since rangers kill him
he hides behind trees
Sarlona Guild Succesor for The Harpers...Here nonstop since March 2006
Sheelagh 30 cleric/ Sidheag 30 FVS/ Catiriona 30 druid/ Dirrty barbarian/ Vigdis fighter/ Banan bard and various others
should reroll fast and
Epiitaph - Antivyrus - Mkael - Raolin
play dark monks so
except for candy canes
where you took from..
{on ORIEN server, Where the Pro's play}
like a dog in
In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
front of an empty
Ghallanda - Deltree (Rogue 11), Niecih (Cleric 14) Pemn (Barb 8), Ehseri (Sorc 3) - Blackmoor Defenders
who don't wear rouge
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
want to look HAWT
Main: Castagir (completionist), officer of the Fighting Clowns of Sarlona. Alts: Modric, Modrich, Kristna and others.
in front of Coyle..
Guild: aLiclan Main: Ichilphira (FvS/Caster) Prime alt: Ichilphrion (Melee)
Has been playing DDO, on and off, since 2006.
Moved from Keeper/EU to Thelanis in 2010.