My apologies to that brave group of intrepid souls I lead to their doom the other night on "where there's smoke.."
I threw up a Cerulean Hills slayer PUG and once we cleared it we did captives, then smoke. After running smoke on hard, I got too cocky and suggested we try it on elite. Remember what happened to Gen Custer at Wounded Knee? Now swap the Indians with Orcs and replay the party wipe over and over and over and you have a pretty good approximation of what happened.
We were like Hansel and Gretal, only instead of bread crumbs, we used soul stones to leave a trail behind us.
This was completely my fault, I had just run smoke on elite two hours earlier with a party that had two lvl six WF barbs, but our party of lvl four Pal, Clr, Mon, Mon was just not up to the challenge.
The Cleric rage quit after the first dog, but did that stop us? Heck no! We battled and died and died and died our way to the third dog where we all took turns as ghosts watching the one guy close enough to keep re-rezing like some weird monk cloning mechanism.
Still determined to finish, we all summoned our gold seal hirelings, and set off to die again in less than spectacular fashion and were forced to watch the useless hirelings fraternize with the Orcs.
Amazingly we were all laughing at this point with many LOLs and LMAOs, b/c it was just too pathetic for words. At some point, as we floated around as disembodied ghosts examining each others' soul stones, one of the monks remarked "Hey, isn't this a 7th level quest on elite? We're only fourth!" The second monk chimed in "Actually, I'm still third. LOL!" Good times...
So, the moral of the story is threefold:
1- Hubris = death
2- I really suck as a party leader.
3- The DDO equivalent of the 3 stooges is Two Monks and a Pally.