Yes, I decided to start my journey for completionist soon. However, I have some difficulties about which I'd gladly accept suggestions. The main points are:
1. Which order or Ressurections should I go through? I realize the faster ones should be left for later, due to XP increase, but I really have no idea what to put in the middle. I already TR'ed with a bard and Im a lv20 monk so...
Bard -> Monk -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> Sorceror -> Wizard.
I'd like suggestions on what should go on the middle, and why.
2. Dragontouched will be easier to craft with coming update, so Im thinking about crafting a set that should be useful to every class from now onwards. The set I have is:
+1 exc. Wisdom
+4 insight Ac.
I'd like suggestions on DT sets for all other classes, if anyone would be so kind ^^
3. I forgot what was my other difficulty. Nevermind, then.xD
I really am expecting answers, and will be thankful for every each of them.