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Thread: Assassinate

  1. #41
    Community Member knightgf's Avatar
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    You know, I can understand if there's a timer if you FAIL an assassination attempt, but idk about this system. One other weakness I can also point out is you HAVE to use a melee weapon to assassinate; you can't use a well-aimed range shot to assassinate a target. But thats another story; sneak attack on range needs to be reworked so its actually not bad. Other than that though, I do agree, some things should be changed with assassinate.

  2. #42
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    I think assassination is just fine. Its not meant to be uber powerfull slay everything ability. Its there if you have it and the circumstances permit. How do none-assassin rogues manage? If the party is quite happy to move at a swift pace without you using assasinate then so be it. You still do more damage then a mechanic and can probably do nearly all the traps a mechanic can do as well!!
    The assasins have it good.

    I do agree that deathward shouldn't stop extra damage but fortification should. I usually play as a rogue and despise fortification because of this but its tough. A rogue should also be adaptable so they can deal with things outside their normal remit.
    i.e. Use Magic Device
    Just my opinion. :-/

  3. #43
    Community Member Ybbald's Avatar
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    We can get along without it
    We can fight fort immune mobs
    We have UMD

    But this is destroying tier II and III of our prestige class. It's supposed to give us an individual edge over others, not be useless in high lvl content

  4. #44
    Community Member RJBsComputer's Avatar
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    Default Teir I Needs the Love

    I know a lot of Assassins that don't take the PrE until they hit level 12 because of the useless Teir I "poisons"! They don't work and you can NEVER tell if you made the roll for them to work if you get lucky. But then again, what is 20 seconds in a furball? "Hey Wiz, my poison work!!! Cast on the guy right there in the middle of the fight!" Right! I say make the first Teir more useful so that you want to use the "poisons". I would like to see a damage over time poison with the timer length based on Rogue Level. Something like 1d4+Rogue Level every X seconds for a period of (insert acid arrow timer here) seconds. Restriction: the cooldown timer is equal to half the damage run time.

    As for the Assassinate clickie, I would like to see the timer shorten a little bit. Getting to your target is gaming skill that you have to learn to do.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ybbald View Post
    We can get along without it
    We can fight fort immune mobs
    We have UMD

    But this is destroying tier II and III of our prestige class. It's supposed to give us an individual edge over others, not be useless in high lvl content
    I think destroying is a bit harsh... look at mechanics. We get standard SA, enhanced trap detection/removal (etc), crossbow use, repair construct and smite construct. Now I must admit some of those area bit weak but you learn to deal with it. Not every class uses every skill every time. You use whats right at the moment.
    As a trap doctor yes I disarm traps but if the party can't be bothered with it and run through then who am i to argue. Like wise, if they want you to assasinate the 1st one (healer or wizzy) and then they rush in then great... if not then its just tough.

    I think it unfair for assassins if ALL high level monsters and such are immune to assasinate for whatever reason but if something genuinly has immunity to it then its tough. I don't think assasinate needs work... but how monsters respond to it definetly.

  6. #46
    Community Member Ybbald's Avatar
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    I meant the assassin pre is destroyed. And the others are underpowered. Not as bad as deepwood sniper, but still needs lots of them.

    The poison also consumes a use of damage boost and a slow poison is pretty useless as trash mobs go down fast and bosses are immune

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