One of my many alts is a Dex bases Kensei III/AA.
Who has some very weak finessable melee weps in his inventory.
When I do the Shroud Prt 1, I pull out two of them, and follow everyone else around and beat on the portals just like everyone else.
These base damage on the weps I use probably don't even get through the DR. They are not HolyBurst of PG, or GCB weps. (don't remember what they are right now..sry)
So I do about 1 - 2 D6 of bonus damage per hit with each swing.
Yet I could be using the weps I speced Bows, with all those Kensei and AA bonus damages going....and the bows have better base damage to begin with then those tiny little finesse melee weps I keep around.
But no.
I don't want to hear all the flak about using a bow on a portal.
So I do exactly what all those people who know my build better than me ask me to do.
Sometimes the best way to deal with people is to give them what they ask for.
Last edited by Consumer; 10-06-2010 at 12:19 PM.
I should have filmed this, but our last 6-AA Shroud (no healers or casters other than a Bardcher) had the portals going down only a little bit slower than the average pug of 12 random mooks. Granted we were decently geared, we just took turns so we didn't all blow our MS on the same portal.
Personally i don't care what the archers are doing...
Yeah you think you're helping out by shooting up the next portal in the line. Get to show off how awesome your damage is. (altho nobody cares)
But you're not helping as much as having the entire group focus on ONE PORTAL at a time. The faster each one goes down, the faster this entire crappy round is over... And having one person screw around on another portal (theres always at least one...) Slows down part 1 by a few minutes... Multiplied by 100's of shrouds... Your showing off **** made me spend an extra 30-60-200 minutes in part 1 total.. And i hate you for it.
There should only be two groups running around in part 1. The arcane killing the stuff at the next portals. And the portal beating mob... And EVERYONE can be swinging at the portals. Yeah even the clerics. Sure your damage is sad. That's ok.. but the extra few pts of damage you can put in speeds up part 1 by some.
After so many runs thru shroud... The less time spent in part 1 the better.
Not that I don't agree with you a little. (mostly about showing off)
But lets say you have two portals with 100,000HP each. And a party that can dish out
DPS at 1000hp/second.
Won't they bring down both portals in 200 seconds no matter how many of them are beating on one or the other or both?
The first two portals that spawn after the initial portal, for one.
The two portals, north west side, bottom of ramp, top of ramp for another. These two are normally the 3rd and 2nd to last that are up.
Having said that, I'll agree that it depends on what else the AA has for weapons/bows as to whether they're doing more or less damage. Also, keep in mind that they are attacking a new portal while the party is moving in between portals. It's that many more hits before s/he would get there were they moving with the group.
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
AA rangers are doing what a ranged attacker does,hint the name ranged attacker.A true aa has the dps with a bow pointing all enhancements,feats and points into his ranged attack.Which in short means his melee is about worthless even with the right weapon.So why would u waste the healers sp and the time of the party on making a player do what his toon was not intened for.The dps on an AA is enough the standing in one spot ranging is greatly benificial to the whole grp.Second if they are attacking then therefore they are not piking,with the right spot and bow they are dispensing mobs and hitting the portals at the same time so leave the AA alone if he is doing his **** job.
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder