I have seen Tukaw on Kyber pretty much single handedly save a failed part 5 shroud. Sure he got a few reconstructs from the caster but it was just him and the caster and Arry. Everyone else was dead. I think (but can't recall for certain) that by the end it was just him and Arry.
Now I don't know if Tukaw on Kyber is the original build or not. I don't know what equipment it takes to build or what skill it takes to play such a build. I do know that this guy had it going on!!! It made me seriously re evaluate strange builds!
I guess the point of my post is that while one may say the Tukaw build has low DPS, it sure as heck beat my dead a$$ DPS.
Last edited by cupajoe; 10-06-2010 at 05:05 PM.
To all the above that haven't played a Tukaw build to 20:
While to get the awesome solo ability of the Tukaw build you do need some great gear, it is by far an awesome build without the gear. I've run many quests where I am the last to live, can umd some res scrolls to bring everyone back up, and even kited a whole group of baddies in A new invasion. When you enter a room and you go from no dungeon alert to red and everyone dies but you, you will understand how nice it is to have great self buffs, great saves, and evasion. You do decent DPS and throwing down a firewall for added damage while you kill stuff is awesome.
Displacement, GH, and a scroll of divine power will make you tear through most anything. A min II axe just makes it all so much easier.
I'd prefer the monk splash instead of the rog splash with U7's changes to THF. I look forward to making weapon aptitude effective for my holy/acid procs.
If you go Sorc, then pick monk as the splash. You need the 2 feats.
If you go Wiz, then pick rogue as the splash. You dont need the 2 feats and will have the skill pts (from the high Int) max trapskills and umd.
Yea i'm from Khyber! Nice post about that last 50% of shroud boss part 5 alone! Had good glory there!
Monk version are not bad... monk did not exist when i builded it. Can they reach good intimidate and umd? I'm sure they can with gear. Can monk use stance with grtaxe? gotta love the +16 damage from boosted power attack!
Forget Wiz version! reconstruct 5 sec cooldown is baad!
Tukaw (Sorc 16/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukah (Cleric 20)+Tukaa (Bard 19 / Barb 1)+Tukab (Barb 14/ fighter 2)+Tukas (Sorc 20)+Tuka (Pally 16)+Tukaq (Sorc 12/ pally 2/ rogue 2) + Tukal(Wiz11/Rogue3/Ranger6)