Last night I witnessed the death of a guild. It may not be my place to say but I joined this guild after running into some issues with my previous guild. Outcast Sanctum died last night after a discussion between a member and the leader where it was claimed that the leader did a poor job of managing the guild. I have heard stories of this before and I am wondering from some other guild leaders,officers and members, what are your expectations of a guild leader?

The leader of this guild played often, perhaps not often enough for some members but some of us do have lives outside of the game that we like to participate in, jobs, families all take precedent. Complaints were made that members were made officers without "doing anything" for the guild. As I was one of the ones made an officer, nothing was ever requested, ask and I will complete the task. I was not in the guild often but anyone I thought worthy of invite was introduced to other members/officers to evaluate if an invite was warranted.

When speaking with the leader last night as things were being disbanded, a thought occurred to me, those folks and Im not calling them out, if you think that leading a guild is so easy by all means give it a try, if you think more should be done than do it. I left my last guild because of all the drama(Im on Kyber so a lot of drama is tolerated) and this guild fell apart for the same reasons it seems.

These situations seem to have escalated since the introduction of guild air ships, having a united goal is a good thing but this is a game and should be treated as such, for those who feel that there is more to it than that its time to turn off the computer and go outside and play.

I was sorry to see this guild fall apart as there were many very nice people in it and I enjoyed running with everyone. I hold no ill feelings, everyone does what they feel is in their best interest.

I have joined a new guild with the leader of the last guild along with my wife and a few others. I only hope that this cycle will not continue.

I mourn the death of Outcast Sanctum,

Long Live the Knights of Chaos-Reidra