I thought it would be a fun challenge to try playing DDO without any twinkage: no Auction House or DDO Store purchases, no items passed thru the shared bank, nothing bought from vendors except consumables - i.e., your chars can only use what they loot or craft for themselves. And it seems like it would be best to join a guild with like-minded folks. But I'm not interested in the permadeath experience; I play to have fun, not to show off how awesome my gamer skills are. [Hint: they're not.]

Any guilds like that? I tried combing thru the guild listings, but my eyes quickly started glazing over trying to find what I wanted. Most of my chars are on Argonnessen, but since the idea is to create a new char who has no twinked gear, it doesn't really matter which server it's on, as long as there's room for one more. Thanks!