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  1. #1
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Default Completionist - Need guidance.

    Yes, I decided to start my journey for completionist soon. However, I have some difficulties about which I'd gladly accept suggestions. The main points are:

    1. Which order or Ressurections should I go through? I realize the faster ones should be left for later, due to XP increase, but I really have no idea what to put in the middle. I already TR'ed with a bard and Im a lv20 monk so...

    Bard -> Monk -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> Sorceror -> Wizard.

    I'd like suggestions on what should go on the middle, and why.


    2. Dragontouched will be easier to craft with coming update, so Im thinking about crafting a set that should be useful to every class from now onwards. The set I have is:

    +1 exc. Wisdom
    +4 insight Ac.

    I'd like suggestions on DT sets for all other classes, if anyone would be so kind ^^


    3. I forgot what was my other difficulty. Nevermind, then.xD

    I really am expecting answers, and will be thankful for every each of them.

  2. #2
    Community Member rjedi's Avatar
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    DT armor that should be good for all classes
    +5 resist corrosive salt and discengration guard

    also you could craft a pair of litII khopeshes or minII and use those exclusivly as you level provided you do go another level of monk

    EDIT: also if your going for ease of leveling may i suggest going alignment: good (lawful nuetral or choatic) so you can use pure good to start with
    another thing you could do is be set on a specific race and try to aquire some RR gear like disruptors paralyzers vorpals banishers smiter ect....
    Last edited by rjedi; 09-30-2010 at 11:54 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rjedi View Post
    DT armor that should be good for all classes
    +5 resist corrosive salt and discengration guard

    also you could craft a pair of litII khopeshes or minII and use those exclusivly as you level provided you do go another level of monk

    EDIT: also if your going for ease of leveling may i suggest going alignment: good (lawful nuetral or choatic) so you can use pure good to start with
    another thing you could do is be set on a specific race and try to aquire some RR gear like disruptors paralyzers vorpals banishers smiter ect....
    Thank you! But I was thinking like each class should have its specific DT. That'd make me feel more realistic, having a DT thing for each class. Besides, some classes need Cloths, while others need Medium, Light armor or Heavy.

    I forgot, I already have 1 light Dragontouched from my Bard. It has: +5 resist / +5 protection / +4 natural armor. That might be useful for some other class too, maybe a rogue...

    Also, you mean "as you level provided you DONT go another life of monk"?

    If not, I didnt understand.

    * I also have Marilith Chain (medium armor). That might be useful for some class, maybe fighters.

  4. #4
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    A tip I saw was to have 1 Rogue level on most of your lives, so you can always get the disarming XP.

  5. #5
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    Odin you know there is only an xp increase from first to second TR?

    Normal level 20 1,9 Million Xp

    First TR 3,1 Million Xp

    Second TR and ALL other TRs after 4,4 Million Xp

    So it doesnt matter how your TR order is unless you want to have some specific past life bonus earlier available.
    Orien: Drache-V36, Merkades-V6 , Askasia-Cleric

  6. #6
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Is that so? Great, then, I wasnt really sure that was the case.

    However, there's more to this than just past life feats sinergy. There's the "grindable" aspect of each class. I mean, monks, bards, sorcs and wizards are really easier to level than most other, mainly because they can solo stuff better than some other class that are more heal-dependant. And some of them walk slower as well, which kinda makes it slow.

    So that's what I'd like to see, a breakdown of "Which class levels up faster AND has good sinergy with the one before?"

  7. #7
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dunklerlindwurm View Post
    Odin you know there is only an xp increase from first to second TR?

    Normal level 20 1,9 Million Xp

    First TR 3,1 Million Xp

    Second TR and ALL other TRs after 4,4 Million Xp

    So it doesnt matter how your TR order is unless you want to have some specific past life bonus earlier available.
    Dunkler, thank you! I'm on my second TR right now. I had a suspicion that it didn't increase anymore, but couldn't find hard data (maybe didn't look hard enough). I can tell you how I'm doing it. First life was Drow fvs. Loved the toon so TRed. I decided to do the melee classes first for their offensive/defensive bonuses. Second life was human fighter. Now I'm a Dwarf barbarian. Next life will be rogue (to get it out of the way really). I'm going to end with cleric. Should be a bad a-- cleric! One thought though on those who don't have a character started yet. Start with rogue. Rogue is the hardest to solo and often runs into difficulty getting into raids that don't have traps. Even if there are traps 1 rogue is all that is generally wanted.

    Good luck, I'm really enjoying the journey. I'm the leader of a guild, it's a hoot hearing the rants/gripes from guildies that I'm going to lap them again. We all get a kick out of it and they are very supportive.

    Besides I hate playing for no xp!

  8. #8
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Oh, so rogue is the hardest, eh?

    So maybe...

    Bard -> Monk -> Rogue -> Paladin -> Barbarian -> Fighter -> Ranger -> Cleric -> FvS -> Sorceror -> Wizard.

    Hmm, races would be...

    Drow -> Drow -> Halfling -> Human -> Half-Orc -> Dwarf -> Elf -> Human -> Human -> Drow -> Warforged.

    This way I get to experiment on all races as well. xD

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's_Hugin View Post
    Bard -> Monk -> Rogue -> Paladin -> Barbarian -> Fighter -> Ranger -> Cleric -> FvS -> Sorceror -> Wizard.
    Since Wizard has pretty much the best PFL for other casters, you'd want to have that early in the sequence. Unless you actually want the character to remain Wizard indefinitely for the final life...

  10. #10
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    Since Wizard has pretty much the best PFL for other casters, you'd want to have that early in the sequence. Unless you actually want the character to remain Wizard indefinitely for the final life...
    No. I'll think about this. +1 dc to all spells is good indeed, but Idk if it's THAT meaningful.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odin's_Hugin View Post
    No. I'll think about this. +1 dc to all spells is good indeed, but Idk if it's THAT meaningful.
    No, you wouldn't spend a feat on +1 DC. The benefit is +2 penetration, without using a feat slot.

  12. #12
    Community Member daniel7's Avatar
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    If you don't have melée gear than knock out the casters first. Monk is out of the way. Perhaps craft 2 good khopeshes for when you go melée. Like AD said you should multiclass a little b/c capstones mean nothing to you...the lack of tier 3 prestige enhancements would only be felt for 2 levels as well. You could also put fighter last so you can use some of those feats to try out past life feats.
    Volver life 3 lvl 20 sorc - 4 Epic /// Adept life 3 lvl 2mnk/17pal /// Vindicate life 6 lvl 18rgr/1ftr/1clr - 2 Epic /// [COLOR="Red"]

  13. #13
    Uber Completionist Lithic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    A tip I saw was to have 1 Rogue level on most of your lives, so you can always get the disarming XP.
    Worked quite well for me, and the one life that Tinkk didn't have a rogue level she regretted it.

    As for life order, I would suggest you take the melee ones first. Melee ability makes the early levels go faster, and will help your caster lives at least until you put down your sword, whereas the caster lives only help caster lives for the most part.

    Fighter, and monk are great ones to get early, and paladin is good for the selectable +3 to hit/damage (for 7ish mins per shrine) if you have the feats to spare. Once you are on your caster lives, do wizard, then fvs, then the others so you get your spell penetration bonuses early. To be honest though, the order doesnt really matter that much if you have decent gear waiting for you at every few levels.
    Star Firefall
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  14. #14
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    If you're really serious about ending up as a wizard, you might want to find a way to include several lives as a wizard and FvS. With 3 of each (which means 4 total wizard lives...3 for the past life, 1 to end up), you get +9 spell pen. Yummy.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  15. #15
    Community Member Odin's_Hugin's Avatar
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    No, Im probably becoming a monk aftwards. Wizard was just the last life I chose. But Im actually thinking that I should change this to:

    Sorceror -> Wizard -> Cleric -> FvS

    Mainly because, at least in my server, Healers are on HIGH demand, so I'll basically get inside every party around, and be invited often for raids or other stuff. Kinda like with my bard. ;D

  16. #16
    Community Member Tsuarok's Avatar
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    I'd suggest doing the ones with defensive advantages first (barb, rngr, pldn), just because all your lives will benefit, then maybe the offensive melee (fgtr, monk[done], roge) followed by the casters.

    I'd do wiz, fvs, sorc, clr, just so you're not doing 2 arcanes/divines back to back.

  17. #17
    Founder alcmaeon's Avatar
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    If it was me, I'd play the class types I think suck FIRST, and get them out of the way. Its always easier to level a class you enjoy. Its like eating the brussel sprouts before the ice cream.
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