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  1. #1
    Community Member Rellos's Avatar
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    Default Monk Strike's on Ranged and Thrown Weapons.

    As the title states. I think that the Strikes that are allowed to be used with weapon types should be able to also be used with Ranged and thrown weapons that allow you to remain centered while you use. This would allow for a lot more interesting build and provide a lot more usefulness to the Zen Archery Feat concept. Obviously strikes that can only be used while unarmed should be discluded. If nessesary, add a range increment on the strike like the sneak attack 30 foot line.

    Just an Idea but i would like more responses from others. Especially Dev's if possible.
    ~~Squee Tinyfist-Halfling Monk Legend ~~ Unex Dawnstar- Robot Wizard ~~Raksara the Shadow-Gimp Rogue ~~ Illania Del'Puaga-Drow Favored Soul

  2. #2
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Hey cool idea!

    FYI, this really should have been posted in suggestions... dont be suprised if it gets moved...

    But I like the idea, not sure how tough it would be to implement or how balancing it would be. If they did this they would probably limit it to a monks elemental strikes and not the specials like Void 4 or Touch of Death. Those two abilites at range would more than likely be OP and broken.

    Considering how broken ranged combat is right now I dont see most monks going ranged except in special circumstances.

  3. #3
    Community Member Rellos's Avatar
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    Bah sorry Didn't know where to post it.

    But i agree with the ToD and Void 4 not being shot. But the ability to do the strikes and even Finishers wouldnot only provide archer builds(and throwing builds lol) a bit more DPS, but allow them to fill in a support role with finishers, especially light ones.
    ~~Squee Tinyfist-Halfling Monk Legend ~~ Unex Dawnstar- Robot Wizard ~~Raksara the Shadow-Gimp Rogue ~~ Illania Del'Puaga-Drow Favored Soul

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I've been suggesting that Ki income and Ki attacks be allowed to work with centered ranged weapons since way back before it was possible to TWF handwraps.

    However, it should be restricted to working on short range attacks only (to prevent TOD weirdness), with an extended reach if you use centered bows.

  5. #5
    Community Member Rellos's Avatar
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    Well at least we have 2 people on board . But again i do not think ToD should be allowed to be used with Ranged attacks. That with slayers would be a bit much IMO.
    ~~Squee Tinyfist-Halfling Monk Legend ~~ Unex Dawnstar- Robot Wizard ~~Raksara the Shadow-Gimp Rogue ~~ Illania Del'Puaga-Drow Favored Soul

  6. #6
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    I've been suggesting that Ki income and Ki attacks be allowed to work with centered ranged weapons since way back before it was possible to TWF handwraps.

    However, it should be restricted to working on short range attacks only (to prevent TOD weirdness), with an extended reach if you use centered bows.
    I suppose if they could code it for 30 feet, using ToD or Void 4, might not be to OP.

    I am just racking my brains with the current abilites of a monk how a monk could/would use anything for ranged with only 1d2 X2 damage.

    They should allow Ki Generation and combo moves with a shuriken though, you are cenetered with a Shuriken.

  7. #7
    Community Member Rellos's Avatar
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    Well currently on Lamannia using Longbow with Zen Archery allows you to remain centered.
    ~~Squee Tinyfist-Halfling Monk Legend ~~ Unex Dawnstar- Robot Wizard ~~Raksara the Shadow-Gimp Rogue ~~ Illania Del'Puaga-Drow Favored Soul

  8. #8
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Well there are so many forums it can be a bit ignored sometimes... Just generally, Lamma land is for debugging and discussions of the update the are fixing to release. Anything else not pertaining to that a person wishes for consideration by devs for game development... suggestions..

    Back to the topic though... Like I said, ranged combat for DDO pretty much stinks with some special exceptions on builds (like repeater rogues) and/or burst damage Rangers with many shot... etc... Thrown Ranged combat stinks even more and shurikens amongst the worst past that...

    Even adding an elemental strike to the shuriken wouldnt make monks switch. Now if they made some addition that boosted the snot out of something in ranged then maybe, but the actual ranged combat system as a whole is non-appealing.

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