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  1. #1
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Default Joining "Please Know Quest" LFMs When You Don't

    Little community support and consensus on this would be cool...

    Several times in recent history, I have put up LFMs with "Please Know Quest", in the LFM. It's not because I am being elitist or hate new people, it is because of limited time and/or to eliminate a lot of unnecessary chatter about the quest/raid prior to entry.

    Inevitably, I have had 1 or 2 people who obviously don't know the quest and it ends up with squabbling, babysitting, ect...

    Please, please, please: If you don't know a raid or quest where the person who put up the LFM requests you don't join if you don't know it, DON'T JOIN. There are plenty of VoD, HoX, Shrouds, ect, where you can learn it and time isn't really an issue. Joining a raid where everyone knows it and wants to get through it quickly and easily just irritates the group if you don't know it and it was stated in the LFM. It also makes the leader look bad.
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  2. #2
    Community Member Irinis's Avatar
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    You assume that people read.

    I've put up lfms and had people join and ask what quest we're doing... and they weren't joking!
    Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.

  3. #3
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    You assume that people read.

    I've put up lfms and had people join and ask what quest we're doing... and they weren't joking!
    I suppose that is sadly true. I've had everything from people obviously not knowing what they need in a quest to loot drama because somebody took something they didn't need and didn't realize what it was until everyone clamored and you get the "this was my first time in here" line. I really don't stress loot drama, but not having the needed equipment/spells/strategy is a pain in the butt.
    “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy”

  4. #4
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    They might join groups like that hoping they can fly under the radar and be carried through by the more knowledgeable people in the party.

    I find a simple "in progress" in the LFM notes tends to scare most of those types of people away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
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  5. #5
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    You mean the only Wizzie in VoD needs Reconstruct for your WF Tank?

    Wha...? I took Flesh to Stone XD

    I love when our lowbies/TRs have a VON 5/6 LFM up saying "Be Flagged", and at least 3 of the first 6 to apply: SHR PLZ, Wut house? If someone other than me has the star, they'll explain things to them, then DAS BOOT! Me? I'll normally just dismiss. There are LFMs up at least every other day saying "VON Flagging", and then a raid that says "Be Flagged", it shouldn't be rocket science.

    If they cannot read, I certainly don't want them in my groups.

    Now, stuff like Subterrane/Devil Battlefield Tours? I'm fine driving the Shortbus there. But when we're doing an Elite VoD, and one of the clerics tells us at the door to go in that its his first time? Well, that's just silly.
    Last edited by TheDearLeader; 10-04-2010 at 02:12 PM. Reason: Fixed a typo

  6. #6
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    You assume that people read.

    I've put up lfms and had people join and ask what quest we're doing... and they weren't joking!
    This is actually understandable.

    Sometimes I click to join on LFMs and don't get an answer. I click another, then another. Still no answer. Finally someone accepts a join request I submitted several minutes ago, while I'm looking at the AH or something, since no one answered I had decided to check groups again in a few minutes.

    How am I supposed to know which one finally answered, doubly so if I'm member number 6 and the lfm disappeared?

    Sometimes it could be any one of 5 LFMs I clicked on.

    Group leaders shouldn't put up an LFM and go afk. You need to be on point with accepting join requests, or expect this to happen.

    I'm definitely not going to wait more than 30 seconds to be accepted before moving on unless it's something I really need. I like to play, not wait 5 minutes for some slacker to accept my join request.

    Just sayin'...
    Last edited by hermespan; 10-04-2010 at 02:27 PM.

  7. #7
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post
    This is actually understandable.
    No, no its not.

    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post
    Sometimes it could be any one of 5 LFMs I clicked on.
    Stop spamming the Social Panel.

    If the leader takes some time, send them a little tell. If you get nothing back, commit said leader name to memory, then consider what other LFM options. Its really easy to keep track of which party you're getting into when you actively pursue only one.

  8. #8
    Community Member Stormanne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hermespan View Post
    This is actually understandable.

    Sometimes I click to join on LFMs and don't get an answer. I click another, then another. Still no answer. Finally someone accepts a join request I submitted several minutes ago, while I'm looking at the AH or something, since no one answered I had decided to check groups again in a few minutes.

    How am I supposed to know which one finally answered, doubly so if I'm member number 6 and the lfm disappeared?

    Sometimes it could be any one of 5 LFMs I clicked on.

    Group leaders shouldn't put up an LFM and go afk. You need to be on point with accepting join requests, or expect this to happen.

    I'm definitely not going to wait more than 30 seconds to be accepted before moving on unless it's something I really need. I like to play, not wait 5 minutes for some slacker to accept my join request.

    Just sayin'...
    How is NOT reading the LFM for a group understandable? Aren't you at least interested in what quest is being ran and how it is being ran? Or even who else you'd be grouping with?

    Also, why click on five or six LFM's at once? Doing that screams of desperation and/or laziness. And, only waiting 30 seconds for a response? If it's a popular quest or a popular group leader, it can take that long just to wade through all the join requests.

    And, how is the person leading the group who doesn't immediately respond to you a slacker? Someone might have a question, or he is getting resources together for the quest. Heck, he is the one leading a group and has the confidence and chutzpah to do so. To me, it's a slacker who takes no initiative but instead lets others lead him/her all the time...

  9. #9
    Community Member Pikeman's Avatar
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    I've often wished there was a way to cancel a request to join a group (there isn't is there?). Sometimes the leader (especially for VoD Raids) takes their sweet time getting back to you. I don't WANT to be clicking multiple lfms...but sometimes I pretty much have to. Limited amount of time to play.

    That said, I've never clicked more than two, and never been confused about which group/quest I was joining.

  10. #10
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    People don't read.

    You can put up an LFM for shroud, monk only, lvl 17-18, with the text "only huge morons should apply, I will make fun of you and insult your parents", and within 10 minutes you will have a full raid.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I usually take the opposite approach, and don't join "know the quest" LFMs when I "do" know the quest.

    I get an extra thrill from doing this when I'm playing my Cleric, and it just so happens that the only class the said LFM is posting for for is a healer!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  12. #12
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Twice as sad as joining a quest or raid without knowing you are flagged etc is starting a group for shroud, in the LFM they did ask for someone to lead or help them through on first time.
    I joined said pug, I was in the mood to be helpful. I started talking to the other 4 people in group asking who has run it before, if they are flagged etc. Group leader repeated he has never run this before.

    I told him no problem, 2 more join, I ask the leader how he liked running chamber. His reply "Huh, what is that" I thought maybe he doesnt know the quest name. I described the quest to jog his memory. I asked him to check his quest list to see if the 5 flags were completed.

    Leader then mentions that he has never been in Meridia before! I was stunned, the verbal abuse began almost instantly, the other people in the group started sending me tells. I tried to calmly explain that there are multiple quests to run before you can do this raid. Gave him the DDOwiki page and quietly slinked away.

    I then sat down on my couch just baffled. Its one thing to not know the quest but to have absolutely no clue is unbelievable.

    I would be happy to pm the name to anyone but I have totally blacked that part of my memory out.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Munze_Konza's Avatar
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    If someone doesn't have the right spells or equipment. It really doesn't bother me unless they had a 'must know quest' LFM up.
    Otherwise it reminds me of PnP where you get surprised and have to deal with what you got.

  14. #14
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    I'd totally sign this, but I didn't read the thread. Shr plz?
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  15. #15
    Community Member LazyTigerLily's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irinis View Post
    You assume that people read.

    I've put up lfms and had people join and ask what quest we're doing... and they weren't joking!
    I just wanted to point out that every third time or so I log in my adventure compendium actually works. I don't want to defend people who ask, but when it's broken I don't see the quests that are listed, just the comments, who is in the group and where they are currently. Not saying that it is good or bad, just pointing out a reason people might be doing this.

  16. #16
    Community Member Film's Avatar
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    Wink Abbreviated Version

    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I'd totally sign this, but I didn't read the thread. Shr plz?

    People suck, the end!
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  17. #17
    Community Member Seamonkeysix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phidius View Post
    I'd totally sign this, but I didn't read the thread. Shr plz?
    Now that's funny. +1 to you, sir.

    I don't lead a ton of raids...lately, I am reminded why. In all fairness, in the particular raid that raised my eyebrows, 10/12 people did know what they were doing and it all worked out. It was the second time I had led this raid in a row where it was clear in the LFM that we were going in quick, getting it done and praying for loot. Don't join if you are going to hold up the process... but, alas, that didn't totally happen.

    Most of the time, it is more fun to see what crazy things people will do...but sometimes you just are trying to knock something out fast to get what you need.
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  18. #18
    Community Member TempestAlphaOmega's Avatar
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    I play this game for fun which means I don't click on "Know Quest" LMFs if I don't know the quest (there are some I don't know or don't know well enough) and I don't need the drama associated with such should everything hit the fan. I also don't want to be the one responsible for a wipe due to my ignorance of something in the quest design.

    I will even go as far as sending a tell letting the leader know I don't know the quest well before requesting to join unless something in the description makes me think they are accepting people who don't know the quest. Once again, while I know I can follow directions, I have speakers and I have a mic, I want to make sure the leader knows what he/she is getting. Drama is not what I am looking for (that is what work is for).

    I have been anoyed by slow LFM responses and also wish there was a way to cancel a request. It's fine if you want to send out for a background check on every player that applies to your group but if you are posting a LFM for players at or over the quest level and you are doing it on normal don't expect me to wait for 5 minutes (or more) for you to get back to me because the private detective agency hasn't emailed you the background docs yet. I have also been in groups where the leader has said going afk and when I mention the LFM I have been told they will wait.

    I need a better in game tool to manage all these lists (which "leaders" don't lead and what people don't play well with others).

    Oh well this is far more than I meant to type for an aggrement that I wish there was a way to cancel a join request.

  19. #19
    Community Member Templarion's Avatar
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    I have noticed that adding simple text "zerg" usually brings good and skilled players to my groups. Of course, there are exceptions but usually word "zerg" scares new players who want to take it slowly because they know ... zergers will not explain and they will not guide you.

  20. #20
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    I've had good experience with BYOH quests. "Know the quest" and "vets only" and similar just seems to summon all the clueless wonders who say to themselves "Cool! Everyone else will know the quest/be a vet so I can just pike through this!"

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