Hey MC fans, so been thinking about how to show multi-classing more love. Specifically, making melee casters, and mixed casters more viable. Some of you maybe familiar with Arcane Augmentation item effects. Basicallly it adds to your effective caster level for specific spells, spell schools, or overall. So the idea would be a feat that lets you add to your effective caster level. I'm thinking of a couple variations. Arcane Augmentation - School. WHich would make necromancers/evokers etc. more practical in the game. Then General Arcane Augmentation.

Arcane Augmentation - Feat.- General
Requires - Magical Training. Class Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard.
You have enhanced arcane casting ability. You add 1 to your effective caster level for all Arcane Spells. This feat can be taken multiple times, with each feat stacking. However, you are limited to a total number of Arcane Augmentation feats equal to half level your level in the Arcane casting class.

Arcane Augmentation - School - Feat - General
Requires - Magical Training. Class Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard.
You have enhanced arcane casting ability in a school of magic (i.e. abjuration, evocation, conjuration, necromancy)
You add 2 to your effective caster level for Arcane spells of the school, however, you must subtract one from your effective casting level in the opposed school. This feat can be taken multiple times, with each feat stacking. However, you are limited to a total number of Arcane Augmentation feats equal to half level your level in the Arcane casting class.

The one school opposition from NWN would be good basis, with a pass of the DDO spell schools for balance and fine-tuning.

* Abjuration - opposed by conjuration
* Conjuration - opposed by transmutation
* Divination - opposed by illusion
* Enchantment - opposed by illusion
* Evocation - opposed by conjuration
* Illusion - opposed by enchantment
* Necromancy - opposed by divination
* Transmutation - opposed by conjuration

The Divine version of the feat would work similarly. In addition a monk variant, Ki Augmentation would allow for MC monks to have a bit more punch. These could only be taken as general feats. Not wizard bonus, fighter bonus, monk bonus etc.

This would favor Wizard/fighter mixes obviously, as well as Monk/Fighter. So theoritically a 12wiz/6ftr/2rog could be an effective fighter Magic user thief type, by taking 6 levels of arcane augmentation (or more likely 3, due to dmg caps). You would still be limited compared to pure caster, cause of limited max spell level, limited max dc, and obviously feat requirements.

So what do you guys think?

Also, as a supplemental feat you could have a Spell augmentation feat, allowing you to bypass the dmg cap on certain spells so you could have a souped up fireball. Say +3d6 for a general Spell Augmentation Feat for a specific spell. Or could make 2d6, and have it available as a metamagic feat.

Pay attention devs.