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  1. #1
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    Default Death of a Guild

    Last night I witnessed the death of a guild. It may not be my place to say but I joined this guild after running into some issues with my previous guild. Outcast Sanctum died last night after a discussion between a member and the leader where it was claimed that the leader did a poor job of managing the guild. I have heard stories of this before and I am wondering from some other guild leaders,officers and members, what are your expectations of a guild leader?

    The leader of this guild played often, perhaps not often enough for some members but some of us do have lives outside of the game that we like to participate in, jobs, families all take precedent. Complaints were made that members were made officers without "doing anything" for the guild. As I was one of the ones made an officer, nothing was ever requested, ask and I will complete the task. I was not in the guild often but anyone I thought worthy of invite was introduced to other members/officers to evaluate if an invite was warranted.

    When speaking with the leader last night as things were being disbanded, a thought occurred to me, those folks and Im not calling them out, if you think that leading a guild is so easy by all means give it a try, if you think more should be done than do it. I left my last guild because of all the drama(Im on Kyber so a lot of drama is tolerated) and this guild fell apart for the same reasons it seems.

    These situations seem to have escalated since the introduction of guild air ships, having a united goal is a good thing but this is a game and should be treated as such, for those who feel that there is more to it than that its time to turn off the computer and go outside and play.

    I was sorry to see this guild fall apart as there were many very nice people in it and I enjoyed running with everyone. I hold no ill feelings, everyone does what they feel is in their best interest.

    I have joined a new guild with the leader of the last guild along with my wife and a few others. I only hope that this cycle will not continue.

    I mourn the death of Outcast Sanctum,

    Long Live the Knights of Chaos-Reidra
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Rubiconn View Post
    Long Live the Knights of Chaos-Reidra
    If you want to know why...

  3. #3
    Community Member k0ukla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx
    k0ukla, you da bomb
    Khyber - Indianna ~ Cleric, Museek ~ Bard, Hjeeelme ~ FvS/Mnk, Suganspyyce ~ Rgr/Mnk
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  4. #4
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    With all due respect, you have only been in the guild for a short time. And while I will agree with the points stated in your post, I will tell you, that bad leadership has a lot more aspects to it, than not playing as much as some would want, having a life outside etc. etc. It's not quite as simple.

    The whole officer business is easy to view as petty. But hard working players, who take time out of whatever they are doing to help guildies, play every day, donate money towards the guild ship (which the guild leader is desperately anxious to get) are rewarded with hardly a thanking word. In the next breath, a 2 week in guildie is rewarded with officer status for giving the guild leader an icy burst kit. It makes being promoted to officer feel like a kick in the face. To top it off, the guild leader's real life friends and wife get the same promotion right off the bat, just because.

    Now it's not a matter of wanting to be something special by having officer status. When push comes to shove, it means nothing. But it's just common decency to not treat the guild like your own personal status symbol.

    A guild site was introduced a while back, and once in a while our leader reminded everyone to sign up and start setting up events. So off I go and I make helping posts, set up raids etc. etc. figuring it would indeed be cool if we could use this here site (set up by another guild member). But one person remains mysteriously absent from the site. Our guild leader. Leading by example is not something that is utilized here.

    I could list a plethora of other anecdotes to support mine, and other's, choice of departing the guild. But I don't want to add injury to insult. I'm just saying, there are two sides to every case. And it wasn't just one guy leaving in a blaze of glory, for the sake of drama. It was 6 core players in the guild, making a decision to depart for a guild with, hopefully, better leadership, more members, and less grievances.

    With all that said, this wasn't ever meant to be personal. And I hope you guys find fun and entertainment with whatever you engage.

  5. #5
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    ........................................... I <3 22/7
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    When asking for buffs, always ask for the Axer Package

  6. #6
    Community Member Rubiconn's Avatar
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    I had hoped my meaning wouldnt get lost in my often incoherent ramblings. I wasnt trying to fix blame, or say anyone did anything wrong. As so often in these situations both sides are not voiced and one can get a biased version of events.

    If someone decides to flame out of a guild than so be it, I was merely bemoaning the loss of some folks I probably wont get a chance to run with again. I enjoyed running with them and I hope that they enjoyed running with me. If being made an officer right off the bet was offending some long time people I understand that and I would have gladly accepted demotion(I was made officer to facilitate bringing my wife's toons and my alts into the guild). I always hate to see a group whom I may have mistaken for tight to fall apart because feelings can get hurt etc.

    I just enjoy playing the game, not always with everyone I encounter but I am and adult and treat my encounters with as much tact and class as I can. I hold no grudge nor ill feelings to those who left(which is everyone now) and I will not take sides(serves no long term purpose) but I wish those that left the best of luck in your new endeavors as well and hope that I can get a chance to run with you again.

    As this is my final word I reflect on the words of a famous american "Why cant we all just get along"
    Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.

    All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)

  7. #7
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubiconn View Post

    As this is my final word I reflect on the words of a famous american "Why cant we all just get along"
    Which famous American are you talking about?

    This guy?
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  8. #8
    Community Member Jakarr's Avatar
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    I'v always found guilds and clans to be very overrated at least imo. In games I'v joined a few but none that I'v gotten attached to as like you said people do have things like jobs, family, and life outside of a game. I do play often but when I play I dont want to be pressured into having to do something(even if I want to do it). I much rather like a channel of like minded folks from different guilds that have fun together if they want to do a certain quest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    D&D promotes gang activity? Ya, because when I meet a bunch of Crypts I obviously assume they are all D20 players.
    What a stupid ruling, we all know that D&D promotes satanism, not gangs.
    In-Game Eldgrim The Gray-FvS Life Now

  9. #9
    Community Member basketaske's Avatar
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    That's what Outcast's Sanctum was, a group of like minded people, who enjoyed the game and grouping with each other. When the 2 corner stone players disappear for a while, you'll feel it in a small guild like that.
    Working crafted handwraps, that would be nice. Anytime soon.

  10. #10
    Community Member Triepod's Avatar
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    Got to agree with you basketaske...

    Being in a small guild myself, I can attest to the fact that having one or two players not be able to play or leave is a noticeable void with in the guild's dynamic. Even having some one's play times change can alter a small guild. For example, I got moved to a graveyard shift with my days off in the middle of the week, and for the most part I am unable to really play with the core group as they have daytime jobs and weekends off. Likewise, college students schedules change come fall and are not able to play similar hours due to class and homework demands. This too, can affect small guilds...

    Food for thought,

    Baby Shakers 4 life!
    Last edited by Triepod; 10-11-2010 at 07:48 AM.

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