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  1. #1
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    Default No Improved UMD?

    was just tweaking my intimi monk and noticed there is no Skill: Improved UMD.

    would 4 points to umd, granted you are a character that has umd as a class skill and are lvl 12 in that class, be overpowered? Seems a little wierd you left umd out.

    If there was another thread about this i'm sorry i've been gone for a couple days.

    Better post this on the main post

    Improved skill Enhancements are based off the level of the class that qualifies for the skill. Thus Improved UMD would look like this:

    lvl 1 bard / rogue = Improved UMD I
    lvl 4 bard / rogue = Improved UMD II
    lvl 8 bard / rogue = Improved UMD III
    lvl 12 bard / rogue = Improved UMD IV
    Last edited by Feylina; 10-02-2010 at 06:08 AM.
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

  2. #2
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feylina View Post
    was just tweaking my intimi monk and noticed there is no Skill: Improved UMD.

    would 4 points to umd, granted you are a character that has umd as a class skill and are lvl 12 in that class, be overpowered? Seems a little wierd you left umd out.

    If there was another thread about this i'm sorry i've been gone for a couple days.
    You can add +3 UMD with a skill feat bonus you have the option to take as you level up. A characters UMD (bard or rogue) that has UMD as one of their base skills can easily achieve the needed UMD for using all UMD required items in game. There is no reason for an improved UMD item, feat or enhancement in the game.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    You can add +3 UMD with a skill feat bonus you have the option to take as you level up. A characters UMD (bard or rogue) that has UMD as one of their base skills can easily achieve the needed UMD for using all UMD required items in game. There is no reason for an improved UMD item, feat or enhancement in the game.
    No, there is no reason for improved Heal skill in the game. I would gladly take improved UMD on both my pure rogue and bard.

  4. #4
    Pirate Cursed cedad's Avatar
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    There's no UMD skill booster period.
    Except for a few named items (Big top, golden cartouche, runic gloves) who won't give more that +3 there's no item that boost UMD either.
    This should help you understand why this skill has no enhancement improving it.

  5. #5
    Community Member rodallec's Avatar
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    human skill boost will boost umd for a bit

  6. #6
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shores11 View Post
    You can add +3 UMD with a skill feat bonus you have the option to take as you level up. A characters UMD (bard or rogue) that has UMD as one of their base skills can easily achieve the needed UMD for using all UMD required items in game. There is no reason for an improved UMD item, feat or enhancement in the game.
    You can add all skills (i'm assuming all) with a +3 feat, other skills have other feats as well (bullheaded for intim). That's a little beside the point. The question was why are there enhancements for all the other skills yet not umd?

    I see these enhancements as a bonus (or a boost til you get better gear and such). The enhancements open up all sorts of oportunities as they affect various builds. +4 in a skill can help your build get where it needs to be if it needs a little help or in some cases lets you drop gear, ability points and put them into more useful places.


    needing a few more points into intim to hit sulu no fail on elite. Or. You would really like to drop your charisma a couple points and still maintain your current intim and can afford the extra AP.

    Can't seem to get your search high enough to see those traps on epic. Grab some enhancements. Or. Got some AP to spare to grab some search / disable and drop your Int a point or 2 and pick up some more con.

    These enhancements open up all sorts of build posibilities, buffers and boosters. Again i will reiterate. Why not UMD? being able to drop charisma a bit on a rogue and still maintain no fail heal scrolls, splash a level of rogue into your monster build and pick up one umd from the enhancement that would have been open up.

    I just don't see why umd is being passed over here when every other skill (some useless) is listed. It could have quite an impact on quite a few builds. Would it be overpowered?
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  7. #7
    Community Member Natulyre's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cedad View Post
    There's no UMD skill booster period.
    Except for a few named items (Big top, golden cartouche, runic gloves) who won't give more that +3 there's no item that boost UMD either.
    This should help you understand why this skill has no enhancement improving it.
    There's two items that give more than 3 Umd:

    Stave of the seer +5 Umd
    Seven fingered glove +5 Umd

    Also there's always the Cute Bunny hat (+3 umd while wielding scroll/wands), it's great if you don't have any slot free to wear an umd item

  8. #8
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApesAmongUs View Post
    No, there is no reason for improved Heal skill in the game. I would gladly take improved UMD on both my pure rogue and bard.
    Your Bard should be hitting the 40s without any difficulty or feats.

  9. #9
    Community Member Rav'n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ApesAmongUs View Post
    No, there is no reason for improved Heal skill in the game. I would gladly take improved UMD on both my pure rogue and bard.
    Wow... looks like it's time to Re-Roll. My Mutt Builds all hit 44+ UMD. I even have a 18 Barbarian/2 Rogue that can hit 40.

    There's no need for an "Improved UMD".
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugsley View Post
    But you underestimate my ability to be horribly underpowered for long periods of time for the sake of an emotional attachment to an idea.
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  10. #10
    Community Member KristovK's Avatar
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    Hmm..would adding an enhancement line to increase UMD another +4 be overpowering...

    Well..we USED to have the ability to buy scrolls for every single spell in the game, which was a much shorter list then we have now btw, which you, the OP, should remeber since you've been here long enough. With a cap of 14, we had multiple builds who could quite literally scroll their way through every single quest in the game without having a SINGLE caster level in them. It was, in fact, so bad that the devs removed select scrolls from the vendors due to people totally bypassing content on quests with them, again, without a single caster level on their build.

    Now, with a cap of 20, and UMD being able to hit even higher numbers on a decent build, not to mention a dedicated UMD build, yes, adding another +4 to UMD would be a bit overpowered. And you mention exactly why in your own posts, being able to make Chr your dump stat on a UMD build.

    Nah, nothing at all overpowered about THAT....

  11. #11
    Founder Rickpa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natulyre View Post
    There's two items that give more than 3 Umd:

    Stave of the seer +5 Umd
    Seven fingered glove +5 Umd

    Also there's always the Cute Bunny hat (+3 umd while wielding scroll/wands), it's great if you don't have any slot free to wear an umd item
    Stave of the seer is ... um... interesting. Since it's a quarterstaff, you can't hold a scroll, or wand while using it.

  12. #12
    The Hatchery amnota's Avatar
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    Bunny Hat
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  13. #13
    Community Member SINIBYTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rav'n View Post
    Wow... looks like it's time to Re-Roll. My Mutt Builds all hit 44+ UMD. I even have a 18 Barbarian/2 Rogue that can hit 40.

    There's no need for an "Improved UMD".
    Yeh, my TN 8/2 fighter/rogue can wield PG weapons at level 10.
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  14. #14
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feylina View Post
    was just tweaking my intimi monk and noticed there is no Skill: Improved UMD.

    would 4 points to umd, granted you are a character that has umd as a class skill and are lvl 12 in that class, be overpowered? Seems a little wierd you left umd out.

    If there was another thread about this i'm sorry i've been gone for a couple days.
    I personally have been asking for the same thing ... but to make skill focus umd a prereq

    this would mean wasting a feat on it .. which would make it worth it ... as your proving dedication to UMD by taking a feat for it ... that way you dont have to multi to get it.

    FYI 4 points of UMD = 20% of heal scrolls
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    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  15. #15
    Community Member Drfirewater79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SINIBYTE View Post
    Yeh, my TN 8/2 fighter/rogue can wield PG weapons at level 10.
    dark monk = self buffed umd 35.5 (base cha 8)
    light monk = self buffed umd 37.5
    pure THF fighter = self buffed umd 36 (base cha 12)
    pure TWF fighter = self buffed umd 34.5 (base cha 6)

    and that is before yugoloth pots and with only +2 tomes.

    while none are 100% heal scrolls .. they all use them ... at 70-80% and 80-100% res scrolls.

    i personally would love a +4 skill enahncement .. i would be willing to trade 2-4 damage per swing so i can 100% heal scrolls ... shot i would give up 4 damage per swing to hit 90%
    Hack n Slash Gaming - Streaming DDO and PS4 games on Twitch starting September 15th - join the revolution
    Quote Originally Posted by magnus1 View Post
    drfirewater... thanks for being the voice of reason!

  16. #16
    Community Member TheDearLeader's Avatar
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    Feat : Skill Focus : UMD. +3 to UMD.
    Human Versatility : 20 Seconds of +~~ to UMD.
    Charisma Skills +~ on Green Steel, DT armor, some other special items.
    Persuasion, Command, Cartouche, other Competence Bonuses.
    Greater Heroism
    Luck Bonuses, AKA VoM, Head of Good Fortune, the cleric buff that gives +2 Luck (Prayer?), the House P girl that's one of the ship buffs.
    Monk "Walk of the Sun" Finisher - Untyped Bonus to Skills
    Bard Skill Song (+2)

    There are a treasure trove of different ways to improve UMD, and other Charisma-based skills, in game. There are a variety of reasons to have a higher UMD.

    Would I be against the idea of allowing SF:UMD to be taken multiple times, or to have a feat with a higher tier of it? No. I'm surprised that Skill Focuses of all types cannot be stacked. I doubt, however, that most classes have the feats to spend them so willy-nilly.

    I am surprised, as well, that Bards don't get an enhancement line for this. I'm level 16 on my first bard, and while I can use most things no problem.. it still seems silly.

  17. #17
    Community Member Feylina's Avatar
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    while i agree that being able to dump char a bit to be able to grab umd seems a little OP. However, i'm adding the comparison of being able to dump char on say a fighter intim, currently, to have a huge Intim. I don't see why we have one without the other. Currently a 6 or 8 charisma fighter, with the new update, can achieve current intims with the cost of only 4 AP as if they had 14 / 16 charisma respectively.

    Now don't get me wrong. currently i have 1 umd build atm that would only qualify for a +1 to umd if it was implemented like the rest of the skills.

    I just find it a little rediculous that they could add these enhancements to skills that are hugely useful (like umd) search / disable, intim or even diplo.

    that can feasably make int a dump stat on a rogue (no need to go 14 int if 8 is enough with spare ap) or charisma as a dump stat on an intim (with qualifying classes).
    Last edited by Feylina; 10-01-2010 at 06:52 PM.
    I am roleplaying. My toons are zergers.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rav'n View Post
    Wow... looks like it's time to Re-Roll. My Mutt Builds all hit 44+ UMD. I even have a 18 Barbarian/2 Rogue that can hit 40.

    There's no need for an "Improved UMD".
    If it's so easy to hit 44+ it wouldn't be an issue to have a Skill:UMD line then would it ? You of course wouldn't need to take it but it may suit other builds.

  19. #19
    Community Member khaldan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Burninator View Post
    If it's so easy to hit 44+ it wouldn't be an issue to have a Skill:UMD line then would it ? You of course wouldn't need to take it but it may suit other builds.
    It would mean not needing to make an epic cloak of the concord on my rogue to hit it without needing a GS cha skills item.

    Static UMD bonuses are not going to be put in game, ever, aside from named items.

  20. #20
    Community Member Entelech's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cedad View Post
    There's no UMD skill booster period.
    Except for a few named items (Big top, golden cartouche, runic gloves) who won't give more that +3 there's no item that boost UMD either.
    This should help you understand why this skill has no enhancement improving it.
    Seven-Fingered Gloves from the Titan raid gives +5.

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