On Friday night, October 8th, 2010 starting at 7:30pm (GMT-4) the new Update 7 Live Event will be once again active in Delera's Graveyard.
This time around MadFloyd, Purplefooz, and Tolero will be showing off some of the changes that have made to the event based on feedback from the first run of the event. We really loved the turn out we got for the first run of the event hope you will all come back for more fun, and bring even more friends along.
We expect the event to run from 7:30pm to 10:30pm Eastern Time (GMT-4).
Some of the changes you should see are:
- The player population limit on each instance of Delera’s Graveyard has been slightly lowered.
- Each player in a party in the same instance as one of the undead is killed will have a chance of receiving a collectible.
- Undead will now only call assistance from other undead if their CRs are within -4 to 10 CRs of itself. A zombie fighting a level 3 character will no longer call for a red named Lich for assitance, for example.
- The Night Trader now remains open when the Spectral Dragon is being fought. Please note that trading with it at that time does not contribute towards unlocking the next Spectral Dragon.
- Adjustments have been made to make kill-stealing less rewarding.
- Draught of Midnight gives Motes of Night when the Mabar festival is off, but at a lesser rate.
- Some of the Mote of Night costs at the Mote of Night Collector have been adjusted.
- Leaving the Summoning Chamber will return your Ethereal Key. This can now be done anytime before the dragon is killed or before an altar is destroyed.
- The Spectral Dragon should no longer go brain-dead.
- The Spectral Dragon should now behave correctly when attacked by more than 11 players simultaneously.
- The Spectral Dragon has learned a new way to get from room to room which will cause it to get stuck in one room less often.
And a couple of known issues for you too:
- Sometimes kobolds appear in the Summoning Chamber… big giant spectral kobolds and little kobolds too. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…
- The countdown alerts for the 10 minutes the Summoning Chamber is open only show up in the Level 20 Summoning Chamber instances. They are incorrectly missing from the three lower level tiers.