel, give the dragon a wing buffet attack and anybody that fails the save gets ejected out the chimney stacks.
In all the excitement I forgot to ask if anybody would pose for a screenie of a Palemaster using Shroud of the Lich or Wraith with a pumpkinhead. Wouldn't that make a sight in the harbor on opening day! Floating eerily through town tossing pumpkin and skeleton heads on all the unsuspecting innocents.![]()
Are you going to do anything to let people in the same party/raid group get into the same spectral dragon instance?
Insert standard format whine about charactercopy not being available for characters that have been archived due to the feed from the production servers being down since sometime in September.
I'd love to go see the event, otherwise.
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol
I liked how everyone could see each other. Initially the inability to target creatures is unexpected. Enough people can see your chat to get a quick response. But it probably should be addressed in some method to allow players to expect it. It was apparent to me that enough people mentioned it upon entering the area to see it is a problem. I am sure the mods and devs were tired of having to mention it, I don't know why they didn't attempt to advise people that this is the expected behavior(Pop-up text, maybe) and to adjust accordingly. Heck, I am kind of surprised the didn't have an emote ready that would mock the noobs! I could almost hear the sigh when the next ten people logging in to the area behind me, asked the exact same question!
I only found a few art flaws off the bat, the collision box around the door to the Summoning Chamber being off, on the right hand side, from a front visual perspective. I did get into the chamber briefly, but there were just three of us in room with an altar, and nothing to do. After about 10-15 min.'s of that I had to give up and quit. It was all the time I had. So I never fully understood what was going on there. I didn't want to be the one to use the altar, and rain wretched death down upon the other two schmoe's standing about idle-ly with me. I had no clue what would happen when I used the Altar, it's generally not nice to just flip the switch to the hellgate w/o a clue.
So, of what I did see, very little mind you as most of my time was spent dying, and rez'ing and for those of you who love advice never followed. Always bind yourself somewhere close when you start playing with a new toon. Not 1 minute into running into the graveyard~ding~ rez all-the-way-back-in-startersville? Guh. Yes, please.
I only had about and hour to play before needing to get on the bus.
The red named lich-zombie whateverguy sometimes would showup as named to me, which means he was active to me somehow, when someone else had instigated the combat. And I would be an unfortunate bystander. I got dinged like three times with this. The 'area' alert is not initially an understood given. That is when you do decide to attack the group of three level-appropriate zombies, they all get aggro'ed.
The focus orb for the FrostMarrow Skele's does not show the correct picture, but I was playing as a Half-Elf as well.
That's all I can think of this moment.
And the launcher froze repeatedly, which ate a great deal of time before allowing me in. It would get lost at the active world list. Just a blinking white diamond. I am still not sure that having my Pref.'s file deleted helps or not.
The current launcher still makes me delete my Pref. file. I should have showed you guys at PAX. I'm not sure why I didn't. I had you guys right there to diagnose the issue.<sigh>
Last edited by iamsamoth0; 10-12-2010 at 07:15 PM. Reason: it's how i roll
The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing.
BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]
I liked it, even though i died alot. The summoning chamber was ok. I waited for something then got atttacked by tons of dark gargoyles. I saw others characters asking for help,but I couldn't help them. I would have helped but when your surrounded by tons of gargoyles you can only protect yourself and those right next to ya. I wish I could have saw the dragon but i was satisfied surviving the gargoyles. All I can say is it was cool event, I appreciate teaming up with people that normally wouldn't team up with me. So I thank ya for having the event.
I must admit I'd really like it if we could do Epics at level 18+, (with exp of course, even if it's just a static base amount), since some of us don't enjoy doing anything except epics and raids, which makes the TR leveling up particularly tedious.
Keep the items min lvl 20 if you must for balance reasons, but let us work on them earlier?
Devs: Thanks for making Druids available to VIPs without the pack. This more than anything, has made me want to buy the pack.