Hey everyone, was wondering if anyone would be interesting in forming an epic ADTQ1 static group (DQ preraid).
The quest itself even on epic is not as difficult as people may say it is, the only part I personally have ever struggled with is the bat room. The tactic of the quest that i have used is pretty simple; just dance mobs and have melee kill them. No one should be taking much damage 75% of the time or more during the quest. I usualy run it with 2 casters, 2-3 melee (who are ranged capable) and 1-2 healers.
Requirements are pretty simple:
*Be willing to spend some resources on this adventure, 1 shrine dosent seem to cut it even with 2 healers and 2 casters. You shouldnt have to be using an excessive amount of mana pots, but most likely a couple at the least every run when we start off. Over time I am hoping that this number will go down to 0 as we learn the quest
*Be patient and have the time to learn. At first it may look like the quest is not worth the effort. However, like many things; when you get a routine going it will be a much smoother and much quicker quest then you thought. I have heard of static groups running this quest in well under an hour.
*And lastly, be level 20 (of course) and know your class/role and how you will function in the quest. (Dont be a wizard who goes in and dumps all your mana polar raying the first fire reaver, etc, etc).
So, if your interested send me a PM, and we can try to get a group going.![]()
Time would most likely be around 8:00PM EST, but this may change to accomidate the group.
(How often we would run the quest still TBD)