I don't think I said that, but if I did, sorry.
My whole point/opinion:
Fine... give 2X to hard and 3X more to elite for runes to drop. With the increase in difficulty scaling and the time that it takes to complete the run (including failed runs) that will appease 1% of DDO players. 95% of the people will still do 6 -8 runs per hour on casual. That's 6-8 runes minimum. Plus, now that runes are identifyable, people will most likely leave runes behind because they're nice. To use a previous example, if guilds wanted to help a guildie get runes, they'd run Prey 6 times to let one guildie get 36 runes. So, a 2, 3, 5X rune drop really isn't that much better than casual due to the easyness of the run.
As for the "I need a chalenge to do this" arguement.... there are plenty of other things that one can do to be chalenging without having to use up the dev's time. Do a naked run.... an all barb no spells run..... run Prey so that you kill every spawning giant until everyone has over 100 kills........... These are all things that are player driven and don't take away the dev's efforts for fixing other things in the game that need fixing.
Translation: For 95% of DDO players, greater rune dropping on hard/elite would not outweight the zerg casual runs, because of difficulty scaling in the dungeons and because with rune identification, it is now possible (in theory) to get 6 runes on a casual run. For the 5% that this does not apply for, they generally have their DT armour and runes so, no offense, but there are plenty of other things that the dev's can fix. As I said; run 5 naked barbs and no one is allowed to get to the maze until they've all killed 100 giants.
Again, jmho