Level-ups are better off in STR. I had the toons you're proposing and then GR'd her. Trust me.
Level-ups are better off in STR. I had the toons you're proposing and then GR'd her. Trust me.
No-one consider Zen Archery? Dex to wisd attack mod
And put points only in str and wisd(for att bonus and lots of mana) :P
Most AA's are waiting on the 500+ damage of a slayer to go off which in tune really makes your STR irrelevant as it will kill most things in the game.
However .... I have a high DEX AA and a high STR AA and by far the high strengh version is a MUCH better toon
There is really no need for a 36 DEX ...... 32 hits everything and your STR could use the extra points !
The point is kinda moot though. Its going to be a TR character anyway. Its just for experimentation. Not to mention the following:
-yes, a total of 37 dex after the mod is a bit high by most standards.. but the dex is being used on this character for more than just the +to hit. Its also being used for the other obvious places.. such as the bit lower sneak and hide.
-Instead of working for dex gearing on him/her, I can use up all the STR gear I have and make them even out
-Build has no tomes listed, so I'm not even sure if I'll be using the tomes on it.
-Its a ranger. Nothing is expected of us anyway. Sorry to say it, but the argument always remains true. So long as there's a boarish stubborn snot out there, they're always going to say "Ranger's aren't DPS." Strength or Dex build, from what I've read and witnessed over the past few nights on my cleric... that's not really going to change.
And to the above, the build does have UMD. 10 points of it. I'm a fan of it actually. Picked it up on a few other characters and I like using the wands and off chances of getting successful scrolls. Kept true neutral to be able to use any bow reguardless of law alignment, and the neutral to be able to use Litany by the off chance I get it in a guild raid or something for the little bit once its maxed. Just always had a thing for being fully neutral. Besides, Silver Bow up to and including after GS would be the only thing I'd on her anyway. Some of the better stuff comes nice and early.
Last edited by Hirshel; 10-07-2010 at 07:14 PM.
As lame as it sounds ...... Damiya is mainly my PvP toon now and I need the Neutral alignment for use of the PvP awesome Greensteel Triple Neg Bow !
I do agree however .... in game Good Alignment is the way to go OR yes as you have stated ... UMD !
I wish theyd fix MyDDO as all of my toons are WAY different now lol
Ya Nattalie right now is sitting at 37 DEX and at 20th will be 38
I agree 100% this is DEX overkill ...... BUT the toon is 4 years old and when I created her all I was worried about was DEX lol ( I need to get my head out of the full ranged toons mentality lol ...... maybe one day ! )
Her CON is weak and I should re-incarnate just to re-do the stats as I have done on a couple other toons ... the problem is .... I am not sure how I got my dex THAT high at 16th lvl lol !!
So ..... 18 end game CON it will be on here I guess lol !!
I am familliar with this feat BUT I am pretty sure this really would only benefit a Cleric Arcane Archer !
Although I don't know enough about the feat to make an unbiased opinion
I am presuming that Zen Archer ONLY effects your + to hit with a bow where your AC and reflex saves still rely on your Dex
Honest opinion .... Unless you are PvP-ing and are worried about saves on WIS based spells or cursespewing weapons ............ WIS is something you only want enough points that allow you to cast your spells / craft your arrows and give out some ranger buffs.
AND if you are an elf its much cheaper to put your points into DEX
Correct me if I am wrong on the Zen Archery Feat providing more than +'s to hit with a ranged weapon
For me, the difference in the time it took to kill things on the DEX versus the STR build was the kicker.
Whatever you chose to play (and from the amount of TR-ing it sounds like you are going to do on this build), STR is hands down "easier" to play. You can still have very good AC on the STR build but you will kill things so much faster that it makes the dramatically inflated xp requirements a little more palatable.
Naaa. The biggest error I have seen with archers is the 22 str 38 dex build, who can shoot stuff but not kill stuff.
Starting dex at 18 + 6 item + 2 elf + 2 tome +3 ranger +3 exceptional is 34 dex. +1 for a level up and a +3 tome is 36 dex.
The other 4 level ups go into str. Which will end up ~30 sans buffs (other than rams and maybe a rage pot) Str being the MUCH easier stat to buff, if you do start failing to hit with a bow, you can put it away, grab some blades, and start scrapping. Blades are still higher damage for AA when many shot is cooling down anyhow....
The other little tidbit here is you save a feat for not having to take weapon finesse just to melee. Your weapon selection just got better too. Bow is already piercing, so why take rapier when you can use scimitars, which are elf racial weapons AND are slashing which covers another DR type...
What do you do when 5 devils teleport in and 3 start wailing on you? Move out of LOS? Yeap, they will just blink right on top of you again.
I bet shroud elite is much easier piking in the penalty box for 90% of the encounter....
In DDO, there is no such thing as avoiding all melee damage. Moving out of the way applies at times, but there are time when you need to suck it up and kill the mobs faster. Higher str + more HP.
30 str is + 10 to jump (str skills) and the jump spell (30) caps you out at 40.
Kiting is fun right up until PUGs / guildies / old EQ players (haw!) start hollering at you for doing it. When they see me pull something I cant kill with a bow, flip out the swords and dispatch it, I get alot more appreciation than I do if I run all over the place and keep dragging the mobs through my allies. Its not just the aggro of the mobs I am worried about, but the aggro of the ranger haters as well.
In short, AA PRE =/= not putting the bow away. With buffed up str. all weapons are your friends, and not just the ranged ones. Str is easily buffable into the 40s or possibly low 50s with access to high end gear / mid level raid loot / potions, etc.
16 base
02 ram's might
06 item
03 tome
03 tod ring
30 STR
18 base
06 item
03 tome
03 tod ring
05 elf/ranger enhancements
35 DEX
Litany, rage, yugo pots, ship buffs, +7 stats epic items not included. And then you have to allocate the 5 points from level ups which leads to 3 choices:
- 30/40
- 32/38
- 34/36
The big loss is sacrificing a feat for weapon finesse, that's the one thing that hurts the most. Stats wise I don't see a difference that screams overkill if you go full DEX, you lose 2 or 4 points of STR. Losing some damage vs DR/slashing mobs by choosing rapiers over scimitars is not THAT bad either, only zombies have DR/slashing. On the other hand ancient arachnids, crimson foot spiders, rakshasa and wheeps have DR/piercing or DR/piercing+good. Yeah I know, they don't make the Top 100 Most Dangerous DDO Monsters.
Last edited by Mjoll; 10-08-2010 at 04:01 PM.
Mjoll. CLAW. Thelanis.
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I wouldn't know if it's easier piking from he penalty box, I've never died during the Shroud raid. You're right, you can never avoid the damage but I can self heal just fine for that reason. I can also out run orthons and bearded devils but killing them with weapons is faster then running them to death.
Well, I've never had a fighter complain about me bringing him something to kill. I have seen fighters scorn rangers for kiting things away from them though. You bring the unsuspecting mob into the disco ball, solid fog, or firewall etc and boom, the fighters get a freebee. If the melee in the group is horrible then I beat on whatever attacks me until it dies. It shouldn't be assumed that kiting is ALWAYS negative or impractical. It is, however, not always necessary.
I wouldn't call them friends, I had to pay for them after all. For example, that woman I was with last night you might call a friend. I'd call her a prostitute.