I think thats fine considering that with the present setup you can sometimes get 3 a week; M Th S, W Sa, Tu F, repeat. If you were really religious about it could be less than that, since its actually 2 days 18 hrs, but in practice that doesn't mean much beczuse people tend to have sleeping itmes. You actually get 2.333 per week right now if you timer religiously.
Last night the guild was running reavers, but I had done it on Tuesday. I could not participate.
I wish they could make this change.
LOL, +1 nice try (sort of)!
I think it would be just a little more complex than that. What about all the db/table changes ?
Where is your quest completion counter ? 2 times per week right.
Old method and I now select new method, need a routine to go back and update things and the reverse.
Not to mention all the complaints from people that flip the switch when they really didn't want that option and
now must wait a week or whatever Layer 8 decides to do in that situation
Shorter raid timer?
Learn to read.
Currently the timer for raids is 2 days, 18 hours.
Thats 2.75 days.
Which is 2.5 completions a week if you do it everytime you're off timer.
What the OP suggests is allowing you to do a raid TWICE with a minimum of a 1 day timer, twice a week.
That means you can only complete it 2 times a week, or 4 times every 2 weeks compared to 5 times every 2 weeks if you did it every 2 days 18 hours.
Unless my math is completely off, there is no way 2.5 < 2.
When God gives you lemons, find a new God.
Having never seen the code I am not sure how complex it would be. Theory crafting a solution based off of a global completion date and a flag was just an example of how it might not be as hard as you think. The core of it is if you complete early add 7 to the last completion date, making it a week before you can take it again.
The completion timer remands the same. Any time the quest completes it increases the time. 20 is 20.
Old method -> New method. Wait a week run quest again, wait 3 days run it again and you are back to the old method. There is no need for a method to switch back and forth. If today - last completion is greater than equal to 3 then you are in the old method.
If the person choose to repeat the quest early there would be a warning in the text or potentially at the quest entrance similar to the quest not bestowed message.
With the special eveny on Monday I didn't complete (couldn't get a group for) my normal E. ADQ Mon/Thurs runs.
For your consideration
Let me put it clearer so you cannot misunderstand.
If you want to get 2-3 completions a week...then you must time it and play when timer is up.
This is how it has ALWAYS been.
Now you want to make it so you can get those same completions but without having to work as hard for it.
Why do you think its ok for some of us to have 4+ years of running raids every 3 days and all of a sudden you and a few others need them with a 1 day spacer? Really.....just play within the rules....there is no need for this...just as it was not needed all these years.
So it will take you longer to get your completions...your choices are every 3 days or take twice as long...and neither requires an easy button.
Really. This is my opinion and how i see it. I do not think this improves the game or its players...this may make it easier for you to get your completions...but i do not see making it easier as a way to make it better.
Make it harder...makes it better....making it easier...may get more players...but a better game it does not make.
I also disagree with the suggestion of the OP but your argument is weak. Just because something was always done one way or because you were required to use the old system does not mean it is required to remain that way.
Also timing it so you run the raids right after coming off timer is not 'hard work' its simply mathematical and physical effort to know when to log in. By physical effort I mean getting up and walking over to your computer... maybe that is hard work for some people, I dont know.
This point I do agree with.Really. This is my opinion and how i see it. I do not think this improves the game or its players...this may make it easier for you to get your completions...but i do not see making it easier as a way to make it better.
Why in the first place some quests have timer to reset?
How to revamp past life reward system <--- working again
Developers should fix this <--- 2020 edition!
Because everybody who plays the game sits at home 24 hours a day waiting to play.
If the timer is 2 days 18 hours, that would mean that when I come off of the timer, I would be at work.
So yea, it is a bit more of a physical effort than just getting up and walking over to my computer.
It would be quitting my job, then selling everything I own, then finding some nice box refrigerator box somewhere that has Power and Cable to live in.
How does it make it easier? The quest is still the same difficulty. My bard still has ~42 ADQ completions (~12 epic) without a Torc. You still have to do the work to get the reward. Hard core players will still have an advantage. Casual players would have more options.
1. Have you ever ask someone for help but they are on timer?
2. Do you have a real life that prevents you from playing all the time?
3. Do you have an argument other than, "This is how is has been and I don't like change"?