Hi everyone! Episode 187 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode - just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3. You can also find DDOcast on iTunes, the Zune Marketplace and Cyberears.com.
This week's show features guests The Brute and Coldin along with a brand new segment to the show - "Practically Tactical." Adan checks in with "All Monsters Great and Small", Skaggy has a cool "DDO Poetry Corner" and Ecric brings us another "Premium Perspective." We chat about the Mabar Endless Night event on Lammania and more Update 7 goodness. Thanks so much for listening!
DDOcast Episode 187 (10-2-10)
:15 Intro
2:46 Lammania event - Mabar Endless Night festival
5:15 U7 ETA
6:00 Raid talk
7:45 Mabar event overview and opinions
22:00 Mabar continued, timers
26:10 New raid chat
28:55 Lammania events and update
31:00 European transfer update
32:17 Adventure Compendium bug
34:35 Eldritch Runes
38:10 Bard Virtuoso II
41:20 Touch of Death nerf and other items
54:25 Practically Tactical debut!
1:02:55 Premium Perspective
1:09:55 All Monsters Great and Small
1:12:40 DDO Poetry Corner
1:17:00 Community Notes and emails
TOTAL TIME: 1:26:21
LINK to the DDOcast screenshots of the Lammania event the Mabar Endless Night Festival
LINK to the Ghallanda Machinima Studio video of the festival on YouTube.
LINK to the Update 7 named item thread on the Lammania boards, your best resource for items coming in Update 7.
LINK to the updated Release Notes for Update 7 on Lammania.
LINK to the latest info on DDO Europe Character Transfers, now scheduled for October 25th.
LINK to MadFloyd's latest batch of bug fixes getting worked on from his my.ddo.com blog.
LINK to the latest batch of DDO music released on DDO.com.
LINK to Massively.com's preview of Update 7.
LINK to the 34th edition of the Eberron Chronicle.
LINK to the latest DDO Store sale items.
LINK to the latest DDO Cocktail Hour episode 29 with Awesomesauce!