I have looked over the list, asked in game and searched the forums. Is the right guild really out there? Well, I sure hope so. What makes a guild the Right Guild?
All members mature and respectful.
People that can actually teach me more. (I have played for a while so I understand the game, but I played mostly when the cap was lvl 10. Played a little last fall again, but was not as hooked. Well, I figure it's because I don't know what to do after level 10.)
People that run. Active guild, rarely less than five others on would be awesome.
An active forum/website
One where people understand class builds. I am nowhere near good enough at this. I read the forums and I learn a lot, but there is just so much here. Having people I know to ask questions of would be wonderful.
People that actually talk intelligently when grouping. I get bored. B-)
At least a few that are willing to help zerg/run for leveling purposes.
Drama Free..Hate it...Will never be the source of it.
People that laugh. It is a game.
Loot runs/workthroughs of orchard/desert/gianthold..wherever
If any of you are in or know of a guild that would be good, please let me know.. Until then, back to reading guild ads.