Willing to pay 10k Plat for this.
Also I would like a Ghost Touch Greater Ooze Bane Weapona. Ya know for those Incorporal Oozes.
Willing to pay 10k Plat for this.
Also I would like a Ghost Touch Greater Ooze Bane Weapona. Ya know for those Incorporal Oozes.
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
Personally I prefer the poison immunity belts of neutralise poison. I understand the clicks are usable on others but then your GT of ooze bane can be used on both oozes AND ghostly creatures so even they have SOME use.
<------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.
Shame i vendored it, but you could have had the - Clever googles (+5) of foxes cunning i got.
'Live Long, Play Longer'
I has bubble belt of underwater action and water breathing.
Here's a ranger-based one.
+4 truelaw bow of everbright.
The only mobs the true law works on are chaotic and neither rusties or oozes are chaotic. Also neither none-returning arrows or returning arrows are damaged by rusties or oozes so the whole things pretty pointless.
<------Pay no attention to the join date, played pre-launch in EU & moved to U.S. servers.
I like it when I get Silver AND Metalline Weapons...thats the best
"Hireling" and "Hjealer"
Member of THACO on Ghallanda
Yesterday I picked up a Fearsome robe of fear. Top that!
Vorpal anything with a crit chance of 20 and a secondary effect that procs on a crit.
Anál nathrach
orth’ bháis’s bethad
do chél dénmha
There is nothing better than lit2 and chain lightning when surrounded by flesh golems.
I am particularly fond of watching lvl 12-14 casters getting pummeled in Fleshmakers Lab.
Only thing I like more is sending the WF to scout ahead in rainbow or some small side passages in Snitch (even better on Epic I might add).
Rusties + WF make me giggle.
Now then, I sure as hell hope they incorporate a similar 'bane' for all the new Half-Orc players out there.
You guys are sooo lucky I'm not a dev, imagine the fun we could have??![]()
Not useless, just semi-ironic in the Alanis Morissette type way:
Intelligence + 6 Helm of Touch of Idiocy
Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
Main: Shado
Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others