Looking for Flawless Red Dragon Scales. PM me with offer if you are interested. I also appreciate free donations!
Orientatively i trade most of the scrolls for just one scale. Some exceptions are one scale for two scrolls if it's not rare/less useful than others or more than one scale up to n depending on the rarity/utility of the item. So ... PST ingame or PM me here so i can tell you more or less what's the price.
Also looking for a Scroll of the Torc of Prince Rayium de-II for a friend.
Scroll of the Adeherent's Pendant
Scroll of the Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
Scroll of the Belt of Mroanon
Scroll of the Big Top
Scroll of the Bloodstone
Scroll of the Bow of the Elements (Air)
Scroll of the Bracers of Deftness
Scroll of the Bracers of the Claw
Scroll of the Bracers of the Hunter
Scroll of the Cape of the Roc
Scroll of the Chainmail Coif
Scroll of the Cloak of the Silver Concord
Scroll of the Cloak of Zephyr [+12% crit chance on lightning spells and +0.50 to crit multiplier - same as dragon red robe but for lightning spells]
Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
Scroll of the Coronation Shield
Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
Scroll of the Dusk Heart
Scroll of the Elder's Focus
Scroll of the Firestorm Greaves
Scroll of the Flint
Scroll of the Gloves of the Falcon
Scroll of the Golden Greaves
Scroll of the Hammer of Life
Scroll of the Hyena Claw Necklace
Scroll of the Kundarak Warding Shield
Scroll of the Midnight's Greetings
Scroll of the Mirage
Scroll of the Mummy Wrappings
Scroll of the Necklace of the Azure Prophecy
Scroll of the Necklace of the Silver Phrophecy
Scroll of the Ring of Baphomet
Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
Scroll of the Robe of Fire
Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Scroll of the Sacred Band
Scroll of the Scroll of the Docent of Grace
Scroll of the Scroll of the Stinkpelt's Hide
Scroll of the Shard of Vollum
Scroll of the Shield of the Scorpion
Scroll of the Silken Mail
Scroll of the Sirroco
Scroll of the Souleater
Scroll of the Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Scroll of the Spectral Gloves
Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
Scroll of the Sting
Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
Scroll of the Tinder
Scroll of the Tourney Armor
Scroll of the Twisted Talisman
Scroll of the Unkor's Cleaver
Scroll of the Vambracers of Inner Light
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Scroll of the Ward of Undeath
Scroll of the Weatherd Targe
Scroll of the Whirlwind
Scroll of the Wolf Whistle
Scroll of the Xuum
Scroll of the Zephyr