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  1. #1
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    Nov 2009

    Default Bard -> lootseeker (U7) -> need avices

    Hey i would like to make human bard Spell singer with full line of Dragon Mark of finding.
    lv1(human) - Least DM
    lv1 - Maximalizing
    lv3 -
    lv6 - Lesser DM
    lv9 - Greater DM
    lv12 - Extend
    lv15 - Toughtness
    lv18 -

    Ok so 2 feats left. Would it be good idea to get Spell Penetration (single) on level 18?
    What to take on level 3 -> highten?
    Or maybe go pure buffbot/healer role (no spell penetration and no highten but only qucken, empower?).

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    Quicken and Heighten. Take Heighten at 18. Now you can heal and CC which means you can fill a couple of roles.

    I don't think that DMs will be worth it, but I guess wait and see.
    Server: Thelanis
    Guild: Fallen Immortals
    Toons: Soza, Sozz, Sozza, Sossa (bards)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jul 2006


    I'm new to bards, so take this with a grain of salt...

    Personally I'd grab quicken and heighten for the healing and cc benefits. Spell pen would be nice but you're short on feats and it's the only thing of the 3 that you can get on a scepter. It's not as good of course, but quicken is hard to live without and heighten is a very nice feat to have. Empower would be good too, but I bet you'll use heighten more later on. As for your other choices, I'd swap maximise and extend. You won't have the sp to turn maximise on very often until later and blur alone is enough to make it worth taking extend at lvl 1 unless you're running with guildies who will be making those painful early levels go smoothly. You might also want to move toughness up if you can just so you can get the enhancements for extra hp early on when survivability is still low.

  4. #4
    Community Member Joab_Watts's Avatar
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    IMHO Loot Boosts are never worth the trouble. There is no way to tell whether it is actually working, and you'll still get @#% loot anyway, just @#$% loot +1.

    Twokegs [Dwarf Ranger-Fighter] / Milithor [Elf Cleric-Monk] / Ziryll [Human Exploiter]

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by andbr22 View Post
    Hey i would like to make human bard Spell singer with full line of Dragon Mark of finding.
    lv1(human) - Least DM
    lv1 - Maximalizing
    lv3 -
    lv6 - Lesser DM
    lv9 - Greater DM
    lv12 - Extend
    lv15 - Toughtness
    lv18 -

    Ok so 2 feats left. Would it be good idea to get Spell Penetration (single) on level 18?
    What to take on level 3 -> highten?
    Or maybe go pure buffbot/healer role (no spell penetration and no highten but only qucken, empower?).
    I'd jigger things around a bit. Toughness/Least DM, Extend, Lesser DM, Greater DM, Maximize, and Quicken. If you're maxing out your charisma on this toon then Heighten might make sense. Bards get quite a bit of Spell Pen as it is (capstone gives us a +2) and we only need spell pen VI which helps with itemization. If you've taken enough strength to melee then Power Attack could make sense and I'd consider bumping Maximize and Quicken back to get it. Lastly, you could take Heavy Repeater proficiency if you wanted to play around there. Not enough feats to make it really good but you might get something out of it if you're not interested in using heighten for CC purposes.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    And I second what everyone else said...I'm not sure I'd want to play this character as it doesn't really seem worth it but it sounds like everyone's in agreement about the general direction to go if you decide it sounds like fun.

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