I think your interpretations of the spell effects are ugly, and add nothing to the game.
That is my opinion. It differs from yours. That is all.
I think your interpretations of the spell effects are ugly, and add nothing to the game.
That is my opinion. It differs from yours. That is all.
Why are these flimsy?
When people make suggestions, there are issues that need to be addressed, including:
Does the suggestion improve the game?
Would the suggestion make people more likely to play?
Is the amount of time devoted to implementing the suggestion justified by the effect of the suggestion?
These are all things worth considering, and many people posting have been doing just that. It's not clear that it would be an improvement based on what several people have said and it might make people less likely to play. These are both important things to consider. People getting sick from playing the game when they were fine before as the result of an aesthetic change is NOT a flimsy reason to not make an aesthetic change.
These are all legitimate questions, and these are what people are asking. Coming into the Suggestions forum at times requires somewhat thick skin, because whenever a person posts a suggestion, it is going to be commented on, critiqued, and often criticized. It's not a statement about you as a person, or even about all ideas that you have. People disagree with the need for a specific idea.
Problems often arise when people take criticisms of their idea to heart. It is true that some criticisms are unnecessarily harsh. But if you get upset by people disagreeing with the value, doing things like making bad slippery slope arguments is going to bring more negative posts against the idea from people who disagree but might otherwise have ignored it. Calling the reasons for not liking it flimsy when it's not entirely clear why you think it should be changed (as far as I can tell, it's because a) you like yours better than the current way, and b) you think it is closer to PnP than the current way, neither of which is all that strong of a reason) is another way to strengthen negative feedback. How does "I think it would be cooler" beat out "It would make a lot of people who play the game unable to play the game"? I don't think it does.
People are going to disagree about things. Just because they disagree with you doesn't make them jackals. Some might be, others most definitely aren't. But calling them that and making bizarre incorrect statements about what they're arguing generally isn't a good way to get the response you want.
with the same reasoning, not all of us "healthy" people are graphic *****s and could care less about how "superb" the graphic the game has as long as the game is fun to play.
btw, i hate the attitude you have about just screwing over those that may have personal health problems and wanting to implement something that'll perhaps force them to stop playing altogether
did you know at one point, rage use to tint your screen red? but it was taken out due to the problems people were having. a good company would care about the well being of their customers. a REALLY good company would screw over the selfish people that thinks themselves better than other customers.
PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
less buffing, more nerfing!!!
to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"
Enemies don't get a will save to ignore the miss chance. They get one to avoid having Blur or Displacement on them. That's what the "harmless" descriptor in the save means. It can be saved against, but normally the target would just accept the spell. In DDO, they simplify it, and casting it on an enemy simply isn't allowed, since there's little legitimate reason to allow it.
I could see a performer about to go on stage not wanting a Blur cast on them. Or a flying trapeze artist with Displace on them...
And niether does it say that more than one image appears. The closest representation of the spell would be for there to be no visual effect present at all... just a 50% chance for mobs to miss because you're actually 2 feet from where you seem to appear.
Ftr, I find it very ironic that anybody calls for more realism in a game where I am an elf that can shoot 5 arrows at once at a giant red dragon and can call lightning bolts from the sky with a longbow.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
If anything, redo camouflage first. That one looks like some dummy template texture that never left dev phase. Shouldn't be too hard with the Dx11 upgrade.
i think the spell effects are fine as is.
remember DDO is running on a now very quickly aging graphics engine. Not only are your idea's most likely not feesible without a major overhaul on the game... they would drain your systems resources like a vampire.
You think you got a lil lag now when 6-10 people are casting spells around you... pfft it would be nothing when EVERYONE has those spells both cast on them.
Not to mention it would totally mess with my eyes... and probably cause seizures the world over. Just looking at your displacment picture makes my eyes feel wonky.
Granted if this was a "Real Life" spell and such abilities could be cast in "Real Life" they would probably have effects similar to what you show... to mess with peoples perceptions and eyes... but in a game... well it has no place really.
IMO the time spent doing an update for these two spells could be far better spent on creating U8 (the patch after this next patch)(and U8 would probably take half as much time)
Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda'DDO, or DDOn't. There is no WoW' -Dunklezhan
On wether blur is really blurry, it seems the shifting and wavering is more like an optic mirage, as if the air were hot and refracts the light.
It thus be hard to focus your eyes on the target, but unlike displacement it is still there so the chances to fail are smaller.