can you post the winners here as well so we know as too?
can you post the winners here as well so we know as too?
Mess with the best die like the rest then i take all your loot!!!!
I take it all the winners have been notified? As in, no e-mail, no winner?
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming to the Delera's Graveyard Live event on Thursday September 30th. It was a great success! In fact so great, we may be repeating it VERY soon (I'll let you know as soon as I get the date confirmed).
And winners of the BOUNTY: Dancing with a Dev! contest of September 30th are:
The top prize, a piece of signed DDO concept art, goes to Memnir for his submission dancing in the graveyard with +Glin.
Our second prize, a fleece vest with the Turbine logo, goes to Westportstan who got a shot of himself with +ArtofDDO (a pretty rare spawn!).
And the third prize, a DDO Eberron Unlimited Launch Day mug, goes to CavernDragon for his submission dancing with +Purplefooz.
Great job everyone!
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
I hate the turbine store... but where the smeg can I buy one of those pumpkin halloween glowing eye masks... I will get my credit card out right now and buy one! coolest thing ever!
Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon
Wait 'till someone throws a pumpkin grenade at you!
Dex - Leader - THΣ ЏΠΣΔЯТΗΣÐ ΔЯСΔΠΔI don't do serious, it no fun
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer