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  1. #1
    Community Member mattphipps68's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Red face Saving Installation Files to DVD for Future Use?

    I just recently had to wipe my hard drive and re-install DDO. Since it was getting late I DL'd the files to my desktop while I slept and I subsequently burned them to a DVD so I wouldn't have to go through the lengthy download process again (or so I hoped).

    I used the slowest burn rate (2x) to reduce the possibility of data errors on the disk but when I tried to use it I kept getting Error Code [201] or cyclic redundancy errors.

    Any ideas on what could have gone wrong? Is it even possibble to save the files to DVD without getting errors or glitches? I tried 2 burns from 2 new packs of DVD's and still had these problems - the disks weren't worn, dusty or scratched.

    I even tried moving the files to my external hard drive (after a program glitch forced yet another format and download) and it wouldn't work that way, either. The only way I was eventually able to get the game restored was to install it IMMEDIATELY after the download and not burn or move the files at all.

    All I'm wanting is an archive copy of the files so that I can restore my system without having to wait for an extremely large download to complete.
    Last edited by mattphipps68; 10-01-2010 at 07:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    I've used the download from Fileplanet in the past. I burned that install file off to DVD and had a few friends install off of that. Worked perfectly.

    People are saying that you can just copy the directory of the installed game (i.e. c:\Program Files\Turbine\Dungeons and Dragons Online\) over to a different location and run the game from there but I've not personally tried this method.
    It occurs to me that the dice are being rolled by the same computer that's trying to kill me. It knows all the moves - it's just toying with me.

  3. #3
    Community Member mattphipps68's Avatar
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    Jul 2008

    Thumbs up Install Files on DVD?

    Thanks, Kaldahr, I'll give the FilePlanet download a shot. As far as copying the entire directory goes, though, I'll skip it because I've had copies like that crash numerous times in the past.

    By the way, I like your tag line - its so true!

  4. #4
    Community Member Admiral_Otto's Avatar
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    Brand new blanks are bad from the factory sometimes so we can't totally eliminate the remote possibility that your blanks are bad, but you've *almost* eliminated that possibility.

    I've seen bad ram corrupt files on the way to the hard drive a few times. This can test your memory (and it is free): If you have over 4GB of memory you'll have to use their older version.

    I'm thinking your optical drive is dirty though. Drive cleaners are rather cheap. If you get the type that is a disk with brushes on the bottom, make sure the fibers are as soft as a baby's butt.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Community Member Previsible's Avatar
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    Interestingly enough with most of the games that I've played, I just burn the game folder itself to a DVD rather than the executable. (Also when putting games on my other computers I transfer the game folder through my network)

    I haven't tried this with DDo yet though so I'm not sure if it will work.
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