In case you didn't already notice, my posts that end withmust NEVER EVER, under any circumstances, be taken seriously.
this thread comes up a lot in the khyber forums.
my youngest daughter designs all my toons. i have no idea what i'm going to get when she sits down in front of the editor. i help her with the stats, feats, skills and then walk away. about 30 minutes later she'll be done and i slap a name on her "creation".
To be honest, the fact that DDO is lacking in chainmail bikinis makes me want to play female characters more.
There is probably some deep seated psychological reasoning for my always playing female toons, except one dwarf which I only played for an hour and deleted.
It just seems the movements of the female toons are more graceful but I dont look at the toons in any kind of weird way. Actually half the time I dont even pay attention to what my toon looks like.
Everyone has their personal choices, why do some people only play WF are they racists? I dont think so. Its a game I dont waste a lot of time trying to analyze why people run the toons they do.
Why do so many people smoke while playing?
Enjoy yourself your time on earth is very short.
All Kyber toons - Xirthax (Paladin) : Xirth (Wizard) : Xirthtrix (Fighter) : Xorthtrox(Monk)
I can't speak for anyone else, but when I first started PnP I rolled up a female just to weird out a friend. I've stuck with it ever since. And, now that I'm in an MMO, the whole which backside to look at thing also applies. I've deleted dwarfs and wf I've rolled up just because they were too ugly.
I'm probably never playing a half-orc either.
That's just me.
MYDDO says I have 50 chars, and that doesn't count my second account.
I have all races and both genders. Slightly more than half are female.
My main char is always male....he's me.
Some other male chars are ones I really liked the concept of and kinda think also might be me.
Many others are female....they are my babes. My harem girls. Many share the same last name as my main, and imply they are related in some way.
D&D was a role playing game. DDO may not be, but my love for it has RP roots. And the easiest way I can RP in DDO is char appearance.
But I also like the way they look.
I like to watch women...
But with so many alts, it mostly that I like variety...and get bored easily.
Although there are a large number of Elf/Drow female chars of obviously, I have a preference for watching them run around and dance from time to time.
(and dang those starter rags look good on em!)
Well i play both Male and Female Chars.
really it depends on the class im trying to make/play and what i want to do with that character.
My light monk.... Drow Female. Why? With her shaved head, super jumping and speed abilities it seems to fit a female much more in my eyes... where as a guy would rely on strength and power, a female would have to rely on speed and precision.
Other reasons... i find it more fun to roleplay (when i do) as a female character... why you ask? Its harder to pull off convincingly. I enjoy the challenge of roleplaying something thats out of my base. (blame it on my stint in drama club i guess)
Now your all thinking (is he ****?) the answer is no... and im quite secure in my sexuality... and ill tell anyone who asks me directly, i am a guy, while playing. But if no one asks, i dont go out of my way to tell them in game either.
Lastly... In most games... this one it isnt as prevelent, the female characters are have smaller model and frame boxes... making them harder to see. (in fact in this game there isnt really any difference at all)
Other then those reasons mentioned... there isnt any. (for me)
Last edited by Legohaiden; 09-30-2010 at 09:44 AM. Reason: Clarification
Do or Do not..... there is no Try. -Yoda'DDO, or DDOn't. There is no WoW' -Dunklezhan
I have 1 WF that is female, the rest I've rembered to change to male. I like the male sounds from WF.
All my fleshies are female.
If there were some stat difference between the genders, I would choose accordingly but there isn't so it doesn't matter.
I'd rather look at the backside of a female than a male.
At this point, it also bothers people that don't like to hear a male voice from a female figure. This is just a bonus.![]()
Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.
Didn't know I needed a reason, let alone a good one (must have missed that part during character generation).
Perhaps a better question is "Can you give me a good reason why I should not play a female character?"
But to answer your question, I play female characters in PnP on occasion. No big deal. Sometimes the idea for the character simply suggests that it be female. Or you have a cool idea for a name and the name happens to sound a bit feminine. Or the DM hands you a pre-gen character with the gender already selected and you roll with it.
In DDO, I theme. On Khyber, all my characters are male melee types.
On Ghallanda they're all female melee types. Just felt right.
Has nothing to do with which rear end I'd rather look at, as I tend to keep the camera zoomed in pretty close (makes me feel more immersed) and my hotbars cover that part of the screen.
Last edited by katana_one; 09-30-2010 at 10:09 AM.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
I (a female) play only female characters because I have a horrible imagination, and can not really get into the mindset of playing a male character. Even though DDO is not much of a role playing game, at character creation I still try to get into things and give my new character some sort of personality.
For males who play female characters I usually assume it's because they want to see hot chicks kicking ass.
One stray observation I've made is that there seem to be far more males playing female clerics, favored souls and elves then there are playing anything else. I guess this tells us women are supposed to be the nannies of the party, and nobody anywhere wants to play those weak looking male elves!
Regardless, I couldn't care less about the gender of the toon or the gender of the person playing it. Just don't suck![]()
14 of my 18 toons are male...because I'm male, and I think it sounds silly when a guy gets on the mic and is playing a female toon. I have 4 females, though, simply for variety...same reason I have an elven AA and a WF Pally...
When I RP in PnP, I always play males...simply because I do not feel that I can adequately reflect a female perspective. When I do play females, as a DM, I tend to make them alot less "complex" than my male NPCs, and I admit that is my major failing as a DM. I just have it in my mind that anything I do as a female character is simply a male's sexist POV of a female....
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
I dont want to stare a guys butt the whole time I am playing
Beware the Sleepeater
He had a good question and didn't call you "gay" although you do sound a bit deffensive about it. If he didn't have the second post in the thread asking why you enjoy looking at animate male's backsides I'm sure someone else would have asked.
From your initial post it sounds like you think all males should be looking at other males on their screen. Too each his own, but I find that kind of wierd.
I mainly play two characters, one's a female and the other is a male. When I refer to them I say "it", not "he" or "she".
Last edited by Mindspat; 09-30-2010 at 10:03 AM.
"Nuke 'm or Die!"
Last edited by katana_one; 09-30-2010 at 10:05 AM.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
I play some female toons. My wife plays some male toons. Together we usually are playing the opposite sex.
I guess we are both gay. Thankfully we are already married and we can be gay together.
Gaming can be so fun!
She's the man tonite!!!
Account was hacked. So none of the characters that were listed here can be trusted...not even me.
Gah...I can't trust myself now...
Hi! Welcome.
I play both male and felmale characters. When I roll up a new character I first come up with a name and then decide on gender and back story for bio.
Halflings Ruleand never irritate anyone that can cast dispell
I have a feeling that there isn't going to be a reason that you deem "good", but here are my reason.
But first LOL, at your control issue theory, most guys I no that play female characters are polite, well mannered and generally not jerks. Maybe you only remember the make on female characters that were ass hats.
I have always considered myself a storyteller over a RPer and as such I enjoy developing stories and certain character archetypes, mostly strong women (I blame Growing up with Shera and Buffy the Vampire slayer for that), therefor most of my character have a story and a background and it is always why I refer to them in the 3rd person.
You may feel that your Character are an imprint of you I however feel that they are their or own thing and I am there only to direct them through their adventures.
The fact that they are nice to look at helps as well.![]()
there's one thing you never put in a trap if you're smart. If you value your continued existence. If you have any plans on seeing tomorrow then there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap.
I don't really identify myself with any of my characters, which leaves me free to play whatever race/gender I choose.
I base my characters off of concepts and themes and characters in the fiction that I write. Some of them are male, some of them are female. This is why with some characters, even if they are better as another race, I'll choose a "less than optimal" race if that's how I envision the character.
My mains tend to be females for no other reason than that's the character I'm the most focused on/having the most fun with.
Certainly no control issues or any other nonsense like that. I've even role-played a female paladin on a NWN persistent world server because it helped me define that character's personality more in my stories by trying to think and react to events and situations as that character would. I avoided romantic RP because that's just not my thing whether I'm RPing male or female characters.
Last edited by Ciaran; 09-30-2010 at 10:17 AM.
My first and still favorite toon - Heidiann (female) was actually based on my then current girlfriend (Heidi Ann). She looks a lot like her (-minus the armor but with the swords), and her playstyle is how Heidi would play.. The intent was to get her (the real Slim Heidi) to quit stinkin Runescape ~ where here and I played together for like 4 years ~ and come to a better game... Attempt failed ~ she and I are now "just friends" and she's still playing and I believe passed my total lvl GRR.
Second Toon - Shamurai (male) ~ Was intended to be me (its my Real Nickname for like 22 years) - A gimped 28pt lvl 20 Sorc... pretty much only does Shroud to get stuff for everyone else... I really should TR hiim into something...
Next 2 toons - Faithrune (female healbot), and Samuiree (female butt whupper) - the maternal caregiver and the fiesty spunky brat with crazy hair...
Other toons... hmm female WF (that was accidental), female FvS - Faithy's seminary roomate... but hey!! both my mules are male!!! and my future Half Orc Barb will be all male baby!
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain