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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    [*]Each player in a party in the same instance as one of the undead is killed will have a chance of receiving a collectible.
    I guess this means that you get a chance of collectibles when any member of your party kills an undead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    [*]Adjustments have been made to make kill-stealing less rewarding.
    No information as to what those adjustments might be? So that's encouraging players tonight to try kill-stealing if they want to figure out what that change is and if it's effective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    [*]Leaving the Summoning Chamber will return your Ethereal Key. This can now be done anytime before the dragon is killed or before an altar is destroyed.
    Ok, so this prevents someone from wasting an Ethereal Key on a dragon fight that doesn't get enough players.

  2. #42
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Question Is it just me?

    Or is anyone else unable to get in? I've been in once today already. I created my Guild. And a PC for the event. I have tried erasing the UserPref file to see if that was keeping me out like the normal launcher. I can't get past the world loading screen. It simply doesn't turn green and allow me to enter the world.

    I think the login server is acting up, or that thread. It gets through the updating process, but never finds Lamannia. I can login on the normal account(non-preview).
    Last edited by iamsamoth0; 10-08-2010 at 08:00 PM.
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  3. #43
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamsamoth0 View Post
    Or is anyone else unable to get in? I've been in once today already. I created my Guild. And a PC for the event. I have tried erasing the UserPref file to see if that was keeping me out like the normal launcher. I can't get past the world loading screen. It simply doesn't turn green and allow me to enter the world.

    I think the login server is acting up, or that thread. It gets through the updating process, but never finds Lamannia. I can login on the normal account(non-preview).
    I couldn't get in either...
    Sad Pallai
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  4. #44
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    Default Y'all Finally Made me a Negative Nancy :(

    I was able to patch and log in rather seamlessly, although I would suggest not wasting your time.
    Not as many people around this go-round it seemed, and some of the new 'mechanics' for some reason took all the fun out of this tonight.

    I dunno if it was the constant neg levels, the slower spawn rates/less red-names, seemingly less drops on mobs, or the change in (potential) loot costs, but I just did not enjoy things as much as last time.
    In fact, after one more look at the wonderous summoning chamber, in which you stand around waiting and waiting! fail, I think I can comfortably skip the event when it hits live now

    Honestly, I think the summoning chamber part of this event is just total garbage.
    Sorry to be blunt, but it just sucks.
    The whole tossing of random folks into a shaken bucket for the entertainment of the programmers just makes me want to vomit. Mebbe I missed something important,
    but I sure have not found the fun in it either live event run; this one less so as it seemed to take longer to get it to pop, longer to wait inside, and mere moments before it was failed.
    And that was with a Dev with us in our instance!

    The tiered reward items are potentially fantastic, but the grind is looking asinine.
    Oh, and thanks for the 10,000 mote turn in for a scale for those that will inevitably fail the pseudo-raid. Hah. hah hah. I honestly felt insulted on that one. Get lucky or die grinding! Woot!
    Wonder if the event will run long enough to gather that many nuts and berries? And without the DDO store enhancement? I can harbor a guess...

    General Notes:
    The targetting for the mobs is very poor for spells,
    mob leashing is inconsistent and abrupt,
    and overall, I just got less of a thrilled feeling about it and more of a 'oh, gawd, please let this be better than failing to see boot parts in a ah, well....'
    Funny enough, went back to the live server, got skunked on 2 boot part runs, and just hung the whole thing up.

    On the bright side, the instancing was good enough to provide minimal lag, if that matters much.

    (Sorry to be negative, but after a long week, this felt just as pointless, soul-eating, and time wasting as being at the office, so kinda came here to vent - I am sure YMMV.)

    P.S. And why the heck can I not get damage numbers to appear over my head? Half the time I have no idea what is hitting or missing me or triggering Liche/Conc Opp/etc? Is that just in the event, or just me, or what?

  5. #45
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    My only problem is that Mabar kept killing me because I was killing things that were too low level because they were mixed in with the high level stuff. It got to the point that killing only a couple of low level things would get me killed. You really need to look at that. It wasn't fun at all.

  6. #46
    Community Member Ovrad's Avatar
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    I do like new improvements to prevents kill stealing, and the epic level up to items. The neg levels are a bit brutal but once you get used to what mobs you can or can't attack it's not so bad, and it helps the lowbies a lot.

    However, they drop rates seemed to have been lowered quite a bit, turning this from fun to grind. Granted I didn't try to get collectables as a group, so that might be why. For example, last time I found 5 spectral keys, this time I only found one. Sheer luck or nerf? The motes from the Draught of Midnight also seem to drop a LOT less. Since it costs 500 motes for the potion, and it goes away on death, it's not worth it anymore.

    Oh also, the coffee says it lasts 15 mins in it's description in the store, but it only last 10 mins when used.

    Overall, still a very good event, but seems less fun than it's previous version. Also, thank you for finally making a epic weapon my monk can use! I was long overdue. (Even if it's really nothing much against non-undead)

    Also, thanks Phax for making me fly! ^^

  7. #47
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Epic undead beater. No holy (ok you still can get Savarath ring) (but you could ad flametouched ability), No ghost touch (you have to equip item that gives you that ability). Radiant dmg are nice (almost no resistance to that type of dmg).

    - It is paradise for arcane casters. Seriously... Lv20 typical monsters spawn have frostmarrows knights, mumies, and sometimes some ghostly creatures. DBF or 2 and everything DIE (FM skellys vunurable to fire, Mumiess vunurable to fire).
    - Problem near summoning chamber there are 2 spawn points that easly can gather like 10 or 20 undead at once (up the cliff (east, southern-east), and up the small moutnain (west)). If you have burst dmg (DBF) it is easly to farm this places.
    - I think when this events begins you should be kicked out of instance and new assigned. First check -> party, second check -> level. (YES i have been killed by killing low level stuff).
    - Rares are rare... I meet only 1 vampire lord (+ some other vamps but realy do not where, but still had 4 fangs (2 droped from lord)), 2 or 3 mumiess avangers, NONE liches). (I was about 1 hour activly hunting, well 3 AM it was time i finally gone sleep)
    - Items, cool but preety usless for me (except cloak, it can be usfull). Will there be new items in future?
    x- I couldn't get into summoning chamber (got 7 keys (2 found at field)), Lataren flayer still needed some colecctible.

  8. #48
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    I spent just over 90 mins solo in the event.

    I ran the dragon event 3 times, 2 successes and one fail (the first one was a fail, without even seeing the dragon or having any idea why we failed).

    I gathered 998 motes after turning in all my collectables (I had a potion running all the time) and 2 scales. I used both keys I found and bought another.

    Mobs appear to drop 1-8 motes when using the potion or a collectable/key (which can be turned in for more motes or used to get into the dragon).
    If the potion costs 500 motes you will need to kill 2 undead each minute for the whole hour just to get the motes back. This will not be overly hard but makes any mote income on the potion very low (unless you spend TPs).

    I think the red names spawn rate was a bit low. I only saw 3 total (~ 1 / 30 mins). I killed one vampire but got no fangs (there was some competition to get him). I saw one Lich but did not get to it first.

    My paladin's Lay on Hands did not regen under the potion (the shrine helped).

    I had hoped to check the crafting after the event but the collectors all disappeared.
    Jesus saves but only Buddha makes incremental backups.

  9. #49
    Community Member Hollowgolem's Avatar
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    My only concern throughout the whole event was the new "don't-whack-on-easy-to-kill-dudes" mechanic, and how it harmed arcanes and divines. Our cleric got paranoid about tossing Mass Heals, and the wizard practically one-shotted himself when he targetted a high-level group containing vampires/frostmarrows, only to have a bunch of wights/blackbones wander a bit too close to the blast radius of his Sunburst.

    I understand why the mechanic is there, and I honestly can't figure out a way to fix it (especially since I have -no- idea what the code involving the check for level looks like), but I thought it prudent to bring the problem up.

    The neg levels -do- get removed by Greater Restoration. Not sure if you intended that. If you did, that's good, and alleviates much of the frustration from AoE mishaps.

  10. #50
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    I'm waiting to see what the actual event looks like, but I'm really disturbed by a few things.

    Firstly, let me say that I've never been so excited about an event in the year plus that I've played DDO. Halloween in my favourite holiday. I made my Cleric because I like killing undead. She's pimped out with all sorts of toys to kill undead- it's what I do.

    Now, if I'm reading correctly, I'm going to get neg-levelled and/or possibly killed if I "screw up" and kill a mob with a low CR? C'mon... I understand that kill stealing is bad, and I want everyone to get a chance to run the event, but I don't want to have to be watching my every step so a level 2 can whack a skelly!

    Maybe this is just a suggestion for future events, but can't we just go in and blow **** up?
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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  11. #51
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Well it would be repaired by level restricted instances (like 5 types levels: 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20)
    Spawned enemies level depends on people who are near. So if you got big level difrence in group you can get spawned power enemies, but you also can get spawned underleveled mobs for more powerfull group members. Of course if you by chance bump on lv2 sooling toon runing around and spawning weak mobs then you are in deep hole.

  12. #52
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    1st off we had a great time, got to spend some good quality time with MadFloyd and get some feedback on the spot. (Thank you)

    Some of the things we brought up during the event.

    Was not able to target mobs before activating them for combat thus did not know what CR level they were.

    Not knowing what CR level mobs were (for Nukers) caused us to end up dead or with -6+ neg levels for killing weaker CR mobs.

    Coffee regen rate is a bit low @ +20 spell points a tick is a bit slow, bump it to 50 a tick would be great.

    Cleric’s were killing lower level mobs just by walking by them with there aura and getting negative levels

    ** Zone the Yard, Weak CR toward the main gate and as you go toward the back raise the CR of the mobs. That way the player can still run low lv's with high in the same party. They can choose what they want to try to take on and kill

    Rest Shrine Hint Hint J in the area was sweet, can it stay

    Lower level mobs mixing with higher level mobs again causes neg levels.

    *-* I didn’t have any lag during this event, did not see the same amount of people on as oct 1st, but still for all that was going on Thumbs up.

    ** Suggested that the person who does activate the mob sets the CR Level (might be harsh on lower levels, but not everyone is a H-Bomb walking.
    Last edited by CavernDragon; 10-09-2010 at 06:51 AM.
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  13. #53
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    this is not sugested. this is how it work (I think).
    When i soled (instance 5, 20 lv Ranger AA) i usually spawned frostmarrow knights (CR -18), mummies (Cr - 16 or 18 (don't remember)), sometimes gost type enemy starting with W... (CR-16). Killing CR-16 didn't count as "killing weak mobs".
    Propably for offenisive casters coffe was slow, for me SP regen was more than enought (compared to HP regen) - used it mainly to Heal myself (and buffs: ice res, slaying arrow, ram might).

  14. #54
    Community Member Ragons's Avatar
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    After dying twice for killing mobs lower than me, I left the event. I got the feeling this event was not open for all.

  15. #55
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    Default Event was different....

    Problems I saw as a level 7 monk/rogue
    MUCH less of a crowd this time, so some of the issues may have been related.

    Low level skeletons kept getting in the way - since you got dinged when you killed them, they were a problem
    High level monsters kept spawning on top of mid level ones. Couldn't get one without making the CR16 attack.
    Wraths and Specters were too close to either low/high, so when they were incorp you hit the others
    Spawn rates were much lower
    Like the idea of zones, but fear the crowds...
    Didn't like the Midnight drinks expiring on death.

    It was odd to be in the tavern and see 15 people suddenly appear (ie. died in the yard).

  16. #56
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ragons View Post
    After dying twice for killing mobs lower than me, I left the event. I got the feeling this event was not open for all.
    Yeah, I was having fun and didn't care too much about getting killed because of the CR, but this is Lammania, where I have 4000 points and don't care if I have to buy more Draughts or Coffee. If it were live, then I'd be ****ed

  17. #57
    Developer MadFloyd's Avatar
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    Thanks for participating and all the feedback is very much appreciated (both what we received during the preview and here).

    Maybe it wasn't made clear enough at the time, but the drastic neg levels penalty was not working as intended.

  18. #58
    Community Member bradleyforrest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Thanks for participating and all the feedback is very much appreciated (both what we received during the preview and here).

    Maybe it wasn't made clear enough at the time, but the drastic neg levels penalty was not working as intended.
    Well, that's good to know. Would you be able to let us know what the intended function was supposed to be?

  19. #59
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradleyforrest View Post
    Well, that's good to know. Would you be able to let us know what the intended function was supposed to be?
    You are supposed to get negative levels after killing a number of monsters with a much lower CR than your level, but not at the rate some folks were seeing last night.

  20. #60
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Fridays test seemed very close to perfect .. the spawn rates where fairly good .. for the small amount of people on ... I can see deleras flooding being an issue when you go from a server with only 50ish people to a server with several thousand people all fighting/stealing kills .

    I am very VERY happy with the group dynamic (especially since i suggested it not to say i was the only one but love it when my ideas are given the light of day ) allowing people to hunt in raid parties and get more motes and collectables faster.

    Over all the value of the event is nearly priceless .. many very very nice items ... and easier to craft epics are really nice ... personally love the wraps .. the first set of wraps to be worth the grind since the launch of monks.

    Also want to thank you Thoon for organizing and to Phax and tolero for being so forthcoming with information when it was possible.


    outside of the event ... i wanted to say it was very very effective to have developers and other turbine staff on lama (at least when possible) for the sake of testing the content with us and hearing our comments and requests.

    I know doing that requires alot of organization and pre planning ... but in the end I think it allows you guys to hear frist hand our thoughts ... From my experience most where pretty fair comments .. no one aggressivly speaking there mind ... just small hints of things we dislike ... polite discussion ...

    you know ... everything people wish happened on the forums.
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    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

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