I was wondering whether the DC of Stunning Blow on this build would be high enough. Any other advice is also welcome.
***Please don't mention Half Orcs, since I am not VIP, and I do not wish to buy them, for the moment.***
True Neutral Dwarf
Str 18 *Level Ups here
Dex 12
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 8
+2 tomes as you get them
Level Progression (13 Rogue / 7 Fighter)
Level 1 Rogue
Level 2-3 Fighter
Level 4-9 Rogue
Level 10-13 Fighter
Level 14-18 Rogue
Level 19 Fighter
Level 20 Rogue
1: Toughness
2: Two Handed Fighting
3: Stunning Blow
3: Power Attack
6: Iron Will (Any input on what i should use here? I don't think my will saves will be high enough to matter...)
9: Improved Two Handed Fighting
11: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
12: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
13: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
15: Greater Two Handed Fighting
16: Opportunist
18: Toughness (Again, any idea as to what i should take? Although the extra HP is nice)
20: Improved Evasion
Maxed Rank
Disable Device
Open Lock
Fighter Attack Boost II
Fighter Critical Accuracy II
Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
Fighter Strength I
Fighter Toughness I
Fighter Kensai I
Fighter Quarterstaff Mastery I
Rogue Haste Boost II
Rogue Faster Sneaking I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV
Rogue Balance II
Rogue Tumble II
Rogue Dexterity III
Rogue Theif Acrobat II
Dwarven Constitution II
Dwarven Spell Defense II
Dwarven Tactics III
Racial Toughness I
Stunning Blow DC
10 Base
11 Strength (18 + 5 level ups + 2 tome + 1 enhancement + 6 item)
10 Weapon
3 Dwarven Tactics
3 Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow)
1 Fighter Kensai
__________________________________________________ _______
38 DC (Any idea as to how I could raise this to 40+?)
Thanks in advance for any feedback!