I was told to do crucible elite I needed 30+ reflex save. That seems pretty hard to get unless you are a max dex build or have greensteel stuff at that lvl (which would be hard to do if not impossible).
I'm just a first generation char, dex build rogue, I have Voice of master, planar belt, and I can only see myself getting to like 23 self buffed if I buy a +4 resisitance cloak.
8 base reflex (13 rogue / 1 ftr)
9 dex (20 base +3 enh +5 item = 28)
1 voice of master
4 planar belt (not sustained, 10 min only but i have some control over this)
4 resistance item
23... now is trap sense a: effective in the swim in crucible b: shown in the character sheet
now i can hit uncanny dodge I suppose and get to 29 but i was thinking that may not suffice if its not sustainable.