with the monk levels you could charge ki for a certain degree of sparkling regardless
add glitterdust if you wanna spread the sparkly love
with the monk levels you could charge ki for a certain degree of sparkling regardless
add glitterdust if you wanna spread the sparkly love
I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.
I can't believe I missed this given my love of bards!
TWF bard, race is up to you (half-orc for the fangs or human would be fine). Dual wield Death's Touch or Chaosblade. If you go human then take some healing amp. Play a Virtuoso. You get to enthrall your enemies. You get stealth skills if you want them. You get crowd control spells. You'll be spread thin on stat points but for a 28-point human you could go 14str,15dex,14con,8wis,8int,15cha. For a 32-point build I'd probably go 15str,15dex,14con,8wis,8int,16cha. Your feats may be tight - you'll want Toughness, Power Attack, TWF, iTWF, gTWF, Improved Critical: Slashing, and if you go Chaosblades Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Khopesh. That last one could be swapped in for Skill Focus: Perform once you get to the level to wield the Chaosblades. Beyond those abilities I'd probably toss a Heighten in if you want to use crowd control other than your songs. It's the best bang for your buck single feat. If you drop Khopesh for the sickle instead you could fit in Spell Focus: Enchantment for even more DC. Finally, a 34-point build could go 14str, 15dex, 14con, 8wis, 8int, 18cha.
This sounds closest to what you'd want. You can melee with a lesser vampirism weapon very easily, from level 12 on you'll be able to regenerate a la a vampire (Virtuoso II will get a hp regen song), your songs will regen to make that regeneration pretty much unlimited. You can cow the undead (Music of the Makers) and make the living stand in thrall of you (Enthrall). You can cast blur/invisibility/displacement/shadow walk to simulate all of the interesting vampire concealment/travel. You can summon a bat in U7 (Summon Monster will have some new summons - this is one of them). Basically, it's the perfect build for this.
a vampire isn't a bard!(ok it maybe a bar but thinking of a bard vampire makes me imagine Edward(the twilight guy) singing in high school musical) and thus I don't wanna make one (though it is a very good Idea)
This thread just bothers me.
-Thelanis toons- Alektronic (wolf), Bakeneko (monk), Ghyldra (druid), Hermeros (crafter), Lecker (wf wiz),
Panaceus (elemental barb), Quallus (SDK), Taigong (acrobat), Vamprix (warlock), Vercigetorix (bard)