Here are a few places where auto-attack helps people avoid carpal tunnel:
- Vault of Night 3: Marut who runs this on epic? at level I am never standing still fighting him; stun is too dangerous
- Vault of Night 6: Velah one of the two examples i listed
- Shroud Part 1: Portals the other example i listed
- Shroud Part 4: Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. the other example i listed
- Shroud Part 5: Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. the other example i listed
- Vision of Destruction: Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. sully moves too much - if you stand in one place you are going to get cursed eventually - and you certainly cant go afk here
- Tower of Despair: Judge - Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. you are joking right?
- Tower of Despair: Jailer - Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. ditto - healers must love u...
- Tower of Despair: Suluu - Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. we usually run on hard (chest bugged) or speed run so i am honestly not that familiar with fighting sully here
- Tower of Despair: Horoth - Stand in 1 place. Beat boss. depends on what type of tank you are using - but this can sometimes be true, depending
- Stealer of Souls who runs this more than once per toon?
- Epic Von1: First red name most epics i know a caster solo's then just shouts in guildchat when they are rdy for pikers to come loot the chest - so irrelevant
- Epic Von1: Boss ditto
- Epic Von4: Golem ditto
- Mindsunder Crystal not sure where u r referring to here
- Dreaming Dark boss ROFL
- Running w/ the Devils: first red name do you really consider this endgame? its over 2 yrs old, not a raid and has no named loot
- Genesis Point: Boss u must fight a different boss than i typically do
- Sins: Boss again u must fight a different boss than i usually do
- Amrath Explorer: Devil Named encounter areas are not endgame nor do i know anyone that messes with rares
- Amrath Explorer: Golem Named encounter areas are not endgame nor do i know anyone that messes with rares
- Into the Deep: Crystals havent messed with these quests yet, so you might be right, but since your track record so far is abysmal, i will wait for others to comment
- Into the Deep: Mutant ditto
- Into the Deep: Devil ditto
- Last Stand: Boss ok fair enough
- Claw of Vulkoor: Skeleton not sure how you do claw but we dont fight a skeleton
There are plenty. I'm not even mentioning anything that isn't near end-game
I agree that the THF feats aren't the best,
though I don't think that they are completely useless