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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010

    Exclamation Stunning Acrobat

    I was wondering whether the DC of Stunning Blow on this build would be high enough. Any other advice is also welcome.
    ***Please don't mention Half Orcs, since I am not VIP, and I do not wish to buy them, for the moment.***

    True Neutral Dwarf

    Str 18 *Level Ups here
    Dex 12
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    +2 tomes as you get them

    Level Progression (13 Rogue / 7 Fighter)
    Level 1 Rogue
    Level 2-3 Fighter
    Level 4-9 Rogue
    Level 10-13 Fighter
    Level 14-18 Rogue
    Level 19 Fighter
    Level 20 Rogue

    1: Toughness
    2: Two Handed Fighting
    3: Stunning Blow
    3: Power Attack
    6: Iron Will (Any input on what i should use here? I don't think my will saves will be high enough to matter...)
    9: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    11: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
    12: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
    13: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    15: Greater Two Handed Fighting
    16: Opportunist
    18: Toughness (Again, any idea as to what i should take? Although the extra HP is nice)
    20: Improved Evasion

    Maxed Rank
    Disable Device
    Open Lock


    Fighter Attack Boost II
    Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
    Fighter Strength I
    Fighter Toughness I
    Fighter Kensai I
    Fighter Quarterstaff Mastery I

    Rogue Haste Boost II
    Rogue Faster Sneaking I
    Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV
    Rogue Balance II
    Rogue Tumble II
    Rogue Dexterity III
    Rogue Theif Acrobat II

    Dwarven Constitution II
    Dwarven Spell Defense II
    Dwarven Tactics III
    Racial Toughness I

    Stunning Blow DC
    10 Base
    11 Strength (18 + 5 level ups + 2 tome + 1 enhancement + 6 item)
    10 Weapon
    3 Dwarven Tactics
    3 Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow)
    1 Fighter Kensai
    __________________________________________________ _______
    38 DC (Any idea as to how I could raise this to 40+?)

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!

  2. #2
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by hooblaboo View Post
    I was wondering whether the DC of Stunning Blow on this build would be high enough. Any other advice is also welcome.
    ***Please don't mention Half Orcs, since I am not VIP, and I do not wish to buy them, for the moment.***

    True Neutral Dwarf

    Str 18 *Level Ups here
    Dex 12
    Con 16
    Int 12
    Wis 8
    Cha 8

    +2 tomes as you get them

    Level Progression (13 Rogue / 7 Fighter)
    Level 1 Rogue
    Level 2-3 Fighter
    Level 4-9 Rogue
    Level 10-13 Fighter
    Level 14-18 Rogue
    Level 19 Fighter
    Level 20 Rogue

    1: Toughness
    2: Two Handed Fighting
    3: Stunning Blow
    3: Power Attack
    6: Iron Will (Any input on what i should use here? I don't think my will saves will be high enough to matter...)
    9: Improved Two Handed Fighting
    11: Weapon Focus: Bludgeoning Weapons
    12: Weapon Specialization: Bludgeoning Weapons
    13: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
    15: Greater Two Handed Fighting
    16: Opportunist
    18: Toughness (Again, any idea as to what i should take? Although the extra HP is nice)
    20: Improved Evasion

    Maxed Rank
    Disable Device
    Open Lock


    Fighter Attack Boost II
    Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow) III
    Fighter Strength I
    Fighter Toughness I
    Fighter Kensai I
    Fighter Quarterstaff Mastery I

    Rogue Haste Boost II
    Rogue Faster Sneaking I
    Rogue Sneak Attack Training IV
    Rogue Balance II
    Rogue Tumble II
    Rogue Dexterity III
    Rogue Theif Acrobat II

    Dwarven Constitution II
    Dwarven Spell Defense II
    Dwarven Tactics III
    Racial Toughness I

    Stunning Blow DC
    10 Base
    11 Strength (18 + 5 level ups + 2 tome + 1 enhancement + 6 item)
    10 Weapon
    3 Dwarven Tactics
    3 Fighter Strategy (Stunning Blow)
    1 Fighter Kensai
    __________________________________________________ _______
    38 DC (Any idea as to how I could raise this to 40+?)

    Thanks in advance for any feedback!
    heh, i've just done a fair amount of research into this actually. presuming you want this to be quarterstaff-based, otherwise you wouldn't make it an acrobat (also presuming that you don't want to be either WF or half-orc, possibly because you don't own the races... either is technically going to get better results out of THF feats, power attack, and in the case of half-orc damage), you're going to be looking at either a ToD ring (to get the exceptional +3 strength) or epic cape of the roc. you could also consider the epic red dragon helm or epic belt of the mroranon if you have the appropriate packs, either will give you +7 strength from the item.

    failing this, your likely options are yugoloth potions (for +2 strength) and the spell rage (in potion, clicky, or actual spell form), madstone rage, and the titan's grip gloves out of mindsunder (madstone is reasonably sustainable, titan's grip you only get like 3 minutes per rest broken into 1 minute sections... but it is still +6 strength!)

    it should be noted that most of these things are not necessarily *easy* to get, but they are theoretical possibilities.

    as far as 38 being useful, yes and no. it should do reasonably well for much of the game. i doubt it will do terribly well in elite amrath, and in epics i understand that should be fairly effective against some targets, and likely works something like 50-75% of the time depending on target. recommended DC is low-to-mid 40s if at all possible, from my understanding.

    only other source right now that i'm aware of is completionist feat, or past life: fighter feats. should you wish to pursue that course, you are of course entitled to do so... but i don't anticipate you'll have an easy time of it

    (on a side note: i'm not sure how much improved crit is doing for you, considering it's a 20/x2 weapon, not to mention you've got stunning blow to hopefully guarantee crits when you need anyways. the second toughness and iron will are also candidates for other feats... my personal suggestion would be that you consider cleave and great cleave, since you apparently get sneak attack on cleaves/great cleaves but not on glancing blows. i might also suggest skill focus:UMD if you're not sure you'll be able to hit those high-end DCs.

  3. #3
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    I only gave a cursory glance - but what I saw I liked.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  4. #4
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    Off the topic (I like the build btw), but Is there another char builder out there I am not aware of? I see the above layout often, and have been wondering if its a builder layout, or if people are just entering all the info by hand on the posts. (I ask because I have the other char gen, and while I like it, I like this layout much better for posting).

  5. #5
    Community Member elujin's Avatar
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    i curently rolling up a stunning wf acrobat made him 13/6/1 rog/fighter/monk

    firestance is a +1 dc and dmg the 7 the fighter level isn't doing that mutch (fighter stunning blowIII)
    and windstance if there is haste also gives my wf the abilty to use the 25 % healing amp(when in firestance) braces from sentinals

    if you don't have monk i guess fighter is nice too

    my stats are mostly the same

    iron will could be cleave (nice to jump over the front line and sneak attack a whole bunch of monsters in the back) and with stunning q-staves you have chanse one of them gets autostuned.
    it could be an outher thoughness, acrobats like this pull agro and can take agro with the fighter hp 3d thoughness can only help that
    i also considerd combat expertise + inprove trip but why trip if you can stun also needs a +1 int tome)

    apart from iron will for cleave my feats are the same

    for raising the stun dc rage and outher str adding stuff

    a dc in the low 40's is good enough for epic i been told

    my wf is lvl 10 (6rog/3fig/1monk) now and his stuns are landing well and he is a ton of fun
    (i do need to carrey some hero pots and fox pots for traps and high sc and dd items and i have skill boost for leveling)

    (to recap i looked at dwarf too but if you have wf (and monk) its a little bit better in my opinion dwarf work too though)

    good luck on your build i hope you in joy it i know i am
    Last edited by elujin; 10-07-2010 at 02:56 PM.
    Virt II makes elujin smile !

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010


    Thanks for all the replies! I guess i'll just carry pots and rage scrolls till i get Titan's Grip. I might just go 3 toughness to boost my HP, although that seems kind of a waste...

    @elujin, Yeah monk wouldve been great, but since I don't own them, fighter seemed to be the best choice

    About improved trip, how do the DC's get calculated, and what are the *goals* for epics?

    Again thanks for the input!

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