Yup, yet another new guild trying to find members. Making a new guild is fun and all, but finding long standing members is a pain in the rear. All the level 14+ people just don't care, and all the 6- people don't read these forums enough to even notice a new guild is recruiting...but I got to start somewhere.

I was origionally from Khyber, but I moved to Argonnessen out of stupidity..played with the server full of arrogant losers for about a month, then quit about 3 months after the Shroud was out. After a Two year Haitus, I got back on, and shelled out the money to move back to glorious Khyber.

...but after 2+ years, you fade into the background.

I don't really want to look for a new high level guild to have my six characters call home..I ran the gambit with Twilight Avengers to get in back when I first started..and I really don't feel like scouting around, and trying to find another guild that can live up to the standards I created for myself with TA.

So I am creating my own guild...and with the new (to me) True Resurrection feature, I can do so while moving 'down to the newcomer's level' for lack of better wording. All six of my characters are being TR'd to level 1, and I have a monk I just started that is level 6. There are 4 members now, all at level 4-5.

As it stands now, I just want a group of people that get on, play, level up, and have fun. Long term goals? Yes, I want to make a raiding guild full of enough people that have levels appropriate to make a full guild raid, but as it stands now...baby steps.

A website will be on the way, and likely a forum to boot (Should this guild get that far.) so we can keep in touch there...and a Ventrilo Server will be up and about when I get the money to do so.

The guild itself has been open for quite some time, with just me in it..in order to have levels. Right now, We are a level 12 guild.

If someone is interested in joining a guild with intentions to grow into a raiding guild, provided there is enough people to go around, leave a message here, or PM me.
