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Thread: 12ftr vs 12pal

  1. #1
    Community Member lopter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default 12ftr vs 12pal

    so I am looking at 2 ways of building a nice dpser ..


    I want the following
    atleast first tier kensai
    paladin divine might
    divine sacrifice
    Paladin Knight of the Chalice
    lord of blade (so wf obviously)

    can I get a nice breakdown of

    powersurge kensai 2 and the addtional 4 feats towards damage and to-hit
    divine might2 device sacrifice2 knight of chalice 2+prayer(perma on)

    twf itwf gtwf pa toughness etc as normal feats taken.

    which one would on EPIC and against OUTSIDERS(assuming pally on this one) would be a better dpser?

  2. #2
    Community Member Dylvish's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by lopter View Post
    so I am looking at 2 ways of building a nice dpser ..


    I want the following
    atleast first tier kensai
    paladin divine might
    divine sacrifice
    Paladin Knight of the Chalice
    lord of blade (so wf obviously)

    can I get a nice breakdown of

    powersurge kensai 2 and the addtional 4 feats towards damage and to-hit
    divine might2 device sacrifice2 knight of chalice 2+prayer(perma on)

    twf itwf gtwf pa toughness etc as normal feats taken.

    which one would on EPIC and against OUTSIDERS(assuming pally on this one) would be a better dpser?
    You want Lord of the Blades, but say to assume TWF, ITWF, GTWF... isnt Lord of the BLades 2handed blade bonus? or are you just thinking of picking it up for the transformation.

    Older thread below. Covers the 2monk/6pally/12 ftr, and the 2rogue/6pally/12 ftr builds. Talks about it for humans, elves, and WF throughout the thread as well ( I went with elf, had a blast with em). May answer some of the questions you have.

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