The other night (not last night those guys were cool) I was in a shroud run and noticed the clerics were engaging in some, sadly more and more typical healer behavior: Not banging on portals, not really fighting all that much if at all, kinda talking about how uber they are and giving us the bidness about how much it is costing to keep us healed, telling us they will require donations for having to drink pots after the mission, just going about the whole thing with a misplaced sense of entitlement. This is not just something with the shroud, it's something that has become more and more prevalent throughout my storied career on this hallowed game.
At first I would meekly agree, since a lot of the time any argument led to me not getting healed, and there is a very thin line between a rogue leading the kill count because someone else has agro, and accidentally doing enough damage to get agro and not having a healer to back him up, and that line is a *ding* sound. I would quietly schlep along, standing where the cleric told me to, accepting the random berating of my character class and quietly accepting them barking orders at others, no one wishing to annoy them for fear that they will be ostracized from the gentle healing teets all healers possess (ugh, that conjured up some pictures I don't EVER wanna think about again), but I think it's time to put those crazy cats in their place. 95% of you healers are NOT uber players. UBER healers:
1. Can solo heal even non-optimal builds without whining
2. can go with the ebb and flow of battle and get buffs to who needs them (within reason, but making everyone stop what they are doing because you have decided "I shall now bestow my buffs on you wretched masses" is kinda lame)
3. Can contribute kill count
4. Are willing to get their hands dirty (portal bashing, trash mob pickup, etc.)
5. Realize the ALL classes expend resources and suck it up (Does the rogue ask for donations for thieves tools? Does the Caster ask for $$$ for spell components? Does the fighter ask for money to repair his items?)
I have played with uber healers before (one was a complete and total jerk about it but I give credit where credit is due) but not THAT many of them. If there are 3 healers in a raid and you wipe on the Chicken's first iteration, no that doesn't mean you suck but you are no longer to refer to yourself as UBER. If you have 2 healers in a raid 4 levels below you and run out of sp so often that the rogue and sorc have to break out wands to keep YOU alive and you still can't be bothered to fight, that doesn't mean you suck but you are not UBER.
WHat makes a healer uber for you?